I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 164: The gate of all beings, which controls the word of Tao

Fang Han's energy aura was wild, immediately repairing the net of eternal life.

Under the command of the master, Fang Han immediately made a move, and the sea of ​​eternal life turned out, and the huge and boundless net of eternal life fell down, enclosing all the ancient characters.

If he could get these ancient characters, Fang Han, who was originally the Immortal King, would stand at the peak of the eternal life in the north. It can be said that, except for Chen Beixuan, he would be invincible.

The ancient characters flew in, and Fang Han immediately refined.


After a few loud noises, Fang Han's realm rose rapidly, breaking the shackles of the original era and achieving a higher realm cultivation.

Thirty-third era...Thirty-fifth era...Thirty-seventh era...

Fang Han quickly raised his cultivation base with a terrifying speed, his energy level in his body rose, and after a while, he reached the forty era!

At this moment, the surrounding void storm ceased, and countless laws and supernatural powers swept out, surrounding Fang Han's body, making him descend like a god, with the momentum of opening up the heavens and the earth!

The Era Magic Array is running fast, the 33-day treasure is radiant, and the world has undergone earth-shaking changes in the 33rd day. With a bang, it has achieved a better state of art.

The pinnacle of rune artifacts!

Chen Beixuan nodded, Fang Han was able to use his own ability to make the Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure the pinnacle of rune artifacts, which shows that his mastery of power has undergone a unique transformation.

The gods and gods spouting out of the gate of eternal life were all absorbed by the world of thirty-three days, and the light of thirty-three days' treasure was brand new and huge.

However, when Fang Han was promoted to the 40th Era cultivation base, Hua Tiandu on the far side also burst out with a strong aura, and he was promoted at this time.

Hua Tiandu's true body erupted from his dantian, forming a huge phantom behind him, which looked spectacular.

This is the body of all evils. It has been tempered and tempered at the gate of eternal life. When Huatian merges with it, it immediately merges into one, comprehends the past and present, and achieves a new power.


Hua Tian broke through the forty-fifth era in one fell swoop, even a little stronger than Fang Han.

"Haha, Fang Han, I am the destroyer of the way of eternal life, and I am destined to be your nemesis." Hua Tian laughed arrogantly, "Even if you have achieved the Forty Era Immortal King, I will still stand on your head on."

As he spoke, the endless eternal energy was refined by his grasp, turning into evil thoughts one after another, gathering towards his body, making Huatiandu's evil power even more vast.

"Daozi, close!"

Fang Han ignored Hua Tiandu's ridicule, focusing on Taoism, and immediately grabbed it with his big hand, urging the Era Magic Array, exuding endless Immortal King energy.

Countless ancient characters fell in Fang Han's hands, entering his body one after another, consolidating his new era.

Stars appeared, the power of civilization lingered, and the power of time and space became the driving force of evolution, making Fang Han's fortieth era cultivation base extremely strong.

When Fang Han received the ancient characters, Hua Tian was still consolidating the cultivation base he had just promoted.

When his consolidation was over, Fang Han had already absorbed most of the ancient characters, and it could be said that Fang Han had taken advantage of it.

Thousands of ancient characters were completely absorbed by Fang Han, and now only a huge Dao character was suspended in the air.

Hua Tian was furious, with a big hand, the void suddenly became dim, and the storm that destroyed the world rolled in, and rushed towards Fang Han.

"I am the initiator of the destruction of the world, Fang Han, you can't defeat me, today is your death date!" Hua Tian was both menacing.

"Death." Fang Han said lightly, not caring about Hua Tiandu's cruel words at all. In his eyes, Hua Tiandu was already non-existent.

I saw him standing up, turning his big hand, and clasping the word of Tao. Suddenly the sea of ​​eternal life collapsed, and the gate of eternal life screamed and trembling roar.

While breathing at the Gate of Eternal Life, Fang Han bombarded Hua Tiandu.

Chen Beixuan watched coldly and saw Fang Han take the initiative to attack, with a relieved expression on his face.

Although Fang Han is still five epochs away from Huatian, the 33-day treasure he possesses has been promoted to the peak of rune artifacts, breaking through the peak of the eternal north.

This force has to be said to be terrifying!

Hua Tian had an ugly face, and he quickly responded with a punch, blasting out, wrapped in the terrifying energy of countless epochs.

The world is shattered, and the world is shocked.

Chen Beixuan smiled faintly, as if he had already seen the end.


The two divine fists collided, and the turbulent power turned into raging flames, burning the sky and devouring the void.

Chen Beixuan's eyes flashed, and through Hua Tiandu's huge body, he saw the dazzling three-life stone in his body.

"Collect his Sanshengshi." Chen Beixuan said lightly, mercilessly.

As soon as Fang Han heard this, he immediately pulled his palm, and the inexhaustible force penetrated into Hua Tiandu's huge body.

Hua Tian was shocked, but there was no room for resistance, and he felt that the three life stones in his body were being drawn by an unfamiliar force.

He tried to stop, but was helpless.

The Little Sansheng Stone shot out, wrapped in mighty evil power, and flew into Fang Han's palm.

The Era Magic Array immediately moved, rising up a fire of eternal life, and under the raging burning, the evil energy on the surface of the Little Sansheng Stone turned into ashes.

"It's refined." Chen Beixuan already possesses a junior life stone, so naturally he doesn't need it anymore, so Fang Han can be refined to consolidate his own cultivation. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this reading (Chapter VIII, The Gate of All Beings, Controlling the Words of Taoism), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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