I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1567: Xuanjun is here again

When he was talking with the first mountain lord, Xuan Er silently swallowed a light-colored pill into his mouth.

This pill was stolen from Xuanjun’s Treasure Treasure Pavilion. According to his understanding, this pill can completely increase his cultivation base in a short period of time, even after the effect is over. , Can cause extreme weakness in the body.

But in Xuan Er's view, he had completely seen Jiang Chen's strength, coupled with the extra strength provided by this pill, there was no problem with beheading this person here.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't kill you here today, I will have no face under the seat of the Immortal King Xuanjun!" Feeling the power in his body, Xuan Er burst into laughter, and he pointed his finger at Jiang. Chen, shouted sharply.

After he finished speaking, even the thin sword in his hand swelled a bit, and the thick celestial power condensed on the sword body, as if this sword could directly split the plane.

Jiang Chen did not speak.

Just clenched the long sword in his hand.

Jiang Chen saw Xuan Er's change in his eyes.

A sword swept up, and Xuan Er's whole body instantly rose into the air. The condensed sword energy has already turned into substance. When he stepped in the air and rushed towards Jiang Chen, a long sword was also condensed on Jiang Chen's head. .

"This trick is the strongest immortal technique passed down to me by Immortal King Xuan Jun, and being able to die under this trick is worthy of your true immortal triple cultivation base!"

Xuan Er's hair had no wind, and his whole person seemed to have merged with the sword qi, and wherever he passed, a piercing sound burst sounded.

Including the first mountain lord, everyone squeezed a cold sweat for Jiang Chen.

Just as they watched Xuan Er attentively, Jiang Chen didn't know when, drew a wave of thunder.

But this power is not like just before, directly bombarding the ground.

It was directly instilled into Bai Xiaoyun's long sword.

With the blessing of the power of thunder, the whole body of the white sword showed a azure blue color, and the body of the sword became virtual, as if it was completely transformed from the power of thunder.

Xuan Er's long sword has hung over Jiang Chen's head, and the fluctuations caused by the sword's body even formed an enchantment, sealing Jiang Chen inside. With the strength of the true immortal triple, it is impossible to escape.

The only thing I can do is to wait quietly for death inside.

"It's a good move, but unfortunately I met me..."

Feeling the situation around his body, Jiang Chen's mouth evoked a faint sneer, and immediately swiped the Thunder sword in his hand forward. The barrier formed by sword aura was completely unable to withstand such a fierce offensive. It was almost touching. The moment it touched, it was already broken.

The enchantment was damaged, and Xuan Er seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries as a result.

He stopped suddenly and fell to the ground with a somersault.

Jiang Chen strode forward, stepped on Xuan Er's back with one foot, and put the long sword in his hand directly on his neck. As long as he exerted a little force, the person completely disappeared from the immortal world.

"Dare you!" Seeing that Jiang Chen had acted like this, several masters brought by Xuan Er immediately stepped forward and reprimanded, but they were afraid of what Jiang Chen would really do, so they just spoke and didn't dare to get too close.

"I have warned you earlier that instead of listening, he eats something to increase his strength and wants to kill me. Now that the outcome is settled, life and death should be settled?" Jiang Chen looked gloomily. Asked them coldly.

"He is a kendo boy under the Xuanjun Immortal Throne, who dares to hurt him!" The person standing in the front glared.

"I dare." Jiang Chen held the long sword in his hand and was about to slash down Xuan Er's neck fiercely.

It's just that when he tried hard, he felt an invisible force blocking him. Even if he tried harder, Jian Feng couldn't hurt Xuan Er's skin at all.

"Good boy, you dare to do something to my people one after another. Is it true that I, the fairy king, doesn't exist?!" Just when Jiang Chen felt something was wrong, a strong voice came out.

The moment the voice sounded, there was a figure in front of Xuan Er who gradually changed from illusion to reality.

"Xuanjun Immortal King?!"

Seeing this man, everyone present was exclaimed.

Before they came today, they didn't expect that they were just exploring the tomb of the immortal emperor in the Eastern Region, attracting one of the three immortal kings in the immortal world.

"Great Elder, Immortal King Xuanjun..."

Qianhezong's protector whispered.

"It's okay, with me here today, no one can hurt little friend Jiang Chen." The elder's dry palm gradually shook.

With his strength, it shouldn't be a problem to shake Xuanjun positively.

The reason he hesitated just now was because he was thinking about offending Xuan Jun because of Jiang Chen, whether it was a little worthless.

After all, although his strength is not weaker than Xuan Jun, in the entire Qianhe Sect, he is the only one who has this kind of cultivation. The lord is still in retreat, and he doesn't know when he will come out. If he offends Xuan Jun, he is bound to make Qianhe. Zong is in trouble.

But now he has seen Jiang Chen's strength and talent, so the hesitant heart suddenly became firm. He believed that as long as Jiang Chen was given time to grow up, it would be possible to match or even surpass Xuanjun. thing.

"Long Ge, look at the good things Jiang Chen has done. If I don't have it today, I am afraid that all the kendo boys under my seat will be killed by him!"

Immortal King Xuan Jun looked at the young man who appeared beside him, dressed in white, and said.

"That master, I think it must be something Xuan Er did wrong. I understand Jiang Chen's character and he will not take the initiative." Read Changge to look at Jiang Chen, and then at Xuan Jun next to him.

"Who's here." Xuan Jun didn't reply to the long song, but looked to the side.

When he finished speaking, a beautiful figure slowly floated to Jiang Chen's side.

"Fengyu? What are you doing here?" Jiang Chen frowned instantly when he saw the woman beside him.

"I inquired about the news that the people under Xuan Jun's seat had arrived in the Eastern Region. I was worried that they would do something with you, so I hurried over." Bai Fengyu's chest kept rising and falling, and even what he said was smelly.

"You won't be able to help much here, and you will encounter danger." Jiang Chen's face showed a worried look. It was okay just now, and he can completely control the situation, but now Xuan Jun is here, Jiang Chen is not Think of himself as the opponent of the three immortal kings.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can be with you, no matter what danger I encounter, I am not afraid." Bai Fengyu's eyes were firm and his tone was clear.

"Cough cough." Thinking of the immortal kings and the first mountain lord standing behind the overseas immortal mountains, Jiang Chen suddenly felt embarrassed, and hurriedly coughed to cover it up.

What Jiang Chen didn't see was that when Bai Fengyu appeared, the first mountain lord squinted at him severely.

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