I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1214: All like this

Although Jiang Chen didn't know where the Supreme Temple was, he could tell from the attitude of the elders in the inner courtyard that the Supreme Temple was very strong!

But what about strong?

If he couldn't give enough benefits, he just went to give a name, Jiang Chen would not bother to enter the Supreme Temple.

"As long as you are strong enough, I can give you what you want." The man looked straight and asked, "Then, do you think you are strong?"

"What do you say?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. With his current strength, not to mention the same generation, even the older generation would be afraid of him by three points!

Especially after the achievement of the Supreme God King Dao Fruit, coupled with the fusion of the body of the Sky Star, its combat power becomes even more terrifying!

Now, this man actually asked him whether he was strong or not?

Oh, are you blind? !

"The Big Thousand World is not as big as you can imagine. You are so-called strong now, but you think you are nothing. Compared with those rare arrogances that have never existed for thousands of years, you are actually nothing." The man said.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen was immediately unhappy.

What is immortality, rare for thousands of years? What does it mean?

"I said I'm strong, that's strong!" Jiang Chen stared at the man, and asked: "Don't say anything else, you will suppress the realm to the **** emperor, and see if I don't beat you!"

"Oh? Why not the emperor?" the man joked.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he was immediately stunned.

He knew that his combat power was still worse than that of the emperor.

That's why he said that he would let this man suppress the realm to the **** emperor.

"The real tianjiao, the real evildoer, the **** king can overpower the emperor, and you...not yet." The man shook his head, if he looked at Jiang Chen profoundly, and asked: "Do you know why my Supreme Temple Do you value you?"

"Let's not say I can't see it, at least I don't believe what you said just now!" Jiang Chen said coldly, feeling that the other party was insulting him!

Divine king realm, overpowering the emperor? Jiang Chen doesn't believe it!

Not only Jiang Chen, but no one believed it, all thought that this man was suppressing Jiang Chen's arrogance!

"These two disciples in front of me are both emperor cultivation bases, right? So, I will suppress my cultivation base to the **** king, and then fight with them. If I win, you will come to the Supreme Temple obediently, if I lose , What do you want, my supreme temple will give you everything, including the thing you think in your heart." The man said.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's expression suddenly changed!

You know, the thing that Jiang Chen is thinking about, that is, the most important thing is to retrieve his own memories and understand the truth at the beginning!

But, he never told anyone about this!

And how did this man from the Supreme Temple know?

The most important thing is, listening to his tone, the Supreme Temple can help him retrieve all his memories!

This... makes people think deeply and puzzled.

"Okay! Just as you said! I really don't believe it, the **** king's ability overwhelms the emperor!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Muzhu, it's you," said the great elder of the inner courtyard.

However, the man shook his head and said: "Two emperors go together, I will suppress the realm to the **** king, and it is fine to fight one against two."

"This... Your honor, isn't this inappropriate? What if..."

"Sir, the difference in cultivation is too big, you are one enemy and two..."


Everyone persuaded that if you want to know the power of the emperor, it will destroy the world at any time. They are worried about what accident will happen to this man!

In this regard, the man was very calm, took a look at Jiang Chen, and whispered: "I will give you a lesson, let you see how big this world is."

"Senior, please enlighten me."

"Then I will be welcome."


Immediately, Lin Hao and Mu Zhu bowed their hands to the man, and then they had to walk out of the Elder's Hall to fight outside.

After all, the Palace of the Elders is too small to be used, and they are also worried about ruining the Palace of the Elders.

"Just here, you can do your best. I guess... you can suppress you within three moves." The man waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to change the emperor.

Lin Hao and Mu Zhu were immediately confused when they heard this.

The two looked at each other, and both saw a trace of anger in each other's eyes!

They became emperors when they were young, with arrogant hearts. Now this man's words are not humiliating them? !

Divine King Realm, suppress them with one enemy, two, and three moves! ?

"Senior, you are careful!"


The next moment, I saw Mu Zhu and Lin Hao directly attacking, the divine power rioted in their bodies, and the laws of the great avenues were turned into chains, like clouds and mist, suppressing the man!

"The first trick, open!"

At this moment, the man yelled and pushed his hands horizontally. He couldn't see the power of any Dao law, just bombarded out with the purest divine power!



Under the two explosions, everyone was horrified to discover that the pure power of divine power was not under the order of the Dao Law!

After the two explosions, the laws hit by Mu Zhu and Lin Hao were shattered, and the two of them were shaken back a few steps!

"The second trick, start again!"

Without waiting for the two of them to react, the man slapped two palms again, like a mountain, bombarding them!

However, Lin Hao and Mu Zhu are also emperors at any rate. At this moment, the law protects the body and has more magical powers. The whole person is like a **** of war, steaming blazing Shenxi!

"The third trick, open!"

But, just for a moment, this man slapped two hands again!

These two palms are plain and unremarkable, but they are full of pure and incomparable divine power!

Lin Hao and Mu Zhu had just resolved the second move, and before they had time to react, they were crushed to the ground by this third move with two palms!

At this moment, the audience was silent!

Even Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and his heart was horrified, as if the waves were undulating, unable to calm down!

He stared blankly at Lin Hao and Mu Zhu who were suppressed on the ground, and he was even more suspicious of his own strength!

"What I said is true. The real tianjiao can beat the emperor in the realm of the **** king. Now you are credible?" The man stretched out his hand and helped Mu Zhu and Lin Hao up, and then faced Looking at Jiang Chen with a smile.

Jiang Chen came back to his senses and stared at the man without speaking for more than ten breaths.

After more than ten breaths, he asked: "Are the people in the Supreme Temple so strong?"

"It's all like this, some are stronger than me." The man said.

When the voice fell, Jiang Chen's expression changed. Then, with everyone's dumbfounded expressions, he rushed directly to the man's side, holding his arm, and said: "Thigh! Please hug!"


Everyone was speechless, and they looked like they didn't want to join the Supreme Temple before, but now it's better, and they just started to hug their thighs?

Even this man smiled bitterly and said, "Perhaps...what I value in the Supreme Temple is your shameless energy."

"In front of my strength, what kind of face do I want!? When I am strong enough, all my shameless behavior at the beginning is a kind of cultivation!" Jiang Chen said without blushing or breathing.

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