I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 829: Degree? The deity wants to refine you!

The huge Confucian character hit the ancient Twelve Ancestor Witch Secret Art, and the two divine texts collided, and a strong shock wave swelled out, setting off a **** storm, and the crimson plane trembled, and even a series of void cracks appeared. It was obviously the time and space crystal wall to bear. Can't help this burst of energy.


With a loud noise, the ancient Twelve Ancestor Witch's Ancient Jue was still brilliant, and the huge Confucianism was extremely shattered. Chen Beixuan waved his hand and vanished in an instant.

The Lord of Spring and Autumn simply couldn't resist Chen Beixuan's attack on the Lord of Inverse Demons, so he had to look helplessly, shocked in his heart, what exactly Chen Beixuan wanted.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch Ancient Art appeared on the head of the Lord of Inverse Demon, hovering and flew into one, transforming into a brilliant golden light, covering the Lord of Inverse Demon.

The Lord of Inverse Demons was puzzled, and quickly swung a **** axe to chop and shed light, but was helplessly bounced back, and his whole body was penetrated by golden light, as if he was about to be transformed by the Buddha.

"Chen Beixuan, you actually want to save me. Once you become a demon world, the king of the demon way will never let you go!" The Lord of Inverse Demon roared, his body twisted and struggled under the Buddha's light.

"Dealing you? Whimsical!" Chen Beixuan said coldly, "The deity wants to refine you!"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Inverse Demons was astonished as he was hit by five thunders, and Chen Beixuan actually wanted to refine himself and let his soul fly away!

"You... don't let me out, otherwise you won't be able to survive, and you won't be able to die!" The Lord of Inverse Demons was already crazy, using all his strength to brandish the **** axe, trying to break free from the golden light.

The Lord of Spring and Autumn made several attempts to rescue the Lord of Inverse Demon, but Chen Beixuan’s understanding of the divine text was too terrifying. His own Spring and Autumn Technique was not his opponent at all. Every time he made a shot, he would be defeated before one round. .

"Chen Beixuan, let the Lord of Inverse Demons go, otherwise the Yuanshi Demon Sect will not share the sky with you!" The Lord of Spring and Autumn roared awe-inspiringly.

"Let him go? Okay!" Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly and said casually.

The Lord of Spring and Autumn breathed a sigh of relief, frowning and watching the Lord of Inverse Demon struggle, his expression full of helplessness.

"Let him go, refine you, this deity thinks this proposal is better!" Chen Beixuan suddenly added.

The face of the Lord of Spring and Autumn had just eased, and it was suddenly hard to look that Chen Beixuan was clearly playing tricks on himself, and he couldn't help being very embarrassed and angry.

"Too much bullying!"

Chen Beixuan successfully exploded the mentality of the Lord of Spring and Autumn. The Lord of Spring and Autumn waved the wolf's big pen, with endless awe-inspiring righteousness, assaulting the golden light that enveloped the Lord of Inverse Demons.


Chen Beixuan said indifferently, the vermilion sky burial pavilion suddenly appeared, and he shot straight towards Haoran's righteousness.


In the next instant, before the Lord of Spring and Autumn could react, he saw his wolf's pen broken into two pieces. The Lord of Spring and Autumn was shocked, and his body continued to retreat violently, lest he would be affected by the majestic power of the Sky Burial Hall.

Once the Lord of Spring and Autumn retreats, the one who is unlucky is of course the Lord of Inverse Demons.

Without the entanglement of the Lord of Spring and Autumn, Chen Beixuan's power was unstoppable, and he slammed into the main body of Nimo.

"Ah!" The Lord of Inverse Demons screamed hysterically, and immediately felt that his whole body was soaring, as if the ball was about to explode.

Chen Beixuan watched quietly, stretched out a finger and shook it randomly in the void, the Lord of Inverse Demon's body exploded and energy leaned out.

The laws and energy of the four epochs roared and gushed, and the coffin of the sky burial enveloped it, and the inexhaustible force of good fortune immediately refined its energy.

The origin of the Lord of Inverse Demons was mastered by Chen Beixuan with one hand and integrated into himself, and the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure World added another Heavenly Sovereign Origin. Under the nourishment of Tianjun's origin, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure roared, and he was suddenly promoted to the sacred fairy artifact!

The battle demon master of the Yuanshi Demon Sect was refining alive by Chen Beixuan under the witness of everyone. The rumors went out, and it was another horror story that shocked the Three Realms of the Immortal Continent.

The shocking thing is still this terrifying powerhouse, the venerable Chen Beixuan who shakes the heavens and slashes the heavens!

The Lord of Spring and Autumn looked bleak and helpless. Chen Beixuan's strength cannot be described as strong, but I am afraid it is unpredictable!

Rao was one of the strongest demon masters of the Yuanshi Demon Sect, and he did not detect the peak of Chen Beixuan's strength.

"Meng Bai, Ying Tian, ​​Su Xiuyi, this deity advises you to do it yourself!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

It turned out that on the Skeleton Ship, the three of them were acquainted with each other, seeming to be urging the secret method, trying to open the passage to the ancient temple.

Sure enough, the milky white holy light was rippling, and a huge white channel appeared, and the end of the channel seemed to be able to hear the sound of praise of poetry.

The three of them just glanced at Chen Beixuan, ignored them, and continued their movements.

Ying Tian stepped on the void and painted runes on Meng Bai and Su Xiuyi, intending to take the two into the ancient temple and share the endless treasures of the heavens.

"In that case, the deity has no choice but to kill!"

Chen Beixuan's figure flickered, and the crimson plane shook, and saw him grabbing in the void, and endless vitality gathered.

In an instant, the skeleton ship shook violently, countless skulls exploded and sputtered, and the ship was in a state of crumbling.

"No, withdraw the ship!" The Lord of Spring and Autumn called out loudly, and quickly returned to the defense of the Skeleton Warship.

After that, he gave another long roar, and his palm burst into energy beams, enveloping Ying Tian and the three of them: "Quickly enter the ancient temple and control the energy hub!" The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on my mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 829th? The deity To refine you!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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