I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1914: Scared away the disciple

Due to the spread of turbidity in the immortal gate, even those uninfected disciples are swaying in human nature, and several people even have the idea of ​​retreating from the immortal gate of Wancheng.

They know that in the sect, they can get cultivation resources that the outside world can't reach.

But the time has passed so long, the infected brothers are still trapped in the back mountain, relying on the enchantment of the young master to survive.

Once it spreads out again, then they will also fall into this ending.

In just a few days, nearly 20 disciples have already left.

Jiang Chen did not stop them, and after hearing their reasons, there was no response, but each gave tens of thousands of immortal jade, which was regarded as a entanglement on their way.

"Young Master, how can you tolerate this happening?!"

Lin Xiao walked in with the spear in his hand, just about to ask, but thinking of the identity difference between himself and Jiang Chen, he could only sighed and said in an unpleasant tone.

"What happened again?"

Jiang Chen tilted Erlang's legs and was watching Emperor Qianji's tricks.

After hearing what he said, he put it down and asked with a smile.

"Young Master, I only know that, at least a dozen juniors have left!" Lin Xiao said angrily, "If we let them leave easily like this, wouldn't it harm our reputation of Wancheng Immortal Gate? , Young Master, your face is not good."

"They insisted on leaving, and I met their wish, no problem."

Jiang Chen knew that he would talk about it. He pointed to the door, then pointed to the location next to him, and continued, "Go and close the door, just because I have something to tell you."


Lin Xiao strode to the door, closed the door of the hall, then walked to Jiang Chen and sat down.

"If you have time, let's count, whoever has left the sect, no matter whether it is ten years or a hundred years, even after a thousand years, these people are not eligible to enter the Wancheng Immortal Gate again."

Jiang Chen put down his legs, brought a cup of tea that he had just brewed to him, and said.

"Well, I remembered it."

Lin Xiao nodded vigorously.

"What's the situation on the overseas fairy mountain?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"I just came back from there. There are no disciples on several immortal mountains infected with turbid qi. Only our Wancheng Immortal Clan is a special case." Lin Xiao put away his somewhat unsatisfied expression just now.

"That's weird."

"Is this person very familiar with me?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his forehead.

The reason why he let Lin Xiao go to see the immortal mountains overseas was because when he was in the deep forest, Mei Chenyu and Gao Yuan's sect masters, as well as their disciples, fought against his group of people and the black-robed people.

Nowadays, when the other party is doing it on himself, they are not doing it on the easier overseas fairy mountain.

This is the point that Jiang Chen doesn't understand the most.

"Young Master, I always have something I don't know if I should say it." Seeing Jiang Chen's trouble, Lin Xiao cleared his throat and said, "But Young Master, if what I said is useful, can you give me another copy? Look at Xianshu."

"Where is the one I gave you earlier?"

Jiang Chen sat up straight.

"I have read the book thoroughly, but I haven't completely mastered it yet." Lin Xiao took out the scroll from the storage ring and placed it in front of Jiang Chen.

"You said first, if it works, I will definitely reward you." Jiang Chen put away the scroll and said.


Lin Xiao paused, lowered his voice subconsciously, and said, "Young Master, do you think it is possible that it has something to do with our disciples in the fairy gate?"

"What does this mean?"

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm just thinking, our Xianmen has just been established. Hundreds of disciples, including me, have entered the Xianmen in a very short time. They come from all parts of the Northern Territory. It's not a black-robed person, or the Sect Master of the Black Door in your mouth, Young Master."

"Instead, something went wrong in the disciples we recruited?"

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Chen.

"Not too possible."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and as soon as his mind passed, the situation was basically ruled out.

"Remember what I told you, what is the source of this stale air called the black plague?" Jiang Chen looked at Lin Xiao's eyes.

"Remember, it is the ability of a certain fairy emperor in the legend."

Lin Xiao thought for a while and replied.

Jiang Chen nodded. Before instructing the former to go to the Immortal Mountain Overseas, Jiang Chen briefly talked about these situations with him.

For nothing else, Jiang Chen believes that he is absolutely loyal to himself and Wancheng Immortal Sect, and as a major disciple of the Immortal Sect today, if he doesn't know anything, he can't handle some things, and he can't perform well. effect.

"Between these true immortals and golden immortals, even if it has something to do with those sects."

"Do you think you can escape the eyes of those immortal kings who test them?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Young Master, I was negligent." Lin Xiao touched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"The immortal kings I invited to the sect to evaluate them are the people I trust most, and it is precisely to prevent such things from happening, so if there is a problem among the disciples, it is not very likely."

Jiang Chen continued.

"Then I don't know what's going on." Eliminating the problem with the brothers, Lin Xiao had nothing to say.

"Go and be busy first. If you have time, make two trips to the overseas fairy mountain."

Jiang Chen waved his hand to him, and continued to pick up the spell on the table.

"Well, young master, then I will go out first."

Lin Xiao stood up and saluted Jiang Chen, opened the door, and walked away.

After he left.

Jiang Chen put down the spell in his hand.

Jiang Chen has always ignored the problems among the disciples.

Except for the two elders Su Qian and Su Yundian, the immortal kings who selected the disciples at the beginning were all senior brothers from the Tianji Pavilion.

Based on their cultivation, even if there are really problems among those cultivators, they will easily see through them.

So from the very beginning, when he saw a disciple in the sect infected with the black plague, and turbid qi appeared in his body, Jiang Chen didn't think about it at all.

But now listening to Lin Xiao, Jiang Chen was a little shaken.

Only the black sect master, the sects of the Western Region, and the Green Python Sky Snake in the Eastern Region have the black problem.

It is impossible for the Black Gate Sect Master to be so seriously injured that only the cultivation base of the Immortal Monarch is reduced. If you are really close to the Sect, let alone Bai Xuanling, Elder Su Qianda will be able to find it.

As for the black-robed man, he knew that Bai Xuanling was here, and even such a strong puppet could be thrown away, and it was unlikely that he would come back again at the risk of doing something for his disciple in the fairy gate.

As for the Green Python Sky Snake, it was not within Jiang Chen's consideration.

The patriarch Qiu Su was locked up in the prison of the Fire Phoenix Clan, and if the remaining clan members approached, they would definitely be found.

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