I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1215: Rumors of Immortality

Everyone was dumbfounded, and for the first time I heard someone say shamelessly so fresh and refined.

But Jiang Chen didn't care at all. For him, as long as he has the strength, he can beautify him by doing everything!

"Calling the three of you over this time is to let you participate in the battle of Star Field Academy."

After a few breaths, the man opened his mouth and said: "This is a serious matter. If it wins the first prize, Tongtianyuan has the right to enter the Daqian mine."

"Battle of Star Field Academy? This...Is there enough strength for me to wait?" Mu Zhu asked, seemingly worried.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

He roughly knows the strengths of Mu Zhu and Lin Hao. They become emperors when they are young, and they are full of confidence. But now... he is worried about his strength!

Could it be said that there is something stronger than the young emperor in this battle of Star Field Academy! ?

"This time is different from before. Now the Big Thousand World doesn’t know what’s going on. Many hidden Tianjiao evildoers have appeared, especially the battle of the Star Field Academy. As far as I know, several academies have Dispatched a disciple of the background level." The man said solemnly, looking at Mu Zhu and Lin Hao, and gave a wry smile: "You two...I'm afraid it will be difficult to win the championship."

"Then...what's the use of us going to the competition? There is no hope at all." Lin Hao sighed.

Lin Hao and Mu Zhu knew something about the Battle of Star Field Academy.

That was the battle between the disciples of the various colleges and universities in the entire Great Thousand World!

Only disciples who enter the academy are eligible to participate.

As for those disciples of sects, great teachers, and families, they are not eligible to participate.

This is also true. This battle is not only to compete for the opportunity to enter the Daqian Mine, but also to compete for the strength and face of the various colleges!

Although Tongtianyuan dominates the Eastern Star Territory, it is the first college in the Eastern Star Territory, but looking at the entire world, Tongtian Yuan is not the strongest.

Hon Hai College in the north, Risheng College in the south, Dayu College in the west, these colleges are all above Tongtianyuan.

In addition to these three academies, there are many academies that are not weaker than Tongtianyuan.

Moreover, this year I don't know what's going on. Many academies have called out disciples who are still in retreat and let them participate in the battle of Star Field Academy.

This is a rare thing!

You know, those disciples of the foundation level are generally in retreat, attacking the transcendent realm!

The status of this class in the academy is not weaker than that of the elders or even the dean.

I want to please them, unless something big happened!

"I think...maybe something went wrong in the Daqian mine burial." The man said solemnly: "There are rumors that a treasure plant was born in the Daqian mine burial. You can live a second life, or even a third life!"

"Immortality!? Does the legendary thing really exist?" Mu Zhu exclaimed.

Although the Great Thousand World is big, there are not many elixirs!

Even, most people have never seen an elixir in their entire lives!

And that kind of medicine is absolutely priceless!

Especially for some aging transcendents, it can not only restore them to their peak state, but also allow them to transform and live a second life!

And as long as you live long, you have the opportunity to hit a higher realm!

Therefore, for those transcendents, the elixir is absolutely precious!

"The Dragon Immortal Potion has always been controlled by the Dragon Clan, and the Suzaku Immortal Potion is controlled by the Phoenix family. In addition to the Basalt Immortal Potion is controlled by the evil clan, except for these three Immortal Potions, there has never been a fourth Immortal Potion in this world. The man said.

Having said that, he frowned, touched his chin, and muttered: "Dragons, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are all made of four directions. If there is still an immortal medicine born now, it would be... tiger?"

"Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku... White Tiger?" Jiang Chen stared, his heart also itchy.

He had also heard of elixir, but had never seen it.

Moreover, even if Jiang Chen encounters such treasures, it is difficult to get them!

But now it seems to be different!

If you can enter the burial of Daqian Mine, you will have a chance to get that undead medicine!

Of course, these are all rumors and speculations. It is still uncertain whether there is an elixir in the burial of Daqian Mine.

But one thing is certain, something serious happened in the Daqian mine burial!

If not, it is impossible for those students' background disciples to be born one after another!

"My honour, we two went to participate in the Star Field Academy battle. Obviously, we are hopeless to win the first prize. Then... This time in the Star Field Academy battle, are we... out of play?" Lin Hao sighed.

"You only need to help him clear the obstacles. Whether Tongtianyuan can win the first prize in the Star Field Academy battle is all up to him." The man looked at Jiang Chen with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was messed up immediately and couldn't calm down.

What are you kidding?

With so many arrogant evildoers, do you pin your hopes on me, a little **** king?

"With your combat power, the emperor is indeed invincible, but this time the highest combat power in the battle of the Star Academy is extraordinary in half a step." The man explained: "And you, you only need to stick to the finals. At that time, even if the opponent's cultivation base is high, he will not dare to bully the small in front of the world, and the realm will be somewhat suppressed."

"At that time, you will defeat the opponent by thunder means, so that I can win the first prize in Tongtianyuan."

"But the premise is...before you enter the finals, you can't make a shot, you can't expose your combat power, otherwise..."


Hearing this, Jiang Chen understood.

This man is for him to pretend to be a grandson before entering the finals!

"I'll wait to pave the way for him? But...what if we can't make it to the final? Then we still have to let him take the shot." Mu Zhu smiled bitterly: "It's not that I'm waiting or not believing in his strength, it's just..."

"The only way to do this is to do everything, and the rest is to fate." The man sighed.

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't care. After all, this man didn't have to want him to win the championship, which made him a lot easier.

When the time comes, just do your best.

However, Jiang Chen was very puzzled. There are disciples at other colleges, why doesn't Tongtianyuan have any?

"Where are the disciples of Tongtianyuan?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking.

"This... is still cultivating in the Wangu Tower." The Grand Elder said: "Wangu Tower is extraordinary. Cultivating inside is tantamount to a deep sleep or suspended animation, and external forces can't wake them up..."

"If they are forcibly awakened, they may be robbed, unsure, and Daoji collapsed."

With that said, the elder looked at Mu Zhu and Lin Hao with a weird look, and muttered: "This time when the Pagoda is opened, I thought that a few disciples of the foundation level would come out, but I didn't expect to... just come out two young emperors. ."

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