I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1238: Explore

Everyone was shocked, the famous races and forces in this great world have all come, and they are all extraordinary!

This means that they attach great importance to Jiang Chen!

At this moment, the Holy Heaven Emperor's conscience was guilty, and he hurriedly said, "This time the leader is little friend Jiang Chen."

"Well, that's right."

"This is very good, otherwise I will think that this Star Field Academy battle is false!"


Too God and the others nodded. As an evil race, they would do everything casually, but no matter what others said.

Today, if Jiang Chen hadn't won the first prize, then they wouldn't mind reopening a Starfield Academy battle.

"This battle, this card face..." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, and he was afraid that after today, he was really going to be famous in the world.

At that time, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

"So, the candidate to enter the Daqian mine burial this year is Tongtianyuan." Said the Emperor Shengtian.

After all, there was a hint of unknown in the eyes of the Holy Emperor.

He glanced at Jiang Chen, secretly transmitted his voice, and said, "Can you take my three descendants in with you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen refused without even thinking about it, "No."

"You... give face, as long as you agree, my Holy Heaven Dynasty will owe you a favor, how about it?" The Holy Heaven Emperor said.

However, Jiang Chen still refused to agree!

"What do I need the favor of the Holy Heavenly Dynasty? The Supreme Temple is not enough to support me? The Chang'an Clan is not enough? Or the evil clan has no weight?" Jiang Chen jokingly said: "I am not the Holy Heavenly Dynasty."

After all, Jiang Chen didn't bother to pay attention to the Holy Emperor, his eyes fell on the three great virtues.

"Why? Don't you know me? I haven't seen you for so long, but come to say hello?" Jiang Chen said.

As soon as these words came out, the three great virtues hurriedly walked over, abandoning their ancestor status, and came to Jiang Chen before and after they saluted and said respectfully: "I have seen the boss!"


"My God!? No way?! What is the relationship between the three ancestors? Boss!?"


At this moment, not to mention other people, even the three big monster races were moved!

They couldn't believe what the relationship between their ancestors and Jiang Chen was, they actually yelled one by one! ?

"You guys, just came to meet the boss!"

"It's not big or small. Didn't you even call the boss if you didn't see it? Don't think that you can only salute if you have a high cultivation base! Hurry up!"


The three great virtues yelled at several of their own strong men, and they didn't give them any face.

At this moment, the powerhouse of the three big monster races was taken aback for a moment. Although he was reluctant in his heart, he still came over and shouted the boss to Jiang Chen.

"Look at the one who gave you guys. After coming to the Great Thousand World, you have a good life." Jiang Chen squinted and asked with a smile: "I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me?"

The three great virtues know Jiang Chen very well.

They are even more clear about the meaning of Jiang Chen's words!

At this moment, I saw Long Dade not saying anything, and took out a magical medicine that was shining with Shen Xi, and brought it to Jiang Chen with both hands, and said sincerely: "Boss, I think about you all day and night. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, this is a little bit from being a little brother!"

"Boss, we are all prepared too."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Of course you have to honor the boss when you meet."


Dade Bird and Dade Huang also gave their gifts, but they despised Jiang Chen in their hearts!

Especially, this boss is good at everything, he is stingy, stingy, and greedy for money!

Especially for his own people, the yardstick of being greedy and stingy is simply unbearable!

"Sensible." Jiang Chen smiled and put away the things from the three great virtues, and then looked at Mu Youde not far away.

"How about you? It's been a long time since we've seen each other, did you have a good time?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Youde walked over with a black face, and said dullly: "I dug a few ancient tombs and didn't get any good things."

"I think your ancient battle flag is pretty good..." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as he said this, Mu Youde's expression condensed, his head shook like a rattle, and said: "This is my thing! I can't give it to you!"

"Oh? Then... Did you ask me to give you a gift?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I am not the same as those three great virtues. They call you the boss, I don't call you!" Mu Youde said angrily: "Besides, you have to be careful, maybe one day I dug out yours. Physical body, I'll be thrown into the restricted area when the time comes!"


At this moment, Jiang Chen was speechless immediately.

What he is most afraid of now is that when Mu Youde robbed the tomb, he really gave the body of his previous lives to the island!

With Mu Youde's character, once the body falls into his hands, it is probably difficult to come back!

Even, accidents are very likely to happen!

"You are so relaxing!" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen felt that there were many people here, so he took a few people back to Tongtian Garden.

Half a day later, on a peak in the back mountain of Tongtian Garden, the four great virtues and Jiang Chen were sitting together, each of them looked strange.

Because after they got together, Mu Youde said one thing!

That is, the Southern Star Region may undergo tremendous changes!

And this so-called huge change, naturally, is not just chanting the long song to dominate the southern star region, but having the top ancient heritage ready to take action and destroy the Chang'an clan!

"Nian Changge and we are both our own. If he encounters difficulties, I will naturally help." Huang Dade said with a serious face, rare to be serious.

However, what makes everyone very helpless is that the ancient inheritance Mu Youde said is most likely the long-lost heavenly court!

If Heavenly Court is really making the move, then...maybe all the forces and foundations in Jiang Chen's current hands may not be able to compete with Heavenly Court!

After all, Heavenly Court is known as one of the most powerful forces in the world, and is as famous as the ancient palace!

The Heavenly Court is an invincible existence if the ancient palace does not come out!

"Is the news reliable? Are you sure it's Heavenly Court?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's the heaven, but not the heaven." Mu Youde shook his head and said: "The legendary heaven is called the ancient heaven, and this time, the force that wants to deal with Nian Changge is the heaven established by later generations."

"Oh... Since it's not Gu Tianting, then I don't have to worry so much." Jiang Chen muttered.

"Although it is not Ancient Heavenly Court, it should have something to do with Gu Heavenly Court, and... as far as I know, the foundation and strength of this Heavenly Court are not under the Supreme Heavenly Palace!" Mu Youde said solemnly.

When these words came out, Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, because he didn't know how strong the foundation and strength of the Supreme Heaven Hall were!

"I know the Supreme Temple. I heard an old dragon in the clan say that there are at least ten transcendents in the Supreme Temple!" Long Dade said solemnly, "Now, there is one transcendent that can be seen in the world. You can count it by hand, but the true number of transcendents is at least one hundred!"

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