"Then wait and see and see again." The Great Elder did not refuse.

"It's no wonder that Xuan Sanhui was defeated by you. It turns out that you have some abilities, but with your true immortal and triple realm, you are not my opponent at all. If you honestly go back with me, you may be able to spare you in the face of Master. Fate!" Xuan Er stared at Jiang Chen, holding the rapier tightly in his hand.

"I will return this to you as well."

"If it wasn't for the sake of reading the long song, I wouldn't tell you these nonsense."

Jiang Chen smiled coldly. Under the blessing of the power of light and thunder, except for the sword body, his whole body was faintly attached with a faint light of thunder. It seemed that just a little movement would give the opponent a powerful blow.

"Things that do not repent, today I will make you pay the price you deserve!"

Xuan Er's eyes sank, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When he left, a strong wind hit the ground, blowing sand and rocks on the ground.

The tip of the sword swept out of the dust and pierced at Jiang Chen fiercely.

The speed was so fast that everyone present could feel a flash in front of them, and even Xuan Er's figure could not be captured.

"Fast speed!"

"As expected, Immortal King Xuanjun sat the second-ranked kendo boy. I'm afraid I can touch the Immortal King with this kind of strength!"

"That kid is going to be unlucky!"

Many people around couldn't help but feel sorry for Jiang Chen.

In their opinion, even if Xuan Er's sword is faced by the fairy king, as long as he is slightly careless, there is a possibility of being recruited, not to mention that Jiang Chen is just a true fairy three-fold kid.

Look at the other side.

Jiang Chen stood quietly in place.

A pair of dark and deep eyes locked on Xuan Er's Jian Feng.

When the sword tip was about to pierce them, the crowd around the audience could not help but close their eyes and wait for the screams. When even the overseas immortal kings transported their feet and wanted to rescue them, a sound of metal collision came to their ears. .


There was a harsh sound, and everyone couldn't help frowning.

"How can it be?!"

Xuan Er was a little shocked.

His sword was blocked by Jiang Chen lightly.

In his opinion, with Jiang Chen True Immortal's triple cultivation base, it is impossible to stop his offensive at all, and even said that there should be no fight back.

"Your sword is over, isn't it my turn?" Jiang Chen had a faint smile on his mouth. After saying this, Jiang Chen directly raised the rapier in his hand, with the tip of the sword facing the sky.

The originally clear sky became clouded in an instant.


In the dark clouds, thunder light flickered, thunder sounded, and soon, a thunder gleaming as if receiving some kind of guidance.

Penetrating through the dark clouds, slashed down in front of Jiang Chen fiercely.


An explosion sounded, and in front of Jiang Chen, the place Xuan Er just stood was hit by thunder and lightning.


Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This ability to mobilize the power of heaven and earth does not seem to be something that a little real fairy can do.


Seeing such a shocking side, a certain immortal king of the overseas immortal mountain couldn't help but yelled, and the other immortal kings also instantly relaxed.

The strength Jiang Chen demonstrated made them feel relieved.

The smoke dissipated.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the deep pit that was struck by thunder and lightning.

Even if Xuan Er did not die, he would definitely be seriously injured.

"Boy, do you want to die!" The masters Xuan Er brought over were shocked, pointing to Jiang Chen and shouting loudly.

"What does it have to do with you when the two fight each other? Didn't you see our overseas fairy mountain in your eyes?!" Jiang Chen did not speak, the fairy kings of the overseas fairy mountain were tit-for-tat.

"Oh? If I remember correctly, it seems that Xuan Er brought you here to take my life?" Jiang Chen didn't change his expression because of their threats, he still had a faint smile, no Said coldly.

In the huge pit.

A white figure flashed up.


Xuan Erzhong coughed a few times. The speed at which the thunder struck was too fast. He had no chance to dodge at all, so he could only resist it with strength.

Fortunately, his foundation was relatively stable. At the moment he was hit, he immediately turned into an armor to envelop his whole body, thus avoiding the end of serious injury.

But even so, he was struck by thunder abruptly, and he felt as if his internal organs were about to be displaced, and he also had a lot of injuries on his body. The armor that was transformed by the power of immortality also came out of him from the deep pit. At the time, it slowly dissipated.

"Are you okay?" Several masters quickly gathered around.

"It's okay, it's just a bit of negligence. I didn't expect that Jiang Chen could use such a powerful move with the true immortal triple cultivation base." Xuan Er shook his head and said with a smear of blood from the corner of his mouth.

"This will become a great weapon in the future!"

Qianhezong and others all commented in a low voice.

"It's already a great weapon. The pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion and the leader of the Overseas Immortal Mountain Alliance, any name is famous in the immortal world. This kid is the second one. If he is given time to grow, he may be able to compete with the three immortal kings." The elder touched his gray beard and said.

"Elder, is this evaluation too high, the three great immortal kings, that is..."

Hearing the evaluation of the great elder, the people of several Qianhe Sects were a bit astonished. They had never heard such a high evaluation from the old man in front of them.

Who are those three immortal kings?

It can be said that he is the strongest person in the entire fairy world.

In front of Jiang Chen, although he had some talents, he was only a true immortal threefold cultivation base, and he was still a thousand miles away from the three great immortal kings.

"You all get out of the way, I must get rid of this person today, otherwise I will be ashamed of Master!" After a while, feeling a little smoother in the body's breath, Xuan Er took the Immortal King around him. Pushing away, gritted his teeth and said.

"Be careful!" several people reminded.

"If he can't even kill him, is there any difference between my cultivation level and none?!" Xuan Er sneered.

He was completely attributable to his defeat just now because he didn't know Jiang Chen, and now he knew how strong Jiang Chen was now, so it was still not a problem to solve Jiang Chen with his cultivation base.

"If you clean up him like this, aren't you afraid that Immortal King Xuanjun will suddenly come to the scene to make trouble for you?" The first mountain master took a few steps forward, standing in front of Jiang Chen and said softly, "There are only those few swordsmen under his seat. Tong, you are about to kill you now."

"I don't have one." Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed.

"Forget it, if Immortal King Xuanjun really gets here, it won't be a problem to **** you away with these people under us." Hearing this, the first mountain lord would lose the ability to continue talking to Jiang Chen. idea.

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