I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 830: Sling the Lord of the Dharma Realm

"Do your spring and autumn dreams!" Chen Beixuan grabbed it with a big hand, and transformed into a blade of energy, slashing it on the brilliant light of the temple.

There were countless cracks in the holy light, and the hymns and hymns were instantly destroyed, and the bodies of Ying Tian and the three people immediately stayed in place, motionless.

They didn't want to move, but couldn't move. They could only watch Chen Beixuan rush into the holy light with a phantom, their eyes exploded, and they wanted to kill themselves and others!

"How is it possible! He can actually distort the power of the temple!"

"Hurry up and enter the ancient temple!" The Lord of Spring and Autumn roared urgently.

"We can't move!"

The three Ying Tian were anxious and looked at the phantom that Chen Beixuan had transformed in horror, not knowing what to do. The Lord of Spring and Autumn had a thick shadow in his heart, because at this time, he had no time to help.

This is the hope of the Yuanshi Demon Sect. If Ying Tian, ​​who has the blood of the Lord of the Temple, is killed by Chen Beixuan, the Yuanshi Demon Sect will completely lose control of the ancient temple.

The only two masters of the ancient temple are the arbitrators, and Fang Han can control the entire ancient temple without even breaking through.

Chen Beixuan Xuying filled Ying Tian's entire vision, and he felt endless fear in his heart.

"Master, help!" Meng Bai shouted in horror, throwing a rune in his hand.

The runes quickly bloomed with bright light, countless supernatural powers surged wildly, and the void cracks formed a huge portal, bursting out endless power.

A powerful man walked out of this portal, wearing a robe with mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars embroidered on his robe.

"Lord of the Dharma Realm!" The Lord of Spring and Autumn could not help muttering.

The Immortal Continent has different levels of power in the world. The planes of Fire and Earthquake belong to the middle and upper planes, while the Law Realm is a more powerful plane than this kind of planes.

The strength of the Lord of the Law Realm can rank among the top five in the world of Immortal Continent!

The appearance of such a giant immediately set off a crimson plane with violent wind surging, and energy roared endlessly.

As soon as the Lord of the Dharma Realm appeared, he made a big move to release the energy imprisonment suffered by the three Yingtians, and then stepped on to Chen Beixuan, smashing the phantom that Chen Beixuan had transformed in one fell swoop.

"Chen Beixuan, whether you shake the heavens or refine the heavens, the master does not care. But if you dare to move the disciples of the master, I will imprison you at the gate of the law world, immortality can't be superborn!"

The Lord of the Dharma Realm showed the majesty of the pinnacle plane, like a cruel emperor, high above, no one can rival!

"Based on what you have said, the deity wants you to be crushed to pieces, ruin your world of law, and make your soul tortured by the heavens!" Chen Beixuan said indifferently.

Since coming to the Immortal Continent, the Lord of the Dharma Realm is the only one who has said this. He is very strong and bold!

Chen Beixuan had already determined in his heart that the Lord of the Dharma Realm was inevitable.

The lord of the law world was furious, and the emperor-like aura suddenly swept the world. He directly pushed the three Yingtians into the ancient temple: "Hurry up and take control of the temple, and the Lord will deal with this guy!"


There was a loud noise and the holy light exploded. Ying Tian and the three people disappeared in place, and they really entered the ancient temple.

"Hahaha, the lord of the fire world, I didn't expect that you are also the lord of one world, and you would be a running dog of Chen Beixuan!" The lord of the law laughed wildly and said indifferently.

The Lord of the Fire World frowned and panicked. Chen Beixuan's strength was indeed terrifying, but now it seemed that the appearance of the Lord of the Law World had concealed his edge!

The masters of other planes also began to tremble in their hearts. How could they want to become Chen Beixuan's followers? It was not caused by the oppression of his strength, and the Heavenly Dao runes were integrated into their bodies. Now even if they want to turn back, it is impossible.

The Lord of the Law Realm seemed to understand everything instantly, and said lightly: "I said everyone, it is better to submit to me and kill Chen Beixuan together. As for the restrictions he left in your bodies, this Lord has his own solution!"

After all, the rays of light penetrate the main body of the various planes, dissipating the energy of the heavenly runes cleanly.

Chen Beixuan didn't say a word from beginning to end. He calmly looked at the Lord of the Dharma Realm and the Lords of other planes, as if looking at a group of humble ants.

He wanted to take this opportunity to see what the minds of these world masters are, if it is against the water and kill it, if it is to follow himself, it will be rewarded by the immortal king cultivation.

The lords of the major worlds looked at Chen Beixuan, and then at the lord of the perception world, and finally they looked at each other and discussed.

"Why are you still hesitating? Kill Chen Beixuan and share the treasures of the ancient temple. The lord of the Dharma Realm can hardly chase after a word!" The lord of the Dharma Realm shouted while he was hitting the iron.

His words shook the world and completely defeated the psychological defenses of the masters of all major planes.

The Lord of the Fire World actually took the lead: "I hope the Lord of the Law World will keep his promise, and I will work together to kill Chen Beixuan!"

"Chen Beixuan, you are forcing me to wait to be your entourage, you should have died long ago!" The master of the Earthquake Realm looked grim.

"Kill him, kill Chen Beixuan and then kill Fang Han!"


Everyone shouted that the lord of the major planes is indeed a wall of grass, and at this time they did not hesitate to choose to turn back. Each of them issued a vicious curse and rushed towards Chen Beixuan.

"Looking for death." Chen Beixuan said lightly, the 33-day treasure of light instantly dimmed, and the dantian billions of stars lit up, reflecting the crimson plane of the sky, and the scarlet beneath it was endless.

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