I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1506: It's also a trick

The true blood of the unicorn is the blood dripping from the true unicorn, the sacred beast of the world.

This kind of blood is useless for cultivation, but it is undoubtedly a holy medicine for people who are exhausted!

A drop of Qilin's true blood can last for thousands of years!

As for the leader of Sunyue Shengjiao, she has lived for several times, and her cultivation has not been diligent, so Shouyuan is naturally slowly declining.

She now needs Qilin True Blood to continue her life!

Only when she is alive can she have the opportunity to continue practicing and break through the shackles!

Now, if the Jade Kylin really gave the true blood of the Kylin to the leader of the Sun Moon Saint Cult, then no matter how Jiang Chen is making trouble, Bai Fengyu will inevitably be promised to the Jade Kylin!

"Big brother, Qilin true blood is useless for us, right?" Jiang Chen returned to his residence and asked Bai Xiaoyun.

"It's useless, I'm waiting for Shouyuan to have so much, what do you do with Qilin True Blood?" Bai Xiaoyun was puzzled, and said: "What? Do you have Qilin True Blood?"

"I don't have it now, I will have it later." Jiang Chen whispered.

After the three incense sticks, Jiang Chen moved in his heart and felt the breath of the ancient building.

He followed all the way along the breath left by the ancient building, and finally in a corner of the back mountain, he saw the ancient building and the jade unicorn!

The two seemed to be talking about something, and Gu Lou was even more smiling, boasting, and seemed to have a very good relationship with Yu Qilin.

Of course, these are superficial phenomena!

Jiang Chen concealed his aura with the Wanhua Celestial Lamp, then quietly approached, and finally, without any response from Jade Qilin, he fainted with a punch!

"What are you talking about with him? We talked so happily?" Jiang Chen took the Qilin blood from him after putting down the jade unicorn, and asked curiously.

"I told him that I got a supreme practice in the overseas immortal Tibetan house, and I want to share it with him." The ancient building thief said happily: "The young people nowadays just can't stand the temptation. He shared that he believed it, it was naive."

"According to the previous agreement, half of the true blood of Qilin, if something happens...to fight together." Jiang Chen said, handing half of the true blood of Qilin to the ancient building.

Gulou accepted it with a smile, his eyes gleaming, and said: "Wait for me to take this unicorn blood...hehe!"

Jiang Chen didn't care at all, after all, for a normal person, Qilin True Blood is useless at all!

But when the ancient building left, Jiang Chen realized that the nine great ancients have been flexible for several eras and have never been reincarnated in reincarnation!

So, their birthday...

"This guy... Shouyuan is almost exhausted? No wonder he is eager to ask for Qilin true blood!" Jiang Chen secretly said, a trace of worry also appeared in his heart.

If the ancient building's lifespan is restored, the energy and blood are vigorous, and the state is restored to its peak, the combat strength between the two...Is it going to be equal? !

This is a headache opponent!

But Jiang Chen didn't think too much, anyway, now he is backed by Tianji Pavilion, and there are so many seniors and sisters behind him. What is he afraid of?

Afterwards, Jiang Chen went back quietly until the next day...

On the second day, the marriage banquet of Sun Moon Shengjiao went on normally.

Today is much more lively than yesterday. Many young disciples from overseas immortal mountains come for marriage.

The banquet was held in the square outside the main hall. Young people from various sects sat on the outside of the square, with an arena in the middle.

Jiang Chen and Gulou were seated next to each other, and the two looked at each other thiefly and smiled...

Sitting on the left of Jiang Chen was the ancient building. The two smiled violently, but the face of Yu Qilin who was sitting on the right of Jiang Chen turned black.

There are some things, even if you don't say it, even if you don't check it, Yu Qilin knows what's going on.

Gulou asked him out yesterday and was knocked out...

Do you still need to guess about this matter?

"You two...find death!" Yu Qilin thought to himself, without saying a word on the surface, just sitting silently.

After a few breaths, the leader of Sunyue Shengjiao came, and after speaking a few words on the ring, he announced the start of the marriage banquet.

In the marriage between monks, appearance is actually second, and the most important thing is strength!

Of course, the strength of today's marriage banquet is not only male to male, but also male to female!

You have to have won a daughter-in-law before you have a chance to marry a daughter-in-law!

Of course, today there is more than one married woman, besides Bai Fengyu, there are three more.

"Love my daughter-in-law of Sunyue Shengjiao." The Sunyue Master yelled, and then he saw four women being treated up.

Three of them are very pretty and can be regarded as beauties, but the last one is covered with a veil, making it difficult to see her appearance.

And this woman, no one needs to say, everyone knows that this person is Bai Fengyu!

Since Bai Fengyu entered the Sun Moon Sacred Religion, its beauty has spread in the overseas fairy mountains.

And this time, many young Tianjiao also came because of Bai Fengyu.

"Hey... this little girl... with a grievance..." Jiang Chen sat on the edge of the square, looked at Bai Fengyu, and blinked his eyes.

Bai Fengyu also saw Jiang Chen, and a hint of excitement appeared in his originally reddish eyes.

"Master..." Bai Fengyu whispered in her heart, as she thought before, no matter what happens, just trust her master!

Perhaps this is what everyone believes in Jiang Chen!

Unnecessary things are often fascinating and sometimes convinced!

"Master Sun Moon, I am waiting to come here today just for Bai Fengyu, the other three...I am not interested in waiting!"

"That's right, I'll tell you all the time, I think we need this white wind language for today's marriage."

At this moment, many people made a fuss, but what they said was the truth.

After all, these people who came today are all the arrogances of the major sects.

How can ordinary people get into their eyes?

The leader of the sun and moon is also clear, and can't help but smile: "Then... as you wish, today's wedding banquet, let Baifengyu be the main one."

After that, Bai Fengyu stepped onto the ring, meaning that it was obvious that only if he could beat her, would he have a chance to become her Taoist companion.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he was of course anxious. Just when he was about to get up and ready to seize the opportunity, he was pushed down by the ancient building.

"You... don't worry about her... look carefully." Gulou looked weird and said: "I didn't expect that... the Sun and Moon Lord is also a tricky thing!"

"Oh? What do you mean?" Jiang Chen was stunned, with golden light in his eyes, but he still couldn't tell the general idea.

In the end, he could only operate the Wanhua Celestial Lamp, and Jiang Chen was also dumbfounded by this look.

I saw that Bai Fengyu's body had a very strong yin power, and he also awakened the power of attributes, especially his realm, which was covered by a secret technique!

"This is... Golden Immortal Nine Layers!? The power of the two major attributes of water and fire!?" Jiang Chen was stunned, and the secret path Baifengyu should have only recently soared, how can his cultivation level rise so fast! ? I have the latest chapter address of nine female apprentices: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading record (Chapter 1506 is also a pitted thing) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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