I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 883: Taoism suppresses the heavens and all realms

Randomly, Fang Han waved his long sleeves, and all the gods of the gods exploded on the spot, without the slightest ability to resist.

"Traitor of the Protoss, never exceed your life!" Fang coldly said, countless runes drove the power of the gods' origin.

Under the screams of the gods of the gods, the magical spells of the gods of the gods all turned into energy and condensed into a divine sword.


With a loud noise, the Heavenly God Sword was born. The sword is about ten thousand feet long and gleams colorfully. Each color symbolizes the origin of the blood of a God race Heavenly Monarch.

This sword was born, immediately exuding a violent aura, wrapped in the wrath of the gods, the sword's edge cut the sky and the earth, and the world trembled!


Fang Han said lightly, the Heavenly God Sword was submerged in his body, and it was immediately refined into a unique array of eyes.

The current Era Magic Array, I don’t know how many unique Array Eyes it has, but they are all transformed by the Heavenly King and the Immortal King, unparalleled in the world!

"Fang Han...you..."

Hua Tian was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He wanted to work with Ying Tianqing to deal with Fang Han. But he didn't expect that Fang Han's strength had reached such a terrifying level under Chen Beixuan's cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Han killed Ying Tianqing, and then killed the gods, his strength can be said to have been greatly improved.

At this moment, the gate of eternal life suddenly banged, shaking the world, and running through billions of light years, the net of eternal life formed by Fang Han suddenly appeared a huge black hole.

The gate of eternal life spewed out a divine object again, but this time the divine object is different, it is full of billions of stars.

Chen Beixuan took a faint look, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. It was clearly a huge stone. To be precise, it was another three-born stone. The three vitality breaths on the stone were very familiar.

Past life, this life, the next life...

Chen Beixuan also noticed that this three-life stone was a hundred times stronger than the three-life stone he had refined before!


Just when everyone was shocked, Chen Beixuan had already moved, grabbed it with his big hand, and grabbed it toward the Sanshengshi.

Fang Han was so shocked that he let out a sigh of relief in his heart when he saw that it was the master who made the move.

"Beast!" Hua Tian reacted, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was jealous.

The tyranny of the Sanshengshi is undoubtedly, in the Immortal Northern World, getting the Sanshengshi is equivalent to dominating the world.

Hua Tian didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Of course, if Hua Tian wanted to **** from Chen Beixuan, Fang Han would not give him the slightest chance.

Before Hua Tian had made a move, Fang Han had already unleashed countless rune powers, surging out, in countless vertical and horizontal directions, wrapped around the Sanshengshi, pushing it to Chen Beixuan.

Fang Han wanted to help Master.

"Think beautiful!"

Hua Tian roared and suddenly sacrificed a stone, which turned out to be another three-life stone, but its size could not be compared with this three-life stone at all.

"I have a three-life stone, and through the three-life induction, I will definitely collect the three-life stone mother stone!" Hua Tian said, the immortal king's breath is wild, and the invisible energy radiates out, affecting the three-life stone mother stone.

Seeing that the Sanshengshi was about to fall into his own hands, suddenly, the Sanshengshi was radiant and its energy was overwhelmed, breaking away from the control of Chen Beixuan and Fang Han, and swiftly shooting towards Huatian.

"Run?" Chen Beixuan didn't change his face, but also sacrificed a three-life stone.

This three-life stone was refined in the Demon Realm, and it was also a sub-stone. Although it was nothing compared to the mother stone, it was much stronger than the one in Hua Tiandu.

Everything was under Chen Beixuan's grasp. The three-life stone mother stone suddenly broke free from the shackles again, and shot from the direction of Hua Tiandu back to Chen Beixuan's hands.


Chen Beixuan said indifferently, hundreds of millions of divine writings appeared in the dantian, like a violent storm, quickly covering the junior stone, no matter how the three stone resists, they will not be able to escape Chen Beixuan's control.

The endless indestructible power radiates, penetrates into the interior of the third-life stone, runs through countless void spaces, and the three-life phantom is looming, and the aura of the stone and the aura of Chen Beixuan are more and more similar.

The junior life stone could not withstand Fang Han's power, uttered countless screams, and finally quickly condensed, completely wrapped in immortal power, and entered Chen Beixuan's body.

The three lives of the immortal north are completely in the hands of Chen Beixuan!

Huatian's heart was as gray as death, and his body was trembling with anger, but the gate of eternal life did not stop, and a huge sound came out again, even more vast than the Three Life Stone.


Thousands of ancient characters appeared, and they turned out to be powerful ancient characters. If one of them can be obtained, let alone the establishment of a sect, no one can resist it even if it dominates one side.

"That is……"

Fang Han's eyes were certain, and he saw a huge font blasting out, exuding a vigorous and mysterious aura, which seemed to symbolize the root of all power.

Thousands of other ancient characters are not this huge. If the others are ants, then this is comparable to the stars!

With such a terrifying gap, one can imagine how terrifying the power of this font is!

"This is the most powerful ancient character flowing through the Gate of Eternal Life, Dao!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

In the north of eternal life, there are three thousand ancient characters and thirty million small ancient characters.

Taoism is the general outline of all ancient characters.

"Daozi is stronger than Sanshengshi, don't give in." Chen Beixuan said lightly, as if to remind Fang Han.

Fang Han was taken aback, and nodded as soon as he reacted. He jumped up immediately...I have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to the world. Latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717.htmlI have Reading address of the full text of hundreds of millions of disciples: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/One ​​World Login I have hundreds of millions of disciples txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.html10,000 I have hundreds of millions of disciples mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter VIII Daozi suppresses the heavens and worlds), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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