I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 865: Startless power, shaking the sky

The gleaming Dragon Clan Tianjun took the lead to come in front of the Dragon Clan: "What's the matter?"

After the Lord of the Dragon Realm briefly explained, the face of the Lord of Jade Dragon suddenly changed: "Chen Beixuan's appetite is too big, even if the God Realm surrenders to him, my dragon, Buddha, and demons will never be slaves!"

Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon wearing golden scale armor appeared. This was the lord of the golden dragon.

Soon, the Lord of the Silver Dragon, the Lord of the Light Dragon, the Lord of the Five Elements, and the Lord of the Nine-Headed Dragon appeared one after another.

It can be said that under the call of the lord of the dragon world, all the power of the dragon world came out.

The Lord of Buddhism did not stingy with his own power. Facing Fang Han's situation, he also opened the way to the Buddhist realm.

At the same time, a Buddha statue of Tianjun descended, the light of the Buddha flickered, and the devil world was immediately enveloped under the nourishment of the golden Buddha light.

The Lord of Liuli, the Lord of Mercy, the Lord of Compassion, the Lord of Immovability...

The whole demon world couldn't help but filled with devilish energy, and golden Buddha light and dragon scale waste energy appeared again!

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect!" The Lord of the Buddha Realm shouted loudly, and directly united with more than a dozen Buddhas and Heavenly Sovereigns to create the strongest combat power in the Buddha Realm.

At the same time, the lord of the dragon world also joined forces with many dragon lords, offering dragon fist and dragon breath one after another, sweeping over the sky.

The forces of the Three Realms join forces to attack Fang Han!

Not only was Chen Beixuan not anxious when his apprentice suffered such an offensive, but instead he showed a faint smile.

He thought to himself that if Fang Han could go against the sky and rise to the sky under this offensive, he would surely be able to achieve a new level of cultivation! This is a hard-won exercise opportunity.

Facing the Three Realms teaming up, Fang Han had no expression on his face. He radiated infinite power and maintained the operation of the huge epoch circle.

The entire epoch law formation is huge with tens of billions of planes combined, and contains countless energy, which has completely refined the Lord of Greed and the Lord of Fierce.

"Completely refine the Rank Nine Longevity Pill!" Chen Beixuan's voice sounded.

Fang Han was taken aback, and suddenly resounded the meeting gift given by the master when he had just been apprentice.

The elixir of eternal life in the north comes from the heavens and all realms, but it fits the attributes of eternal life in the north.

Only 30% of the power can achieve the pill of one's Heavenly Sovereign realm, if it is completely refined, the power can be imagined.

"Lian..." Fang Han immediately closed his eyes, his body flew to the core of the Era Magic Array, sinking his consciousness into his dantian.

Although the energy of the Rank Nine Longevity Pill was only half completed, it was still rich. Even if Fang Han was in the terrifying realm at this time, it would take a lot of time to completely refine it.

"Quick, stop him!" The Lord of the Dragon Realm frowned and shouted loudly.

The Lord of Buddhism said lightly: "I still want to practice against the sky, this is the person who should be cut by the way of heaven, everyone will suppress it with me!"

Chen Beixuan looked on coldly, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

Seeing his apprentice face unprecedented pressure, Chen Beixuan couldn't help feeling nervous, but he was a little excited.

The road of cultivation can only be broken through by guarding the sky, and only by resoluteness can the path of supreme immortality be achieved!

Fang Han's face didn't change his face, and he refined the Nine Turns Longevity Pill, and his whole body was full of energy.

Countless energy appeared in the limbs and hundreds of skeletons. Fang Han felt his whole body linger under the warm current, and his body was suddenly full of strength.

"If that's the case, let it all be destroyed!" Fang Han's expression became extremely indifferent, and a powerful killing aura broke out.

His voice echoed in the Demon Realm, running through countless void passages, shaking the entire Immortal North.

Yuanshi Demon Mountain collapsed, and the entire Demon Realm fell into chaos!

Since the opening of the eternal life north, there has never been such a situation, even if it was the sensational battle between gods and demons, and the battle between immortals and demons.

The three realms of dragon, buddha, and demon, as the three pinnacle planes, can be imagined how terrifying the forces after the three powers condense the pillars.

Faced with the combined attack of countless Buddha Lords and Dragon Lords, Fang Han was suspended in the air, his expression indifferent.

"Broken!" Fang Han gave an order, the Demon Realm trembles suddenly, countless demon qi-shrouded planets burst, billions of demon heads rushed into chaos.

Within the Demon Realm, all those who did not have the Heavenly Sovereign Realm were already under the strong pressure of Fang Han, and were wiped out in smoke!

The power of the Lord of Arbitration burst out, and the holy light enveloped the entire demon world.

There are hundreds of millions of stars in the devil world. Under the shining light of the holy light, all kinds of demons above the stars, like a cosmic storm swept across them, and died in large swathes.

The coffin of the celestial burial flew to the Yuanshi Demon Mountain to take charge, a strong force of eternal life rippling out, countless stars in the devil world shattered, and the Yuanshi Demon Mountain has also been broken into pieces, and the fragments flew towards the coffin and turned into part of its energy .

"Run!" A demon master suddenly reacted, and immediately broke through the time-space barrier, tearing open the void cracks, and wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong.

Chen Beixuan happened to see it, and with a look, he instantly killed him.

What about the devil, in Chen Beixuan's eyes, he was an ant.

The entire demon world was devastated, countless demon masters died in Fang Han's hands, and many demon masters were terrified.

"He wants to refine the entire Demon Realm with the Sky Burial Coffin!"

"Half of the power of the Demon Realm has been absorbed, what does he take to accommodate it?"

"We quickly launch the Yuan Ancestral Formation, maybe we can turn the tide!"


The major demon masters are like demon masters on a hot pot, discussing one after another, looking for the possibility of survival.

The Primordial Ancestor Formation was to sacrifice to the Demon Race, thus mobilizing terrifying magic power, but now Fang Han directly obliterated countless Demon Realm stars, and there were not many Demon Races available for sacrifice. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 865, Unstarted Might, Earth-shaking), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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