I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1507: Your apprentice is really good

Jinxian Nine Layers, and also awakened the two major attributes of water and fire, and it is the Lunar Eucharist. This strength is at the top level no matter where it is placed!

And this time the people who came to participate in the marriage banquet, although they are all Tianjiao of the major sects, most of their cultivation bases are in the Golden Wonderland.

Let me ask, in the same Golden Wonderland, how many people can beat a person who has awakened dual attributes and has his own Eucharist! ?

"I don't need me to act at all..." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, looked at the Jade Qilin beside him, and secretly said that the strongest people who came to participate in the marriage banquet this time were Wang Zhan and Jade Qilin.

Others simply don't look at it enough.

As for these two people, Jiang Chen had seen the strength of Yuqilin. Although they were very strong, they would not be Bai Fengyu's opponent.

As for the green head overlord battle... this guy is purely here to make trouble.

"You said...Is the Sun Moon Hierarch not even planning to marry Bai Fengyu?" Gulou muttered.

When these words came out, Jiang Chen was also taken aback for a while, the secret path really has such a possibility!

After all, the leader of Sun and Moon is not a fool, can he marry a arrogant such as Bai Fengyu?

If you stay in your own sect and cultivate it well, what you cultivate is your own.

If you marry out... can you still be regarded as your own! ?

"If the true blood of Yu Qilin's unicorn is not lost, perhaps Sun Moon Guru will really agree to him... but now..." Jiang Chen whispered, with a hint of playfulness on his face.

At this moment, Bai Fengyu stood on the ring and had already beaten a young man down.

Moreover, she hasn't used her full strength yet!

"I can't see my appearance, but I think it's amazing... plus this strength... it really matches me." Yu Qilin said from the side, confident of himself.

This made Jiang Chen sneer, secretly saying that you are like you, and it is estimated that Bai Fengyu will be violently beaten by Bai Fengyu.

"Some people are really shameless, just a small saint, and they are not strong enough. They still want to take Baifengyu?" Wang Zhan mocked from the side: "I think you might as well go home to farm, or become a little white face. ."

"Wang Zhan! Don't think that you are the future Sect Master of the Mingyue Sect, it is great! You are not yet!" Yu Qilin also has a temper, and it is impossible to suffer from the King Zhan all the time.

Wang Zhan smiled contemptuously and didn't say much.

Next, many people stepped onto the ring, but without exception, they were not Bai Fengyu's opponents.

"Your apprentice is so fierce!" Gulou looked strange, looked up and down Jiang Chen, and asked: "You are against Bai Fengyu, can you win?"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he immediately became happy.

To Bai Fengyu, can he win?

This kind of question, but anyone with a brain will not ask it.

"I can make him half-length cultivation." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

As soon as he said this, Gu Lou's face turned black.

He originally wanted to challenge Jiang Chen, but when he heard this, he suddenly lost interest.

Are you kidding me?

Bai Fengyu is so strong, you can still make her half-length cultivation! ?

This combat power... is a bit against the sky, isn't it? !

"When I refine Qilin's true blood, and my blood qi has returned to its peak, I may be able to challenge him! Now...recognize..." Gulou sighed inwardly, secretly saying how there is such a monster in this world.

"Why don't you go up yet?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at Yu Qilin jokingly, and teased: "What's the matter? Isn't it that Bai Fengyu can't be beaten?"

"Joke!" Yu Qilin was very confident, and said: "A woman in a mere pal, no matter how strong she is, she can't be my opponent! I need the finale!"

"The finale? You were probably beaten at the finale, right?" Jiang Chen thought to himself, with a smile on his face, he didn't say much with a smile.

In the following time, people continued to step onto the ring, but they weren't Bai Fengyu's opponent.

Over time, some people began to wonder how a female disciple who had just entered the Sun Moon Sacred Church could be so strong! ?

"Master Sun Moon, your new female disciple... is something wrong?"

"This strength... how many golden immortals can beat him?"


Many people spoke, after all, Bai Fengyu's strength is indeed a bit outrageous.

Even Yu Qilin didn't dare to go up at this moment, always weighing the strength between himself and Bai Fengyu.

"This is indeed my new disciple of Sun Moon Shengjiao. As for her cultivation... dual attributes, Jinxian Jiuzhong." Sun Moon Master said with a smile: "Marriage is naturally true, but if you don't have that strength , Naturally I can't marry the daughter-in-law I teach."

"This... dual attribute!? Jinxian Jiuzhong!?"

"Master Sun and Moon, you are a bit too much! Why don't you tell me in advance!?"


Many people are dissatisfied. If they know that Bai Fengyu is this cultivation base, what else are they going to do?

That's either to find a beating, or to lose face!

"Jade Qilin, I heard that you have Qilin true blood..."

At this moment, the leader of Sun and Moon spoke, which meant that it was obvious that if you can give me the true blood of the unicorn, I will betroth Bai Fengyu to you.

According to the original plan, Jade Kylin will naturally send the true blood of the Kylin to the Sun and Moon Guru.

But now... there is no real Qilin blood on him!

"The true blood of the unicorn is lost..." Yu Qilin's face was dark and said: "But with my strength, it is possible to defeat Bai Fengyu!"

"Oh?" The leader of Sun and Moon seemed to be a little surprised. After all, the Qilin's blood is extraordinary, how could the Jade Qilin not be kept well?

However, for an old monster who has lived for several generations, if you lose it, you will lose it. The big deal is to think of a solution.

However, since there is no Qilin True Blood, even if you defeated Baifengyu today, my Sun Moon Sacred Sect will not betroth Baifengyu to you!

"Little saint child, if it wasn't for the true blood of the unicorn, do you really think I would be betting Baifengyu to you?" The Sun Moon Guru secretly said.

"Jade Qilin is really confident enough..." Gulou poked Jiang Chen, jokingly: "Do you think Jade Qilin can beat your apprentice?"

"Once there is a chance, it makes sense for him to be so self-confident. Maybe there is some assassin that is useless." Jiang Chen whispered softly, not underestimating anyone.

Especially Yuqilin dared to be so confident in front of so many people, it definitely makes sense to think about it!

"This strength is so strong...If I become my Taoist companion, wouldn't I be suppressed by her? Wouldn't I be embarrassed?"

Wang Zhan on the side was also wondering, his future Sect Master of Mingyue could not marry a Daoist who is stronger than himself!

At that time, he became a strict wife, and it was so shameless! ?

"Since no one is going to fight, then... it's my turn!"

At this moment, the jade unicorn shot, stepped out, the unicorn shadow appeared behind him, and there was a vague roaring sound.

Under one step, like a red streamer, it fell on the ring! I have nine female apprentices and the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.html I have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1507 Your apprentice is really good) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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