I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 850: Zhuxian Great Array, the deity will let you clothe it!


Fang Han shouted, all the hearts of the abyss exploded at the same time, and the aura of the abyss shot out, shaking the world.

The Three Realms joined forces and spoke outrageously to Master Chen Beixuan, and had already touched Fang Han's bottom line. He really made up his mind to kill him!

Countless hearts of the abyss exploded, and the entire Pantheon was under the pressure of the abyssal air containing the ultimate decay power. Several young gods of the gods were aging on the spot and their whole bodies decayed.

The Lord of Ancient Buddha and the Lord of Panlong couldn't help but also looked on one side, and quickly backed up, propped up the Buddha's light and dragon's breath, and resisted the aura of the abyss that swept across.

"Rain of eternal life!" Tianfei Wu Mo's eyes flickered, condensing the collected eternal life into rain and spreading it out.

She waved her big hand, her long hair fluttered, her figure danced gracefully, and the pantheon started pouring rain.

The rain of eternal life is mixed with the rich eternal aura. It is the only ultimate divine power that can wash the aura of the abyss. All the decadent powers begin to grasp the sacred light of God. Fang Han's face was expressionless, his eyes fixed on Tianfei Wumo, planning to capture the thief first.

He moved, and in his eyes, the word "Void" refined from Lei Di Tianjun appeared. His body changed rapidly, melting in time and space, and it was hard to see a trace.

He quickly approached Tianfei Umo, playing the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure, blessing endless power of good fortune. A punch was blasted, and before the gang wind arrived, the three thousand white hairs of Tianfei Wumo had already drifted away.

Before the Three Realms Tianjun could react, Fang Han and Tianfei Wumo collided together. The wind swept through, tearing apart the void, and a long river of fate emerged across the starry sky. The picture was extremely shocking.

A punch that contains the power of good fortune, without any tricks, and without the power of magical laws, pure power will conjure the gray hair of Tianfei Uma.

Tianfei Umo looked solemn, and suddenly realized that although Fang Han is a newly promoted Heavenly Monarch, his strength must not be judged by common sense, and he must not be taken lightly.

She already understood in her heart that as long as there was one carelessness, Fang Han might be beheaded on the spot.

Fang Han's strength can already fight against the holy king!

"Three thousand white hair, fate now!" Tianfei Wumo changed her hands, and thousands of runes appeared all over her body, and the runes were condensed into fate characters. She was very clear in her heart that if she couldn't resist it a little, she would definitely end in death. Actually mastered the word for fate, which is the true meaning of fate of the gate of eternal life, possessing a very secret power

"White hair is three thousand feet, fate is like a long..." Tianfei Wumo's hands changed rapidly in the air, and tens of thousands of talismans had changed in an instant, and a great "fate" appeared in the air. "word! She actually mastered "fate", which is the true meaning of fate spread from the gate of eternal life. A simple word has surpassed the ancient five-element and six-character mantra.

But Fang Han was not afraid. He directly greeted him, and hit the fate with a punch. Under the collision, there were numerous cracks in the Pantheon, and it seemed to be about to break.

The seven ancient **** emperors stood up, wanting to support Tianfei Umo, but the energy generated by the shock wave of the two was too strong, and they couldn't get close at all.

Fang Han roared and shook the God Realm. With him as the center, countless stars shattered, the Sky Burial Hall suddenly appeared, and the power of the Immortal King emerged.

The whole vermilion coffin is thousands of miles long, like a stretch of peaks, showing three thousand formations, and in an instant, it shattered the fate character of Tianfei Wumo! Tianfei Wumo's expression changed drastically, until she really fought Fang Han, she didn't know how powerful the other party was.

In this way, her body immediately reacted, flying all over the sky, wandering among countless nebulae, revealing a mysterious aura.

A divine character that is much more tyrannical than the fate character appeared. This was the most fundamental power of the Protoss, and it was only twenty epochs ago that the ancestor Saint King obtained the divine character and created the Gods.

The word of God suddenly appeared, causing the gods to be surging, galaxy turbulence, nebula tumbling, countless stars twinkling and evolving, majestic power accompanied by Tianfei Wumo rotating.

"What about the gods, just as ruinous!" Fang Han said lightly, and the infinite energy condensed into a hand knife, slashing towards the word of God.


Three Thousand Avenues appeared, and shot towards Tianfei Umo, scouring her entire body.

"Too much ink." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

His words shocked Fang Han's heart. He quickly strengthened his hand and clicked on the void with one finger. The arbitration lord phantom appeared behind him, and the rolling holy power emerged and rushed towards Tianfei Wumo.

Tianfei Umo's body suddenly stopped, was hit by the sudden wild force, and flew out like a kite with a broken line.

"Fang Han, I really don't believe you, you can break through my line of defense." Tianfei Wu Mo stubbornly raised her eyes, her eyes became cold, "The gods follow the orders and arrange the Zhuxian array!"

With a command, the gods responded, and all the gods and heavenly monarchs on the scene shot, and infinite power gathered, their energies alternated, and a large array appeared.

Tianfei Umo flew over the formation's eyes, with a light tap in his hand, his eyes changed suddenly, the surging energy violently violently, and a huge portal rose out.

It is the gate of the horrifying death! As soon as the gate of Zhuxian came out, the immortals evaded three homes, and the gods and earth and heavens were fierce, thinking about joining forces to kill Fang Han.

The lord of ancient Buddha and the lord of Panlong saw the gate of Zhuxian, suddenly showing awe-inspiring expressions, and joined the battlefield.

"Zhuxian's Gate?" Chen Beixuan raised his brows, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 850 Zhuxian Great Array, the deity will let you do it!) Read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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