I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 866: There is no beginning bell to suppress the long river

Therefore, this Yuan Ancestral Array is considered abolished!

The corner of Fang Han's mouth raised slightly. His goal is to refine all the forces of the Three Realms. After all, this is Master Chen Beixuan's expectation, and he will do it anyway!

If Fang Han really destroys everything in the Three Realms and integrates all the essence into his body, no one would dare to imagine how terrifying his cultivation level would reach.

"Fang Han, you are a troll, you want to destroy the Three Realms!" the Lord of Ancient Buddha roared loudly.

The Lord of Ancient Buddha saw the energy storm sweeping across the entire demon world, and the power of the heavenly burial coffin became stronger and stronger.

Under his control, the entire demon world kept shrinking, and countless demon heads at the level of immortals and saints died as if they were cutting wheat.


Fang Han made a big move, and the energy of the heavenly burial coffin gathered into a beam of light, and rushed into the camp of countless Buddha masters.

Suddenly, there was chaos, and the superficial Buddha master vomited blood, and the power of the source was extremely shattered.

Then, Fang Han's gaze fell on the Demon Sect camp again, the strong black demon energy quickly collapsed, the bodies of countless demon masters were distorted, and their cultivation base fell sharply.

"No! Fang Han, you **** it!" The Lord of Cruel roared, holding the mentality of dying fish and breaking the net, rushing towards Fang Han.

Fang Han's eyes flashed, did an invisible force appear in the void, transforming into a huge palm, directly suppressing the Lord of Cruelty.

The cruel Lord seemed to be oppressed by the five-finger sacred mountain, and he didn't even have the ability to struggle, his body was crushed into fragments, and countless strands of devilish energy flew into Fang Han's palm.

Seeing this scene, the mad lord was extremely emotional, and immediately sacrificed a demon god, trying to cover himself from the devil world.

Unexpectedly, Fang Han had quick eyes and quick hands, and the coffin of the sky burial followed like a shadow, strangling the mad lord in the blink of an eye.

The Demon Realm was still shrinking, and the surging energy submerged into the coffin of the sky burial or Fang Han's body.

The lord of the dragon world united with many dragon monarchs, made waves of dragons, wielded sharp dragon claws, and spit out turbulent dragon breath, trying to die with Fang Han.

Rao was Fang Han's eyes, the colorful Dragon Monarch camp suddenly suspended in the air, suppressed by him motionless.

But before they were close to the cold, they were imprisoned in the air and could not move.


Fang Han looked indifferent, and only uttered a word, the entire demon world was trembling, the void barrier shattered, and hundreds of millions of planes turned into nothingness.

The monarchs of the Dragon Realm scoured thousands of miles away under the torrent of terrifying energy.

"A bunch of stupid guys, tremble!"

Fang Han's body was shining brightly, like a dazzling star, becoming the most dazzling one in the room.

The three worlds joined forces, and under the offensive of countless masters, not only did not cause him the slightest damage, but he suffered endless heavy losses.

"Chen Beixuan, you are too much, you are so indulging your apprentice!" At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in the virtual space.

The entire Demon Realm could be said to be under Fang Han's grasp, and at this moment, such a voice unexpectedly appeared.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the sound, but they saw the void making a thunderbolt, a huge star wrapped in turbulent flames, and rushed into the demon world.

The devil world trembled, the stars set off stormy waves, and countless natural disasters swept across.

The stars are incomparably huge and their shape is very special. The whole body presents three colors, and the colors are very strange, like a light that never existed in time.

"Sanshengshi?" Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, and said lightly, "It's kind of interesting to bring it to the door by myself."

"Master?" Fang Han frowned, grasping the entire Demon Realm while looking at Chen Beixuan.

These three huge stars of different colors made him unexpected, and Fang Han didn't know how Master planned to deal with it.

"The teacher personally refined it, you killed all the Heavenly Monarchs of the Three Realms!" Chen Beixuan said coldly, without any emotion in his tone.

The Three Life Stone is one of the gods of the heavens, and it can be said to be the pinnacle of the gods. In the north of eternal life, no one can shake its status except for the gate of eternal life.

Whether it is a mortal or a cultivator, once they see the Three Life Stone, they will see their past and present life and the next life.

The Heavenly Monarchs of the Three Realms were shocked. They did not expect that the Three Life Stones would appear in the Devil Realm. They were dumbfounded, as if seeing the endless river rolling.

The long river of destiny and the long river of time and space crisscross, pouring down from the stars, spanning three hundred million years, containing countless epochs in the eternal north.

Just when everyone was shocked, when Chen Beixuan told Fang Han, the energy of the Three Life Stone exploded hundreds of millions of trillions of times, and instantly enveloped the entire Demon Realm, directly defeating Fang Han's Era Magic Array.

Fang Han's body was shaken, and his heart was cold, feeling very unbelievable.

"Sanshengshi, just grab it with your hands." Chen Beixuan said lightly, the energy skyrocketed, engulfing billions of trillions of space-time torrents of energy, impacting the entire Demon Realm and destroying billions of planes.

"You really are an outsider!" The Sanshengshi is like a huge heart, beating non-stop, "You will be condemned by the heavens when you come!"

"Scourge?" Chen Beixuan said coldly, "The deity will tell you now, what is a Scourge!"

After all, Chen Beixuan waved his hand in the void, and the infinite energy swept through the air, and the huge green lotus sword of hundreds of millions of kilometers burst out of the air.

Countless rune energy appeared on the Qinglian sword, bursting with dazzling light, and the sharpness of the edge. As soon as it was launched, it cut the Demon Realm into two pieces.

"God, his strength is so terrifying!" The forces of the Three Realms were shocked and shocked, and never expected Chen Beixuan to be so powerful. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 866 The Long River of Suppression of the No-Beginning Bell), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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