I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1213: Shameless everyone

The group of evildoers who came out of the Wangu Tower are completely convinced at this moment!

In the realm of the **** king, it is enough to allow an emperor to recognize his strength in this way, which is enough!

"Where did Tongtianyuan find such a monster!"

"With him, how will we mix in the future? Don't say it is in Tongtian Garden. From now on, in this world, among this same generation, I won't have to wait anymore."


Until this moment, they didn't understand why the group of disciples in the inner courtyard wanted to kill Jiang Chen.

Just because, once this guy grows up, how many other people of the same generation can be his opponents?

Lean to one side!

"Jiang Chen, Lin Hao, Mu Zhu, the three of you come to the Hall of the Elders."

Suddenly, a slightly older voice sounded.

This is the voice of the great elder of the inner court!

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and secretly asked him to go to the Palace of the Elders at this time?

Could it be that this is to find him liquidated! ?

"I'm not going." Jiang Chen yelled.

Are you kidding me? Before, I brought a group of evildoers from the Wangu Tower to show off at the gate of the Elder Hall. Now let Jiang Chen go to the Elder Hall?

Jiang Chen thinks, this is definitely not going to go, maybe people will be gone!

"Can't help you!"

At this moment, I saw a palm protruding from the hall of the elders, like a five-finger cage, moving down towards Jiang Chen's suppression!

Jiang Chen's eyes were anxious, and the divine power in his body was steaming up, and the shrinking ground turned to the extreme!

However, this palm seems to have spirituality, and it is like that layer of shady that cannot be escaped, no matter how fast Jiang Chen is, it will always be difficult to escape the range of this palm.

In the end, Jiang Chen was grabbed, as if pinching a chicken, and pinched into the palace of the elders.

At the same time, the two young emperors who came out of the Wangu Pagoda, namely Lin Hao and Mu Zhu, also arrived.

When they saw Jiang Chen who was suppressed on the ground, their expressions became very strange.

I saw Jiang Chen being suppressed on the ground, his limbs swayed, he was struggling constantly, and at the same time he was still yelling!

That respect for the elders, there is no trace of it in him!

"You old people! I have collected my natural treasures, and now suppress me! Don't take you like this!"

"Let go of me!"


Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the faces of a group of elders looked ugly.

Brother, can you tap it? Not to mention the open bribery, and now they are still shouting in the elder's hall!

Not too shameful, we still think it too!

"My respect, this person is Jiang Chen... Are you... sure that the person you are looking for is him?"

At this moment, the elder of the inner courtyard looked at a man directly above the hall.

The man sat on the throne with a calm expression, but when he looked at Jiang Chen, there was a hint of joking in his eyes.

He nodded and said, "Let go of him."

"This kid is very stubborn. If you let him go, he might make a moth!" The elder hurriedly persuaded him: "Let him lie on his stomach like this."

"Great Elder! People told you to let me go! Don't you dare to listen!?" Jiang Chen yelled, and he could tell at a glance that the person sitting on the throne was not easy!

"Boy! Shut me up! This is the Hall of the Elders!"

"You have accepted my natural treasures!"

"Hugh is rude!"

"You have accepted my natural treasures!"

"You...in other words."

"Then you let me go..."


At this moment, Jiang Chen was also annoyed. Being so suppressed by others, I don't want face! ?

Anyway, there is no face anymore, so everyone will lose face together!

"Young people, they are too easy to break, they are elders, shouldn't you respect them as a disciple?" the man sitting on the throne asked, his voice was calm, but there was a smile on his mouth.

"Respect your ass! They took my talents! I bribed them!" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Boy! Shut up! Don't mention it again!"

"This kid, you don't have a door!"


"Jiang Chen! How did you talk to your superior!? He is the superior of the Supreme Temple, please pay attention!"


However, when the man from the Supreme Temple heard the words, he smiled and waved his hand, and asked again: "Do you think Tongtianyuan values ​​you, so you can be lawless here?"

According to the general situation, Jiang Chen has to be humble, right, at least to save face for Tongtianyuan.

But who knows, Jiang Chen nodded directly and said: "That's it, what's the matter?!"

"Are you not afraid of Tongtianyuan abandoning you?" the man asked again.

"What are you afraid of!? There is only one fate, not extraordinary, after all, you can't escape the cycle of life and death, you should bloom if you are alive!" Jiang Chen said sternly.


When the voice fell, a tremor rang out, and the man stretched out his hand and waved, then the restriction on Jiang Chen was released.

Afterwards, he clapped his hands and nodded: "That's right, people in my Supreme Temple should have such courage."

"My lord... what you mean..."

"I'm going!? No way?!"


At this moment, the entire hall, except for Jiang Chen, Lin Hao, and Mu Zhu, everyone else was stunned!

They know what the Supreme Temple is. According to legend, it is a place to cultivate the Supreme!

People who come out of the Supreme Temple are all Supreme, and if one is thrown out, they can dominate one side, but I am the only one!

Now, what the man said, the meaning is very obvious!

He admits it!

The Supreme Heaven Palace, this time you come to Tongtianyuan to recruit Jiang Chen!

"Jiang Chen, would you like to join the Supreme Temple?"

At this moment, the man's look was very solemn and solemn.

After all, it is a very sacred thing to recruit people in the Supreme Temple!

However, Jiang Chen didn't even know the Supreme Temple. At this moment, he tilted his head and asked: "What benefits can I get in the Supreme Temple?"


At this moment, the man was a little dazed.

You know, how many people want to enter the Supreme Temple, but haven't even seen the gate!

Now, he spoke in person and invited Jiang Chen, but the other party asked this kind of question! ?

"Jiang Chen! The Supreme Temple is the top inheritance above Tongtian Court, even the evil race you know can't compete with the Supreme Temple!"

"Don't have to agree! This is what many people dream of!"


Several elders were anxious and hurriedly spoke.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen frowned, and asked, "What does the Supreme Heavenly Temple value me!?"

"This is what the hall master meant." The man whispered softly, "But... I also value you very much now."

"Let me talk about the benefits first. If there are no benefits, I won't go." Jiang Chen said straightly.

"What benefits do you want?" the man asked with a smile, feeling that Jiang Chen was quite interesting.

"The Supreme Temple has it, I want it!" Jiang Chen squinted, testing whether the Supreme Temple really values ​​him.

If it is generally valued, Jiang Chen really doesn't want to go!

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