The Gate of Zhuxian is a good thing, if it is refining, it can improve the level of the Conferred Heaven Technique to a better level.

Chen Beixuan's body flickered, engulfing the power of time and space, running through ancient time and space! The roar of the howling sound immediately suppressed all the heavenly monarchs present, and a force that made everything tremble appeared.

"Venerable Chen Beixuan?" Tianfei Wumo couldn't help but said, "You finally made a move."

"Don't get me wrong, this deity is just looking at your Jade Emperor's Gate." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "Fang Han, you can retreat to the side and rest for the time being."

"Yes!" Fang Han nodded, immediately condensed his aura, escaped into the void, locked in by the forces of the Three Realms, and quietly left the scene.

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. With such an apprentice, the master is really not much better!" The ancient Buddha said.

"Oh?" Chen Beixuan glanced at him coldly, the pressure on the space around the Lord of Ancient Buddha suddenly increased, and the brilliant Buddha light suddenly extinguished.

"A group of critters whose desires are more powerful than their strength, it is not a pity to die!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, moving a little bit into the void, and the time was endless.

The ancient temple suddenly appeared, as if the stars were huge, and began to condense rapidly. For a time, time and space stagnated, and huge coercion came out vastly.


All Tian Beijun in the Three Realms present spouted a mouthful of blood, and the ancient temple directly collided towards the Gate of Zhuxian.

Cracks appeared in the vast Zhuxian Gate, the cracks extended rapidly, the billions of stars in the gods were half destroyed, and countless civilizations were destroyed! Tianfei Umo was shocked, her face extremely pale.

Chen Beixuan didn't give her any chance to make up, and he grabbed it with his big hand, and the aura of Pangu's immortal body rippled out, covering the gate of Zhuxian.

"No! He swallowed the gate of Zhuxian!" Di Shitian almost roared and shouted.

The gate of Zhuxian is a **** from the gods. You can go to Zhuxian and seal demons whenever necessary. If it is captured by Chen Beixuan, the strength of the gods will drop by at least 10%.

Regardless of this small 10%, the 10% power of the God Realm can destroy countless planes.

"The God Clan Tianjun listened to the order and urged Zhuxian's power to retake Zhuxian's gate!" Tianfei Wuma shouted.

Chen Beixuan did not speak, but activated the ten heavenly veins of the ancient temple, directly fusing with the gate of Zhuxian.

The power of the ten heavenly veins is immense, enveloping the gate of Zhuxian, and blending with Chen Beixuan.

"Can't let him succeed in refining!" Di Shitian roared.

All the heavenly monarchs on the scene roared, countless divine lights bloomed, and they sacrificed their strongest combat power, wanting to take back the gate of Zhuxian.

The power of Zhuxian danced and gathered together under the guidance of Tianfei Wumo to form a huge Zhuzi, which contained infinite sealing power.

"Yes, the power of Zhu Xian just happened to be all received." Chen Beixuan said lightly, and with a big wave of his hand, the Qinglian Sword suddenly flew out and shot towards Zhu Zi.

The Qinglian Sword collided with Zhu Zi with a force of lightning speed, and only heard a loud noise, Zhu Zi shattered, and the power of Zhu Xian turned into countless fragments, floating above the gods.

Zhongtianjun was stunned, unable to believe what he saw before him.

Chen Beixuan squeezed the palm of his hand, and all the fragments of Zhuxian's power seemed to have found their home, and they rushed towards him frantically.

"Heaven Sealing Technique, come out!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, reciting the mystery of the strongest seal technique of the heavens and all realms.

The power that can no longer be described by the laws of magical power suddenly appeared, the **** realm was suddenly dimmed, and the treasure appeared in thirty-three days, and every piece was a **** of good fortune! "How is it possible that he also has 33 Heavenly Treasures?" Di Shitian said in shock.

"The Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures does not have the thirty-three ancient characters blessings. How to advance the creation of the gods? What method did this person use?"

For a time, the Protoss was in chaos, and the Lord of Ancient Buddha and Lord of Panlong looked at each other, not knowing why.

Of course, they couldn't understand Chen Beixuan's methods. For him, it was too easy to copy a divine object. With the blessing of the heavenly origin, the 33 Heavenly Treasures were certainly not a problem.

The fly in the ointment is that Chen Beixuan has not yet obtained the thirty-three ancient characters. If the ancient characters and the treasure can be combined, the thirty-three days of the treasure will not only restore its peak power, but also break through the gods of good fortune and reach a new level .

As for this level, it is no longer possible to interpret it according to the artifact system of the Eternal Life Continent.

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures are arranged in the orderly arrangement of the Conferred Heaven Technique, forming an intermediate-level Conferring Heaven Array, which absorbs all the fragments of the power of Zhuxian.

Tianfei Umo was shocked, and despair grew in her heart.

Chen Beixuan's strength is really terrifying, they have no way to resist.

After swallowing all the power of Zhu Xian, the Intermediate Heaven Sealing Technique gained millions of experience, which had reached the bottleneck.

"It just happens that you use it to break through the Heaven Sealing Technique!" The corner of Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, his mind moved slightly, and the God Realm trembled.

"Lord of ancient Buddha, lord of Panlong, you still don't take action, when will you wait?" Tianfei Umo asked anxiously.

The Lord of the Ancient Buddha had an ugly face, and the situation was helpless at this point. Even if he didn't take action, he would be regarded as hostile by Chen Beixuan.

"Blue sky Buddhist text!" With a deep groan, time and space are chaotic, countless Buddha lights flicker, converge to form thousands of scriptures, and countless scriptures are combined to form a dense Buddhist essay.

This article runs through ancient and modern times, shocking the gods and demons, and is unique, and it is not weaker than the thirty-three ancient characters.

The lord of Beaulieu was silent, his body stepped out, the immortal continent trembling, and a dragon's breath engulfed the power of the ten thousand worlds and sprayed out towards Chen Beixuan. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 851, Waste, Dead End), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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