I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1237: The face!

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at a group of strong men from the Chang'an clan headed by three transcendents, they all knelt down and bowed to all of them at this moment!

And this person is Jiang Chen!

"This card face... is really enough." Jiang Chen smiled, secretly saying that Long Song is really good at doing things.

"I'm waiting for the order of the patriarch to come and follow the boss's dispatch!" said the leader.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Get up, there is nothing wrong here."

"Xie Boss."

"Xie Boss."


Everyone shouted, and then stood up one by one and stood beside Jiang Chen.

But at this moment, the elder of the Fairy Spirit Sect was dumbfounded, very messy.

You must know that these people were called by him, but they didn't look at him at all and ignored him!

The most important thing is, what status is Jiang Chen?

Can the transcendent kneel down and salute him? !

You know, transcendents are the world's top combat power. They look down on the earth like a blue dragon, high above them, and ordinary people can afford their worship! ?

"What can you do if you ask us to come over? Tell our boss if you have anything."

After a few breaths, one of the transcendents looked at the elder of the Fairy Spirit Sect with a hint of arrogance in his eyes. When he looked at the other party, he seemed to be looking at an ant!

Upon hearing this, the elder of the Immortal Spirit Sect hurriedly squeezed a smile on his face, and respectfully said: "A transcendent person in the Supreme Palace has a dispute with me and wants your help."

"Oh? The Supreme Temple?"

"These forces..."


The three transcendents frowned, knowing that the Supreme Temple is not easy to provoke.

However, they all listen to Jiang Chen's words!

The words of the elder of the Immortal Spirit Sect were dispensable to them.

And they came here today, although it is because of the elder of the Spiritual Sect, but the main purpose is to meet the boss of Jiang Chen!

Before they came, chanting the long song made it very clear to them, and the boss must shout loudly!

"I am now a disciple of the Supreme Temple, and he has to deal with the Supreme Temple, this...what do you think?" Jiang Chen looked at the group of powerful men behind him with a smile.

As soon as he said this, the faces of the group of people behind him turned black!

What a special thing! ?

The old fairy sect, what are you doing?

As soon as I meet the boss, you will get us moths! ?

At this moment, everyone could clearly feel that killing intent appeared in the eyes of a group of strong men from the Chang'an clan!

And this killing intent was all aimed at the elders of the fairy spirit sect!

In an instant, the elders of the Fairy Spirit Sect were as cold as a falling ice cellar, and his heart was almost broken!

"The boss now worships under the Supreme Temple, then my Chang'an clan and the Supreme Temple naturally have a good relationship, and you... actually let us deal with the Supreme Temple!? I think you are living impatiently!"

"Do you really think that my Chang'an clan needs the support of the Fairy Spirit Sect? After all, it's not your Fairy Spirit Sect that begs my Chang'an clan!"


These three transcendents spoke one after another, leaving no feelings for the elders of the Fairy Spirit Sect!

"Forget it, after all, the Chang'an clan now has a good relationship with the Immortal Spirit Sect, so forget it at this moment." Jiang Chen waved his hand and couldn't make it difficult to read the long song.

However, Hongyun's face was extremely gloomy at the moment.

The elder of the Immortal Spirit Sect before provoke him one after another, which is undoubtedly a shame for him!

From the supreme temple, born as supreme, how could he suffer such insults!



At this moment, when everyone hadn't reacted, I saw Hongyun hit out with a palm, directly shaking the elder of the fairy sect into powder!

"In this way, this matter can be revealed." Hongyun whispered softly.

"Boss, you just have to be happy." Jiang Chen smiled.

"You..." Ling Long's face was pale. As the saint of the Fairy Spirit Sect, she was naturally very uncomfortable watching her elder being killed!

But she also understood that if her elders hadn't provoked first, she wouldn't end up dead and dead!

It's just that, in front of so many people, the elders of the Spiritual Immortal Sect were killed, where should the face of the Spiritual Spiritual Sect be put?

"Little girl, this matter has nothing to do with you. Even if you report the matter back to the Fairy Spirit Sect, I don't think the Fairy Spirit Sect will say a word." Jiang Chen looked at Ling Long and whispered: "Just stop here. ."

"Who on earth are you..." Ling Long asked with frowned eyebrows.

And this problem is naturally a problem that everyone cares about!

Tongtianyuan disciple? Supreme Heavenly Temple disciple? The boss of the Chang'an clan?

What is the origin of this person! ?

At this moment, not to mention those emperors, even the other transcendents were shocked!

"The Battle of the Star Academy is over!? I'm late to wait!?"

"Sir! Are you okay?!"


Suddenly, several transcendents in the distance tore through the void, one by one, magnificent, like a canopy, pressing down on the avenue!

"Evil race!?"

"Taixu clan!? Jiang clan!? Siji clan!? Soul clan!?"


At this moment, the exclamation sounded one after another here, everyone was shocked!

Just because these people who came are all extraordinary people of the evil race!

And after these people came here, they all shouted respectfully to Jiang Chen!

"Jiang Qiankun, it's too god... long time no see." Jiang Chen smiled, then looked at the other two evil race transcendents, nodded, and said: "I have seen two elders."

"The elders are your own family, you are welcome."

"Yes, my family!"


The two transcendents of the Siji and Soul clan smiled and patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder, looking familiar.

Jiang Chen laughed a few times, naturally knowing why these evil clan big men came here.

Isn't it because he is afraid that he will suffer a loss in the battle of Star Field Academy!

"How can this kid have something to do with the evil race!? These evil race bigwigs are...commensurate with him!?"

"How many racial forces does this kid have to do with?! Touching him, does it mean moving half of the world!?"


Everyone was shocked, even Hongyun was surprised!

He did not expect that Jiang Chen in this life would be so good!

"Holy boy, is the Star Field Academy battle over this time? Who won the first prize? Is it my honor?"

"If it weren't for my esteemed family, I think this time the Star Field Academy battle must be restarted!"


At this moment, Jiang Qiankun and Taishangtian were not polite, staring at Emperor Shengtian, the strong meaning in the words made the Emperor Shengtian tense!

The Holy Emperor Lord is strong, but for the whole evil race, what counts him?

If it were not for the bad relations between the big evil races and their respective concerns, if one day the evil races are united, then let alone his holy dynasty, I am afraid that even the most top forces cannot stop the evil race!

Like I have nine female apprentices, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) I have nine female apprentices whose literature is updated the fastest.

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