I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 890: What about the immortal emperor, the deity still disdains!

Chen Beixuan secretly said in his heart, in this case, don't blame the deity for not being merciful.

With Hua Tiandu's power wild, Fang Han's aura suddenly weakened.

Although Fang Han's overall strength is stronger than Hua Tiandu, the gap in cultivation level is not so easy to make up.

"Fang Han, take it to death!" Hua Tian roared wildly, breaking free from Fang Han's palm in one fell swoop, clenching into a fist and punching again.

Because Fang Han and Chen Beixuan had a clear understanding of their terrifying strength, none of the immortal kings were stingy this time, and they unreservedly instilled their own energy into Hua Tiandu's body.

They knew very well that once Hua Tian died and there was no body of all evil, they would completely lose hope of confronting Chen Beixuan.

Hua Tian made a punch, integrating all the core ultimate moves of the Immortal King, violent vigor, bursting in the void, and the power of time and space was incomparably disordered.

If Fang Han accepts this punch, he will surely be wiped out.

The immortal kings showed expectant expressions, as if they saw a little bit of flames symbolizing hope in the endless darkness.

"Success!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, the power of immortality penetrated the endless void, and the infinite energy rushed into Fang Han's body.

Achieve the Supreme Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop!

The realm of horror in the legend of the Immortal North has completely become a reality in Fang Han.

The golden light burst out from Fang Han's body, and the boundless darkness was dispelled.

All eyes were on Fang Han from above and below.


It is clearly a realm that does not exist, how can it become a reality, countless fairy king Tianjun feels incredible.

Fang Han opened his eyes abruptly, shining brightly, and the thousands of Heavenly Monarchs closest to him were instantly wiped out.

The true peak of the eternal north, the immortal emperor can penetrate the void, interfere with matter, and shake the law of heaven at a glance.

At the same time, in a unique and mysterious dimensional space, the vast and majestic Heavenly Dao origin kept trembling, and the energy fluctuations became more and more complicated.

"Chen Beixuan... is he willing to kill me?"

Considered by the hundreds of millions of creatures in the north of the eternal life as the source of the truth, he was terrified at this time, lest Chen Beixuan suddenly descended and wiped him out.

Fang Han achieved the realm of the immortal emperor, completely refreshed the peak history of the three thousand epochs in the north of immortality, and completely broke away from the control of the origin of heaven.


With another loud bang, Hua Tian also broke through, and the black light shot in all directions, opening up a new plane in the void enchantment.

The emperor Huatian was born.

"Two Immortal Emperors?"

Hundreds of millions of creatures in the north of Immortal Life are trembling. This is a vision that has never appeared in the three thousand epochs, and everyone is shocked beyond words.

The terrifying aura of the Immortal Emperor suppressed all the Immortal King Tianjun, at this moment, they all became ants.

Chen Beixuan, the instigator, looked indifferent at this time, playing with the void dimension indifferently.

"Kill to kill." Chen Beixuan said lightly, everything seemed to be under his expectation and control.

"Kill!" Fang Han didn't hesitate to grasp Hua Tiandu with his huge palm spanning hundreds of millions of planes.

The palm of his hand pierced through the endless void, shattering the barrier of the enchantment, making the gate of eternal life tremble.

Countless Heavenly Kings and Saint Kings were wiped out under this grasp, and the strong in the immortal north could be described as most of the casualties.

This is the terrifying power of the immortal emperor, creating and destroying billions of times in every move, pushing the era of change.

"Fight against evil!"

Hua Tian roared, shattering countless galaxies, and hundreds of millions of voids rose up with evil forces, converging to form a dark and endless avenue.

Chen Beixuan raised his brows slightly and felt some interest. He thought to himself that if he could refine Huatian Capital, he would at least reach the eight-star peak!

"Retreat and come as a teacher." Chen Beixuan said lightly, with a wave of his hand, Fang Han's aura suddenly dissipated.

Fang Han certainly didn't have any opinion when the master took the shot. He immediately stayed aside obediently, wanting to see how Master Chen Beixuan fought against Hua Tiandu.

The inadvertent move also shocked the hundreds of millions of creatures in the North of Immortal Life. The peak of the Immortal Emperor's strength was nothing more than Chen Beixuan's wave of his hand.

One can imagine how terrifying his power is.

"Lord of Yuanshi, this deity will let you see how Huatian would die!" Chen Beixuan's voice was cold, his palm flipped, covering the void of hundreds of millions of galaxies.

The immortal emperor of Hua Tiandu was terrifying, but compared with Chen Beixuan, it was nothing.

"Chen Beixuan, you made another move..." Yuan Shi's master said solemnly, not daring to slack in the slightest.

Nothing is more nervous than Hua Tiandu, who clearly understands how terrifying Chen Beixuan's power is.

"Chen Beixuan, what are you going to..." Hua Tian has clearly become the realm of the immortal emperor, standing side by side with Fang Han at the peak of the eternal north, but facing Chen Beixuan, he can't lift the slightest majesty.

Chen Beixuan smiled faintly, did not speak, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the endless palms were covered, and he suppressed Hua Tiandu.

"Do not!"

Hua Tian roared, the evil way that penetrated hundreds of millions of planes, slammed in front of him, trying to stop Chen Beixuan's suppression.


The loud and crisp loud noise shook the eardrums of countless creatures, and the weaker ones directly spurted blood and died.

What was the strength of the Immortal Emperor, he was still a scum in front of Chen Beixuan, Hua Tian suddenly felt ashamed, watching his evil ways shatter every inch.

The fragments flew and melted into the void, and Chen Beixuan's power quickly controlled Hua Tiandu, making it immobile.

"Your body has a lot of power of the Immortal King." Chen Beixuan said lightly, and he was about to collect all the power in Hua Tiandu's body. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (how about the 890th chapter immortal emperor, the deity still disdains!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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