I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 885: How can I do anything about it?

The Xiaosanshengshi was immersed in Fang Han's body, and the mighty energy was immersed in the Era Magic Array. Under the washing of countless rune energies, it completely merged with Fang Han's power.


Fang Han's cultivation base rose again, surging out, and achieving even stronger strength.

The fairy king of the forty-first era!

Under the suppression of the huge energy, Hua Tian retreated suddenly, leaving Fang Han's power to crush.

"How is it possible!" Hua Tian vomited blood and dyed countless galaxies red. He couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.

His own realm is clearly stronger than Fang Han, so why can't it last a round in his hands?

After Fang Han refining the Little Sansheng Stone, he immediately used his majestic strength to penetrate into the middle area of ​​the Daozi at the peak of the ancient Chinese characters. The word trembling, the majestic strength submerged into Fang Han's body.

Suddenly, Fang Han's whole body was radiant, and the rays of light penetrated hundreds of millions of time and space, and the entire immortal north entered the state of daylight.


Fang Han's Xiu base skyrocketed, reaching the forty-fifth era in one breath!

"Chen Beixuan, how good is your apprentice? You are not hiding behind, is it that you are not as good as your apprentice?" Hua Tian was furious and pointed the finger at Chen Beixuan.

"Oh?" Chen Beixuan gave a rare smile, stopped Xian Han, and walked slowly towards Hua Tiandu.

The reason why Hua Tian said so, in fact, already understood that he was not Fang Han's opponent, let alone Chen Beixuan's opponent.

Anyway, it's a death, if you die in the hands of the strong, at least it will feel better in your heart.

Of course, he was still delaying time, and the Lord of Yuanshi passed from beyond the emptiness, saying that the immortal king of good fortune had reached the core of the gate of eternal life.

All Huatian has to do is to delay time for the good fortune fairy king.

But his thoughts still haven't escaped Chen Beixuan's eyes.

"How long do you think you can delay?" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

As soon as he said this, Hua Tiandu's face suddenly became very ugly, his expression became more and more frightened, he racked his brains, and did not understand why Chen Beixuan saw through his mind with a glance.

Even if the other party knows it, he must delay time. Hua Tian secretly said in his heart, his face becomes extremely distorted: "Chen Beixuan, stop talking nonsense, are you afraid?"

"Heh." Chen Beixuan said, the entire immortal north shivered, the majestic force shattered the void, a sharp energy turned into a huge sword, slashing towards Hua Tiandu.


Hua Tian didn't have the power to resist at all, blood holes appeared in his huge body, flesh and blood flew across, and energy sputtered.

However, at this moment, the vibration of the gate of eternal life suddenly stopped.

Fang Han was stunned for a moment, and immediately the majestic power poured out, covering Hua Tian.

Without any reaction time, Hua Tian's body energy surged, and countless energy chain red robe from Fang Han's power burst into pieces.

The huge blood hole in Hua Tiandu's body quickly healed, the door of eternal life suddenly opened, and a majestic force appeared.

"The Immortal King of Good Fortune, do you think you can save Hua Tiandu?" Fang Leng laughed, the words of the Taoist shining brightly, and a fierce energy shot out.

Just as this energy was tearing through the void and was about to touch Hua Tiandu, a huge totem stood in front of Hua Tiandu.

Fang Han's energy bombarded the totem, the totem shattered, and the energy quickly collapsed.

"Fang Han, today, this seat wants you to pay your blood debts!" ​​The voice of the old mythical man roared on the eternal northern sky.

His body came out from the gate of eternal life, and even if Fang Han had torn apart a part of the original power of the 50th era's cultivation base, it was still full of bursting and turbulent aura.

Chen Beixuan's eyes were fixed, although his facial expressions, his heart blossomed with joy.

The body of the fairy king of good fortune and the old man of the myth finally came out.

"come back!"

From safety considerations, Chen Beixuan immediately recalled Fang Han.

Fang Han quickly reduced his strength and returned to Master, frowning, ready to go.

The gate of eternal life suddenly fluctuated, and terrifying fairy kings walked out one by one, their bodies seemed to be the agglomeration of billions of stars, and the majestic power shook the endless void.

"The origin fairy king, the truth fairy king, the dimension fairy king..."

The void enchantment was shattered, and the great immortal kings gathered, from the eternal northern ten thousand realms, countless heavenly kings and holy kings came admiringly.

Some of them are descendants of the immortal king's sect in the secular time, some come here admiringly, and some even think that they can get some benefits from this vigorous battle of the immortal king.

"Is it all here?" Chen Beixuan said lightly without changing his face.

The immortal kings looked at each other, exchanged consciousness, and countless energy and breath collided, creating and destroying the void of various planes.

Chen Beixuan's eyes fell on the gate of eternal life, and his consciousness suddenly activated energy, urging the gate of eternal life, slowly blooming with stronger light.

"Be careful, he wants to move the gate of eternal life..."

The energies of the immortal kings exploded, and joined hands to create a series of laws of heaven and all kinds of immortal kings' spells.

"Myth is cut!"

"Dimensional torrent!"

"Fist of truth!"

"Endless Source!"


In just one breath, the great immortal kings joined forces, and the fierce power gathered together, breaking the billions of stars.

Countless magical laws bombarded Chen Beixuan, one can imagine how powerful such a destructive force is.


Chen Beixuan's face was expressionless, all the fairy magic laws quietly left, the power of destruction did not cause any impact, like a stone sinking into the sea, without the slightest ripple.

"How could this be?" Countless fairy kings were shocked. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 885 Thousands of Ways What Can I Do?) Reading record, next time you open the bookshelf to see! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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