I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1216: the end of the world

The Wangu Pagoda in Tongtianyuan is very extraordinary. It forms a world of its own. The universe is reversed, the sun and the moon are at the top of the symbol, one thought is one cycle, and one dream is one life.

People who are cultivating inside are in a state of suspended animation and cannot be easily awakened.

As for Tongtianyuan, the real disciples of the foundation level are all cultivating in the Wangu Pagoda.

However, what they didn't expect this time was that after the opening of Wangu Tower, none of the disciples who came out were disciples of the foundation level!

"Elder, the strength of our two cultivation bases is considered to be the best among the same generation, right? Are you talking like this because you want to discuss it with us?" Mu Zhu said with a weird expression.

You know, the group of elders in Tongtian Garden now has the highest cultivation level, that is, the emperor.

Although Mu Zhu is a disciple, he is no weaker than any elder in terms of cultivation.

Now, when the great elder talks like this, in normal times, he is looking for a fight!

"Ahem! No big or small! I'm the elder!" The elder is very embarrassed. He is old, not vigorous, and his strength is no longer at its peak.

"Okay, the matter is settled. Go down and prepare for your departure tomorrow." The man waved his hand, then looked at Jiang Chen and said, "If you stay, I have something to say to you."

"Disciple farewell."


Afterwards, everyone left, and the major elders also bid farewell. Only Jiang Chen and the man were left in the elder's hall.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

"About your previous lives, I want to ask." The man stared, before Jiang Chen could speak, he whispered, "My name is Hongyun."

"Huh? Then?" Jiang Chen blinked his eyes, his expression dumbfounded.

What is your name and what does it have to do with me?

I only know that you are a thigh, I just hug you!

However, seeing Jiang Chen's bewildered look, Hong Yun couldn't help but a hint of loneliness appeared in his eyes, and sighed: "You haven't come back after all."

"You mean...I should know your name?" Jiang Chen was stunned, looked up and down Hongyun, and asked tentatively: "How many lives do you know me?"

"I know what your life is." Hongyun rolled his eyes.

Jiang Chen has reincarnated too many times. I am afraid that few people in this world can figure out how many lives Jiang Chen has reincarnated.

When Hongyun met Jiang Chen, it was tens of thousands of years ago.

Jiang Chen at that time seemed to remember the memories of the past.

But when I met again this time, I didn't remember anything.

"The Supreme Temple has a way to get you back to the memories you used to remember. That is the background and means you left behind." Hongyun said, with a serious expression, and said: "But you said at the beginning that it's not a last resort, don't let it. My Supreme Temple will help you find your memory."

"It seems... in that lifetime, you know that you will lose your memory in the future."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly, and his heart was ups and downs.

He doesn't quite understand, what is the relationship between his certain life and the Supreme Temple?

What kind of inner means did he leave to himself in the first place?

"I think you are in this situation, and it is not the time to last..." Hongyun muttered: "There is no danger in life."

"Do I... do I have to wait until I'm dying before the Supreme Heavenly Temple can help me?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words, and said, "That was what you told me before."

"I'm doing it! What the **** I wanted to do in my life!" Jiang Chen's face turned dark, and then he was puzzled, and said, "You left me just to tell me about this?"

"I want to tell you that although the world is big, the forces are intricate, and the strong are like clouds, but you don't need to be afraid." Hongyun said: "In this world, my Supreme Temple can't give you, but your life is mine. The Supreme Temple says no, then no one can take it away."

"Oh? So powerful?" Jiang Chen tilted his eyes, naturally he didn't believe it!

How vast the world is, where is the courage of the Supreme Temple to say this! ?

No matter how strong the Supreme Temple is, it is not invincible in the Great Thousand World, right?

But looking at Hongyun's expression, it shouldn't be like lying!

"Okay, trust you for the time being." Jiang Chen muttered: "Then tell me, what was my name in the life you knew me?"

"Sky Star." Hongyun said.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen suddenly understood something!

Tongtianyuan is an academy under the seat of the Supreme Palace, and the people of the Supreme Palace know him in his life as a heavenly star.

This is also understandable, why the body of Tianxing would be placed in the dojo of Tongtianyuan!

What Jiang Chen couldn't understand was that such an important thing was not well placed in the Supreme Heaven Hall, but it was thrown in the Tongtian Garden.

If it is gone or destroyed, the loss will be great!

"Right! Have you ever heard of a place above the sky!" Jiang Chen pointed to the top of his head, frowned, and said: "I have merged with the body of Tianxing, and now I have some incomplete memories."

"Above the sky!?" Hong Yun's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly covered Jiang Chen's mouth and said: "Don't talk about these four words everywhere! It's a taboo!"

"I'll wait to talk about it, but your identity is different, how many people in this world are staring at you!" Hong Yun said solemnly.

"I can't say it?" Jiang Chen was shocked, what is it? Is it in the great world?

Or is it in another big world?

Haoyu is vast and boundless, and the place that monks can explore now is just a small area in the vast world.

Someone once explored the depths of the starry sky, only to see darkness without a trace of light.

Therefore, many people think that the Great Thousand World is the whole world, and there will be no other world.

But now...

Jiang Chen always feels that he still knows too little!

"There are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky, this is not just talking." Hongyun said meaningfully.

Immediately, he walked out of the elder's hall, pointed to the distance, and said: "In the deepest part of the starry sky, what's there, do you know?"

"I heard that it was darkness." Jiang Chen followed, squinting his eyes, and said: "Where is the end of the world?"

"There is no darkness, where the light comes from, the end of the darkness is the starting point of the light." Hongyun said: "It's just that in this world, I am afraid that no one can cross that darkness, so no one knows what lies behind the darkness. What a sight."

Speaking of this, a hint of jealousy flashed in his eyes, saying: "In the darkness, there are broken palaces, broken worlds, and more immortal corpses. There... is like a prehistoric battlefield. A well-known secret."

"Perhaps...you know." Hongyun said.

However, Jiang Chen has forgotten the memories of previous lives. What can he know? !

However, after Jiang Chen heard this, there seemed to be something in his mind, like a chain broke!

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