I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1913: Difficult to solve

"It's nothing, it's all in the sect."

Long Dade didn't even think about it, so he said directly.

"This old man can testify that since I arrived at Xianmen, almost no disciples have left."

Su Qian stroked his beard and said.

If Jiang Chen didn't believe in Long Dade, then Su Qian would definitely believe it.

It's just that no disciple left the sect, how could there be so many disciples infected with the black plague like Bai Xiaoyun.

You must know that when he was in the deep mountains, Bai Xiaoyun was only infected when he confronted the black-robed man head-on, and was hit by his weapon.

Suddenly, a bad idea appeared in Jiang Chen's heart.

"All the disciples entering the back mountain, no one is allowed to come out without my order." Jiang Chen didn't dare to think, and quickly gave the order.

Under Long Dade's leadership, these disciples staggered away.

Looking at them, Huo Fu and Jiang Yuan also gradually understood.

"Black Plague?"

Huo Fu instantly reacted. She would never forget the scene of Huo Xuan in the village, and the feeling these disciples in the fairy gate gave her was almost the same as the feeling her father had given her at the time.


"The black plague spread to the sect."

Jiang Chen nodded, not prepared to conceal this matter.

"How could it be possible that Sect Master Black had never used such a thing on us, and the black-robed man fled even more, and he didn't even have time to take away the dozen or so puppets."

Jiang Yuan sat on the chair beside him and said.

"Could it be that the White Immortal King's problem?" Huo Fu thought seriously.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jiang Yuan interrupted her quickly.

"I just thought about whether it was the big brother who passed the plague to the disciples in Xianmen when he came back." Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly and said, "But if it were him, I should be the first. It’s just an infection."

"That's weird." Jiang Yuan said.

"I think the most urgent thing is to clear the stale air in their bodies. If it really spreads in the sect, the consequences will be terrible!" Huo Fu was a little scared.

"My immortal power can only solve ten people." Su Qian said in a deep voice.


Jiang Yuan and Huo Fu were a little surprised.

"There are a dozen immortal kings in the Tianji Pavilion." Jiang Chen's expression didn't change much.

"The Immortal King is above the fifth level." Su Qianyou said quietly.

"This kind of stale air called the Black Plague was acquired by the Heitian Emperor in an unknown realm. Once it is contaminated, even the Immortal King’s cultivation will be difficult to cope with, but now the Heitian Emperor has disappeared in the Immortal Realm and is used by his descendants. It's far less terrible."

"But if you want to completely remove it from the body, at the very least, you have to cultivate at the level of the Immortal King to be above five levels."

Jiang Chen did not speak.

The five-tiered powerhouse of the Immortal King.

Jiang Chen didn't know much.

Elder Su Qianda in front of him counts as one.

Bai Xuanling and Gu Hou are also qualified.

If you look for it again, only Huo Xuan and Ao Zhan are qualified.

As for the Yunxi Sect Master and the Great Elder Yunzhi of the Yunxi Sect, Jiang Chen did not hold much hope.

There were only five people.

The 20 people mentioned by Su Qian is far from enough.

I am afraid that all the strong people in the entire fairy world will be gathered together, and there will be about 20 people.

"Then these disciples are all dead."

Jiang Yuan couldn't accept it. In a few months, he had paid a lot for these disciples, and he could clearly see their progress.

"As far as I know, there is no other way." Su Qian shook his head and said.

"If you find out who moved the hand, will it be useful?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"It's useful. You only need to feed this person's blood into each disciple's mouth to force the turbidity out, but..." Su Qian paused, and continued, "But whether it is Sect Master Black or what you said Black The robe people, with their cultivation base, it would be too difficult to kill them."

"It's man-made." Jiang Chen exhaled a sullen breath and said.

For those disciples gathered in the back mountain, Jiang Chen could only use the Shengyou enchantment to maintain their condition. Although it could not be cured, it could stabilize them and prevent the turbid energy from spreading in the body.

Early the next morning.

After Jiang Chen and Su Qian spoke, they went to the Western Regions alone without disturbing others.

Only came back after a lapse of two days.

This time, Jiang Chen told Yun Xizong about the situation in the sect, and asked Yunwei Mountain Master to investigate carefully in the desert area of ​​the Western Regions to see if he could find any clues.

Faced with Jiang Chen's request, Yunwei did not refuse.

When Jiang Chen returned to the sect, Bai Xiaoyun had already regained consciousness and knew the situation in the immortal gate.

But Jiang Chen did not see him.

Following his breath, Jiang Chen saw Bai Xiaoyun sitting in the deep forest.

At this time, Bai Xiaoyun no longer had the spirit and energy he had before, but was very decadent, and his whole person was as if shrouded in a dark cloud.

"Master, why are you here?"

Jiang Chen walked into the deep forest, watched Bai Xiaoyun sitting on a tree trunk, and asked.

"Did you say that this black plague was brought by me?" Bai Xiaoyun raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen, asking blankly.

"How come?" Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Looking at the entire Wancheng Immortal Gate, I was the only one who was hit by the black-robed man, and the turbid air entered my body. Although I was later cured by the master, it is possible that I had spread before the master healed me. That led to the immortal door being like this now."

Bai Xiaoyun sighed, helpless and self-blaming in his words.

"If it's really because of you, I'm afraid the first unlucky one is me." Jiang Chen couldn't bear to see his appearance. Although he had doubts in his heart, he still persuaded him, "Big brother, don't blame yourself. This matter has nothing to do with you."

"You let me calm down here for a while."

"I will return to the Tianji Pavilion in a moment. Now the disciples in the fairy gate already know the situation, and they all suspect that it is my problem. If I stay again, I'm afraid it will cause confusion among the disciples."

Bai Xiaoyun looked at Jiang Chen and shook his head.

"It's really strange, but I will investigate it. Then I will ask all the disciples to apologize to you." Jiang Chen stepped forward and took his shoulders.

"Well, if you need anything, then speak again. I can just go back and ask Master, maybe he will have a solution." Bai Xiaoyun looked at the side.

This is where he and the black-robed man fought against each other.

After sitting for a while, Jiang Chen watched Bai Xiaoyun leave and hurried towards the Tianji Pavilion.

After returning to the fairy gate, he was relieved after seeing that the situation of those disciples did not continue to deteriorate.

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