I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 867: Walk in the sky! Upper bound

No wonder he was able to shake the way of heaven hard, no wonder the entire God Realm would surrender to him...

At this moment, fear is suffocating, and despair oppresses everyone's hearts.

The great heavenly monarchs who used to be aloof suddenly felt their own stupidity at this time. Chen Beixuan's strength was inconsistent. They made the worst decision and offended him.

Although Sanshengshi's body was in the state of stars, it possessed outstanding wisdom higher than all living beings, and immediately saw that Chen Beixuan's horror was irresistible.

"Receive!" Sanshengshi did not hesitate, immediately unleashing energy and grabbing all the heavenly monarchs.

The corner of Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly. It turned out that the Three Life Stone appeared to save the people of the Three Realms.

"Want to grab someone from the deity?" Chen Beixuan slapped his hand into the void, and the green lotus sword pierced through hundreds of millions of planes and slammed towards the Sanshengshi.

Sanshengshi was shocked, but before he could react, his body was severely injured.

I saw countless lava cracks appearing on the huge stars, the three-color chaos and distortion, and the three-color lava gushing out.

"How is it possible!" Sanshengshi trembled, and after another look, Chen Beixuan's big hand had already been recruited.

Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Beixuan's invisible energy suddenly soared billions of trillions of times, and he grabbed the Sanshengshi.

"No..." Sanshengshi screamed and quickly shrank.

But it was too late. Chen Beixuan grabbed the three-life stone firmly, and the Qinglian sword cut the billions of energy bonds.

The Sanshengshi is already the turtle in the urn, and Chen Beixuan wants to refine it, but to get something from the capsule.

The Three Realms struggled and violently violently tried to stop Chen Beixuan, but Fang Han stopped them as soon as he shot.

I thought that the appearance of the Sanshengshi could save myself and others from the fire and water, but I didn't expect that the Sanshengshi would be held in his hand like a plaything before the Sanshengshi made many movements.

"Who asked you to come?" Chen Beixuan asked lightly.

"Chen Beixuan, you will be condemned by the heavens!" The Sanshengshi kept shaking in Chen Beixuan's hands, and the light of the whole body became dim.

"When he died, his mouth was still hard." Chen Beixuan expressionlessly, he clasped the Sanshengshi tightly, and the endless indestructible power poured into the Sanshengshi.

"Ah!" Sanshengshi screamed one after another, without the ability to struggle.

Seeing Master Chen Beixuan acted decisively and had already solved the unexpected three-life stone, Fang Han also began to suppress the forces of the Three Realms.

The Demon Realm was shattered, countless planes were destroyed, and the forces of the Three Realms were hit hard.

Under Fang Han's suppression, all the demon masters suffered severe damage to their origins, and they didn't even have the chance to survive, they turned into countless strands of energy, which was absorbed by Fang Han's refining.

All the powerful offensives offered by the heavenly monarchs of the Dragon Realm and the Buddha Realm did not cause the slightest hindrance from the other side's Han.


With the explosion of the core of Yuanshi Demon Mountain, the forces of the Three Realms were destroyed, and Fang Han rose up, surrounded by hundreds of original cores.

"All refining!" Chen Beixuan glanced casually and said lightly.

Hearing what the master said, Fang Han didn't hesitate to grab a Heavenly Monarch and swallow it.

Swallowed, turbulent energy poured into Fang Han's body, and under the circling of the 33-day treasure, it became a part of his majestic power.

After more than ten breaths, Fang Han absorbed the origin of all the demon masters, and his whole body was radiant, reaching the peak of the nineteenth era! You only need to go one step further and you will be able to break through to the twentieth era and become the strongest king! Fang Han was so excited that he continued to devour the origin, and he grabbed the origin of a dragon lord and was exhausted by him.

After absorbing all the dragon master's origins, Fang Han began to absorb the Buddha master's origins again.

Devildom is destroyed, all three realms are empty! Suddenly, Fang Han burst into a brilliant light, sweeping through hundreds of millions of planes, piercing through countless voids, and shaking the entire Immortal North!

"Master, I broke through!" Fang Han looked at his hands in disbelief, and said excitedly.

Chen Beixuan nodded: "The Saint King's realm is not bad. It seems that being a teacher can take you to the upper realm of the realm."

"The upper realm of the world, don't even think about it! Even if you go, you will be killed by the condemnation, and the soul will be destroyed!" Chen Beixuan prison was firmly in the hands of the Sanshengshi angrily said.

"Shut up!" Fang Han's tone suddenly became extremely cold.

"It's something that doesn't exist, why be angry." Chen Beixuan glanced at Fang Han and said lightly.

Fang Han frowned, but saw the master swallow the three-life stone in one bite.

Chen Beixuan surrendered and refined the pinnacle of the eternal northern heavenly artifacts.

The endless indestructible force rolls, the countless worlds in the north of immortality are trembling, the three realms of demon, dragon, and Buddha are shattered, and there is no existence forever!

Feeling the strands of the three-life stone energy, Chen Beixuan looked at the void from a distance, his gaze pointed directly beyond the billions of voids.

Wherever he looked, it was the upper bound of the world!

"The thirty-three ancient characters are still in the hands of Tianmu, I will take you there as a teacher!" Chen Beixuan said.

"Yes!" Fang Han nodded excitedly.

The upper realm of the realm is the legendary sacred place for spiritual practice. Only when you enter the upper realm of the realm can you have the opportunity to touch the gate of eternal life.

For ordinary cultivators, even if they reach the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, they may not be able to find a passage to the upper realm of the realm.

However, Chen Beixuan just looked into the distance, and opened the void passage with one gaze, leading directly to another brand new world, the upper realm!

The two figures flickered, and after three breaths, they appeared in the upper realm.

This plane is very different from the ordinary three thousand planes in the North of Immortal Life. Looking around, it is full of green water and green three, just like a fairyland of Taoyuan. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 867 Stepping into the Sky! The Upper Boundary of the World), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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