I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 891: Angrily swallows the world! "

The energy poured into Chen Beixuan's body frantically.

Hua Tian was panicked, shouting hysterical, and the great immortal kings were terrified, and quickly interrupted the energy instillation to Hua Tiandu.

"Chen Beixuan, you actually want to use my body to seize the power of the immortal kings!" Hua Tian's face was so hideous, his eyes almost stared out.

"The results are all the same." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "What the deity has to do is to refine all the fairy kings."

"Chen Beixuan, don't go too far!" The Lord of Yuan Shi vomited blood, his original power was instilled into Hua Tiandu's body, but now Chen Beixuan has absorbed most of it.

Chen Beixuan is indifferent: "Hua Tiandu, you are just a chess piece of the deity."

At the beginning, Chen Beixuan killed Hua Tiandu, how could he not know that Hua Tian had two lives, he could penetrate the void and crush another life of Hua Tiandu.

But he didn't do that, in order to be able to use the hands of Huatian Capital to gather the power of the great immortal kings, so as to catch them all in one go!

"Kneel down." Chen Beixuan said lightly, the sound shook the void, and the invisible force suppressed it. Hua Tian knelt down abruptly with his legs, unable to move.

"No..." Hua Tian felt the endless humiliation, roaring and struggling to stand up, "Chen Beixuan, I will never kneel to you!"

"Kneel down." Chen Beixuan was another word without the slightest emotion.

Endless power, centered on Chen Beixuan, surged out, suppressing Hua Tiandu to a halt.

Hua Tian was full of anger in his heart, but there was no other way. He could only kneel in front of Chen Beixuan. This was the crush of strength. Even if he achieved the power of the Immortal Emperor, he could not break Chen Beixuan's control.

Dignified immortal emperor, the legendary pinnacle of the immortal north, the brightest light since the three thousand era.

Being able to achieve the peak cultivation base, Hua Tian felt the endless glory, but in front of Chen Beixuan, he also felt the endless humiliation.

Glory and humiliation came at the same time, Huatian experienced great joy and great compassion, and the whole person became crazy.

"Fight against the deity, you should have known this end." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Fang Han, who was watching from the side, took a deep breath. He found that in addition to his terrifying power, his master was also quite distinctive when it came to humiliating people.

"I won't give in to you!" Hua Tian gritted his teeth.

The corner of Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly: "Are you sure?"

As he said, a force appeared in the void, submerged into Hua Tiandu's huge body, and instantly chopped his billions of meridians.


Feeling the intense pain, Hua Tian screamed. Chen Beixuan's torture was beyond the world, and it was a simultaneous destruction of his strength and spirit.

"Humiliation?" Chen Beixuan said lightly, "Do you want a chance?"

"No..." Hua Tian's throat trembled, "No...ah..."

Chen Beixuan violently exerted force, and Hua Tiandu's body suddenly burst and dripped with blood.

"No... don't kill me..." Hua Tiandu's madness disappeared, replaced by a desire for survival and humbleness.

All the immortal kings who were watching took a cold breath, never expected Chen Beixuan's methods to be so ruthless.


Chen Beixuan was indifferent, with a palm on Hua Tiandu's head.

I saw Huatian's head shattered, his devilish energy was overwhelming, and the endless evil energy was turned into ashes under the raging fire of inextinguishable fire.


Hua Tian made a scream, his huge body disappeared in ashes, leaving only the empty soul, floating in the endless void.

"Chen Beixuan, I curse you..."

Hua Tiandu's soul fluctuated violently, drawing curses with the last evil.

Chen Beixuan disdainfully condensed a huge rune out of thin air, forming a huge word of mouth, and swallowing Hua Tiandu's soul alive.

With this swallowing, Hua Tiandu's memory and consciousness were completely destroyed and could never be recovered.

It can be said that not only the North of the Immortal Life, but also the heavens and all realms, there is no Huatiandu existence at all, and everything before him has turned into nothingness.

Hua Tian was dead, and the bodies of the immortal kings trembled, because Chen Beixuan's eyes had fallen on them.

After refining the power of the Immortal Emperor in Huatian Capital, Chen Beixuan was a little disappointed in his heart, his strength has indeed been greatly improved, but he is still far from the eight-star peak.

It seems that the immortal kings in front of him must be killed to achieve the eight-star peak, Chen Beixuan thought to himself.

Chen Beixuan also mastered all the ancient characters that Fang Han had mastered through the unique master-disciple connection granted by Tiandao Academy.

Chen Beixuan has mastered all the divine writings, and even the highest divine writings of the heavens.

Huatian has been destroyed, the source of all evils has been completely ended, the heaven and the earth are silent, plunged into chaos.

The original black evil storm is still gone, the energy of the heavens and the earth is deposited, and the immortal north seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"The return of the fairy king, the world has changed dramatically." The truth fairy said with emotion.

"Chen Beixuan, do you have to kill us?" the origin fairy asked.

"Otherwise, what's the use of keeping you?" Chen Beixuan said indifferently.

When the immortal kings heard this, they almost vomited blood on the spot. What they said was that they were also the immortal kings who were worshipped and admired by the people, and now Chen Beixuan described them as waste.

It seems that this battle is inevitable.

Even if he knew Chen Beixuan's strength, even the immortal emperor could be wiped out, the great immortal kings still wanted to try to fight.

Because they have no other way to go. They either wait for death or resist. Perhaps the result of resistance is death, but at least there is hope of life. The newest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in One World Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717. htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text of Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717 /I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717 .htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on my mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717 /In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the 891st chapter Swallow the world!") Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "I have hundreds of millions of people who log in to the world" Disciple" Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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