I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 889: My will is stronger than God's will!

The origin of Huatian Capital was completely extracted by Chen Beixuan, various divine writings and ancient characters were flying, the heavens and gods circled, and the magical laws of various colors were broken.

The majestic cultivation base of his life was in vain at this moment.

Hua Tiandu's eyes dimmed, and the anger on his face became more and more intense: "The Lord of Yuanshi, Immortal King of Good Fortune, don't you still take action?"

Since he was controlled by Chen Beixuan until now, he has been saying these words repeatedly. He has nothing to do and can only hunger for help from the outside fairy king.

Chen Beixuan was in front of him, like a giant that could never be confronted, even if he tried his best and consumed his mind, there was no way to cause him any harm.

"Fang Han, I'll practice this for you." Chen Beixuan said lightly, ignoring Hua Tiandu's call for help.

Upon hearing this, Fang Han immediately held up his head, leaped over to Hua Tiandu's side, and took the opponent's body from Chen Beixuan's hands.

Huatian is like a plaything being handled at will.

At first glance, his old enemy Fang Han was trying to judge his own destiny, and Hua Tian's anger was hard to contain.

"Fang Han, dare you?"

"Why not?" Fang Han raised his mouth slightly, shattering his body with one hand.

Energy torrents sprayed everywhere, and Hua Tiandu's cultivation base fell sharply again, screaming.

"Chen Beixuan, you are so cruel, you beat my cultivation base like this, and let your apprentice Fang Han humiliate me!"

"Fang Han, even if I die, I won't let you go, ah..."

"That's a lot of nonsense." Fang Han frowned slightly, and slapped him with another slap. He saw flesh and blood flying across the board, and Hua Tiandu's body was already out of shape.

"I hate it, why did I give you a ten-year agreement in the first place!" Hua Tiandu's consciousness howled, "I should have killed you long ago, and I won't end up where I am now!"

At the beginning, Hua Tian made a ten-year agreement with Fang Han. He did not directly kill him, just to humiliate him for a longer time in the future.

As time passed, he never expected that Chen Beixuan, a powerful outsider, would be killed out of thin air.

With Fang Hanbai getting started, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, from the original ant to the invincible immortal king powerhouse he is now facing.

"The ten-year agreement?" Fang Lian laughed, "How long will it take? It will not take ten years before I can kill you with my own hands!"

Having said that, Fang Han stretched out his big hand, dived into the broken energy torrent of Huatian Capital, and grabbed a huge object.

All the immortal kings were shocked, seeing a huge body emerging, turned out to be Panwu Immortal Venerable's divine body!

Fang Han threw the divine body of Immortal Venerable Panwu into the Era Array for refining, a raging flame rose, and endless energy poured into his body.

Hua Tiandu's breath suddenly weakened, without its core origin, and without the body of Panwu, even the body of all evil was burned out by Chen Beixuan's inextinguishable fire.

He is now a waste of no value.

"Damn it." Fang Han reminded faintly, condensing the giant fist, violently blasting on the last broken body of Hua Tiandu.

The power of this fist gathers the energy of tens of thousands of planes, distorting time and space and shattering stars, and can instantly destroy Huatian between heaven and earth.

Just at this moment, the Lord of Yuanshi suddenly said: "Fang Han, if you can kill him, I admire you..."

A loud voice resounded through the void. As the founder of the Yuanshi Demon Sect, with the words of the Lord of the Yuanshi, the Void rose with countless devilish energy.

"Since you want him to die, I want him to live!"

After the Lord of Yuanshi said, the monstrous devilish energy filled the void, and instantly covered Chen Beixuan's punishment for immortality, broke through countless shackles, and intercepted him in front of Fang Han.

This force was indeed mighty, Fang Han drew away, folded his fists, and looked at the Lord of Yuanshi indifferently.

Chen Beixuan didn't make a move, and wanted to see how the scene developed, just as Fang Han's experience.

I saw that the Lord of Yuanshi merged endless magic energy into Huatiandu's body.

Hua Tian's broken body quickly healed, and it didn't take long to recover.


Hua Tian laughed up to the sky and became domineering again. He was full of energy and returned to a state of heyday. He even made breakthroughs in many places, such as the body of all evils being more refined.

"Fang Han, all the fairy kings in the north of Eternal Life are on my side, it is impossible for me to die!"

Having said that, Hua Tian immediately launched an attack on Fang Han, and various fierce and vicious killing moves appeared, which caught Fang Han by surprise.

Hua Tian smashed it out, facing the cold face of the opponent, making him unprepared to prevent the blood from splashing five steps.

Fang Han backed back again and again, showing a look of surprise, he didn't expect Hua Tiandu's strength to recover so quickly.

"Damn it." Fang Han secretly said in his heart, urging the Era Magic Array to repair the wounds on his huge body.

Chen Beixuan frowned slightly, but did not rush to make a move. He believed that Fang Han's strength was sufficient to deal with it.

Fang Han, who was attacked and wounded by Hua Tiandu, was extremely depressed, but he quickly calmed down and stretched out his palm lightly.

The palm of his hand grabbed in the void and suddenly wrapped Hua Tiandu's fist, relying on its own majestic strength to make his body unable to move.

"This..." Hua Tian was taken aback, his eyes widened, not knowing what to do.

"Hurry up, shoot!" The Origin Immortal King reminded all the immortal kings and immediately began to instill the energy of Huatiandu.

Endless power was instilled into Hua Tiandu's body, making it more and more powerful.

Bright rays of light rose to the sky one after another, and Hua Tiandu's cultivation base rose wildly.

When Chen Beixuan saw this scene, his eyes were extremely cold. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (Chapter 889 My Will is stronger than God's Will!) Reading record, next time you open the bookshelf, you can see it! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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