I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1912: The plague spreads

Su Qian is sitting here.

Jiang Chen completely left the fairy gate behind.

Mind and recover from the injury.

After more than ten days passed, fluctuations suddenly spread out in the quiet Wancheng Immortal Gate at night.

"Five immortals."

Jiang Chen clenched his fist, feeling a lot stronger than before, and the immortal power in his body, the corner of his mouth unconsciously curled up with a smile.

Not only did he break through his cultivation base this time, he even understood the Bow of Ice Apparition in the sweat bead of Ice Apparition and the Extreme Ice Domain more thoroughly.

Exhaling a suffocating breath, Jiang Chen pushed the door and walked out, preparing to move to the exercise platform in front of the hall to move his fists and kicks.

Walking down the stone steps, Jiang Chen was just about to open an enchantment, but suddenly he saw a disciple lying in front.

Jiang Chen shook his head and walked forward quickly, ready to help him up.

When he walked in front of him, Jiang Chen suddenly found that this disciple seemed to be dead.

Reaching out to help him up, Jiang Chen instilled a ray of celestial power into his body.


The disciple coughed twice and opened his eyes.

"what's the situation?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and asked him.

"Young Master, there are thousands of insects in my body that are gnawing, and I also ask Young Master to help me. I will definitely pay my life for the immortal door in the future!"

After the disciple woke up, he quickly grabbed Jiang Chen's arm and yelled weakly.

"With me, don't worry too much."

Jiang Chen didn't waste time, and immediately slapped him on the body.

The moment Xianli entered, Jiang Chen's expression instantly changed.

The condition in this disciple's body was almost exactly the same as that of Huo Xuan and Bai Xiaoyun.

"Black Plague?"

Jiang Chen looked up and scanned the fairy gate.

The whole fairy gate is very peaceful, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

With the support of Jiang Chen's immortal power, the disciple was barely out of danger, but the expression on his face was still painful, and his consciousness was not particularly clear.

"What have you done recently?"

Jiang Chen held his arms with both hands and asked in a low voice.

"Look at Xianshu, practice qigong..."

The disciple opened his eyes vigorously and said something, as if all his strength had been exhausted.

Seeing that the disciple's situation just got better and worsened again, Jiang Chen stretched out his hands and opened his eyes, and saw his eyes flooding with black silk.

A bad premonition appeared in Jiang Chen's heart.

The black plague spread in the sect.

After putting down his disciple, Jiang Chen immediately rushed to Su Qian's room where he was resting.

Pushing the door in, I saw that the latter was lying in front of the case, dealing with some things in the fairy gate.

"It seems that the injury has recovered." Su Qian smiled and pointed to the paper in front of him. "Your disciples of Wancheng Immortal Clan are the same as Qianhezong, but Xianyu's expenses are three times higher. If this money can save a province, you can buy a lot of celestial arts and treasures from various auctions."

"Elder, I'll say these later."

"During the time I was in a coma, did anything strange happen in the fairy gate?"

Jiang Chen closed the door and sat directly in front of him, ignoring the greeting, and asked directly.

"Strange things..." Perceiving something wrong with Jiang Chen's expression, Su Qian put down the things in his hands, thought for a while, and said, "There is no strange thing, but Kunlun Xianshan has sent someone here several times, and I gave it to him. Prevarication."

"In front of the hall, a disciple was infected with the black plague."

Jiang Chen shook his head and simply told the truth directly.

"The black plague of Emperor Heitian?!"

Su Qian asked.

"Yes, I suspect that the people from that sect may not leave, they are still nearby, and secretly acted on the disciples in the immortal sect." Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said.

Even though Bai Xuanling was nearby, Jiang Chen was still worried.

If such a gloomy cultivator really wants to hide, I am afraid that even Bai Xuanling would not be able to find them.

Once the plague spreads in the sect, unless it is the Immortal King, there is no way to cure it.

There are hundreds of disciples in the entire sect, even if all the fairy kings that you know are all gathered in the fairy gate, it is a very tricky thing.

What's more, this group of disciples are all selected by themselves from tens of thousands of cultivators.

Everyone has a certain talent.

Every time one died, it was a loss to the fairy gate.


Su Qian stood up.

Although he had never fought against that person, he had stayed in the fairy gate for so long and he understood the situation at the time clearly.

Go to the main hall.

The disciple who was still struggling just now is completely dead.

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "I think it is absolutely impossible for him to be alone."


Su Qian squatted down and reached out to touch the disciple's body.

After a while, a small cloud of black turbid air appeared in his hand.

"Elder, what do you think should be handled now?"

Jiang Chen stared at Su Qian's palm for a while, and asked.

"I have never played against them, and I can't think of any good way for the time being." Su Qian pondered for a while and asked, "Is it possible that he is the Sect Master of the Black Gate?"

"Unlikely." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Check the sect thoroughly first to see how many disciples have been recruited." Su Qian dragged the disciple aside with immortal power, said.

After a while, all the disciples were summoned to the front of the hall.

Except for Bai Xiaoyun who was recuperating, Jiang Yuan, Huo Fu, and Long Dade all arrived.

"What's wrong?"

Long Dade held the sky-breaking spear in his hand, this was the establishment of the Wancheng Immortal Gate, and Jiang Chen summoned them all together for the first time.

"None of you found it wrong?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"No, it has always been normal in the sect."

Long Dade shook his head.

Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yuan and Huo Fu again. They both had a blank expression, and they didn't even know what was going on.

Jiang Chen did not continue to question.

But when all the disciples gathered in front of him, he found something was wrong.

Nearly four hundred disciples, most of them looked very depressed, and even a few of them needed help from others to stand up.

This amount far exceeded Jiang Chen's imagination.

If all this group of people were killed just like the disciple just now, then the loss of Wancheng Immortal Gate would be too great.

Call out all these disciples.

"All of you, all go into the hall."

Jiang Chen looked at them and ordered in a low voice.

They didn't know what was going on, but they still obeyed Jiang Chen's orders.

"Remember the rest of you, you can't leave the sect at will, you know?" Su Qian looked at the remaining disciples who were all right, and said.

"Remember, Elder Su."

Everyone shouted in unison.

In the hall.

Jiang Chen looked at the many disciples crowded in front of him.

"What have they done recently?" Jiang Chen asked Xiang Long Dade, "Elder Su told me that you have been helping him manage the sect, don't you know it?"

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