I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1928: Find the problem

With Jiang Chen's support, Yunwei stood at the gate of the mountain.

"What do you want to do, is it impossible to kill Brother Jiang Chen?"

Glancing at these disciples, Yun Wei coughed heavily and murmured, "I tell you, if anyone wants to do something to Brother Jiang Chen, don't blame me for driving him out of the sect, you know!"

"Know that!"

"Mountain Lord, come back and rest quickly, don't talk anymore!"

"In the future, we will definitely treat Jiang Chen as a brother in the mountain gate, and never treat him again!"

Seeing Yun Wei's painful look, the group of disciples who were in front of him talked hurriedly, and even some of them were crying anxiously, for fear that Yun Wei would be aggravated by their anger.

"Brother Jiang Chen, sit inside the mountain gate."

Yun Wei put his hand on Jiang Chen's shoulder and said weakly.

Help him enter the mountain gate.

Hundreds of disciples followed.

In the hall.

When Yun Wei sat on the chair, he relaxed completely.

"The disciples of my sect have dealt with some trivial matters inside and outside the sect and Yunxi City all the year round, resulting in a little irritable temper. I hope you don't mind."

Yun Wei looked at Jiang Chen, smiled guiltily, and said.

"Of course not."

"It proves that you, the mountain master, are still very good. The disciples in the mountain gate are so anxious to see you. If I can have such a group of disciples in the Wancheng Immortal Gate, I will be satisfied."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"That's just obeying the arrangement of the Sect Master." Yun Wei looked at the disciples standing outside the hall, and exclaimed twice, "Brother Jiang Chen, I guess the strength of those sects will not be too bad. If you are not sure, , It’s better not to provoke them. With the strength of our Yunxi Sect, I am afraid that facing one of the sects will have some difficulties."

"I know this."

"When he was in the deep mountains, he took a few fairy king puppets and a dozen fairy monarch puppets. This was just the strength he showed."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Chen agreed with Yunwei's words.

That's why Jiang Chen doubted that the black-robed man's sect was probably stronger than the black sect master.

This is just one of the sects.

There are three other sects that are similar in strength to them.

"You have to think about what you should do next." Yunwei looked at Jiang Chen and continued, "I don't know your sect, but Yun Xizong may not help you desperately."

"I have a sense of measure."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Huh, this time it almost took my life. I really didn't expect to be able to survive it, but I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover. Maybe it will affect my cultivation."

Yun Wei exhaled heavily.

"Your cultivation level will not be affected, you only need to rest for a period of time, and you can completely recover."

Seeing that he was a little worried, Jiang Chen said quickly.


A hint of joy appeared on Yun Wei's face.

"I gave you the best pill from Tiandi Pharmacy, which can save your life and cultivation."

Jiang Chen told the truth.

"Thank you brother Jiang Chen!"

Yun Wei immediately understood what the medicine was, and quickly arched his hands.

"It should be me thanking you." Jiang Chen stood up, bowed his hand in reply, and said, "Since you are out of danger, then I will return to the Northern Territory. I will visit you again if I have time."

"Good." Yun Wei said.

After leaving Sanzhong Mountain, Jiang Chen went to Yun Xi and then swept out of Yizhong Mountain.

Looking at Jiang Chen's back, Yun Xi wanted to talk about Yun Bing, but she didn't know where to start.

Yun Bing, who had returned to Yizhongshan, felt Jiang Chen's breath leaving, and his expression gradually dimmed. She knew Jiang Chen had left, and she didn't know when she would return.

Northern Territory.

During the period of Jiang Chen's departure.

The entire Wancheng Immortal Gate was put under complete martial law, all disciples were not allowed to go out, and no one was allowed to enter.

Some people who wanted to visit were all driven out.

At night, Jiang Chen returned to Xianmen.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing Lin Xiao standing at the gate of the sect with his spear, Jiang Chen stepped forward and asked.

"Young Master, you are back!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lin Xiao immediately woke up and hurriedly walked forward.

"Well, didn't I let you cultivate in peace?" Jiang Chen looked at the left and right sides of the sect, and asked, "And you are a big brother, guarding the sect of things, no matter how round you are ."

"Young Master, Elder Su has imposed a strict ban on the entire sect, and everyone is not allowed to enter or exit, for fear that there will be problems again." Lin Xiao smiled.

Then he stretched out his hand and patted **** his chest, and said, "My body has no effect at all."

"What's the situation on the overseas fairy mountain?"

Jiang Chen walked into the gate and asked.

"In the few days you left, Young Master, I will go once every three days. Those sects have not been affected in any way, and I have asked the sect masters of Mei Chenyu, Overseas Immortal Mountain, and there are almost no people who are wrong have approached."

When Lin Xiao said this sentence, his tone was a little confused.

"Then I will know."

Compared with his confusion, Jiang Chen's heart gradually became clear.

On the way back from the Western Regions, he also thoroughly thought about the things in the sect.

"Young Master knows why?"

Lin Xiao stopped and asked.

"Go to Houshan first to see the situation of those disciples, and then talk about other things."

Jiang Chen took his arm and walked behind the sect.

Choosing to come back at night and hiding his breath was to prevent the disciples in the sect from being aware of him, and Jiang Chen also concluded that the source of the problem in the sect was mostly among the disciples.

Back mountain.

Hundreds of disciples are all in the huge Shengyou enchantment.

Looking at the white light lingering around the barrier.

Jiang Chen knew that after he left, Elder Su Qianda must have strengthened it again.

"Little Lord!"

"Young Master, save us!"

"Young Master, shall we always be here in the future?!"

Seeing Jiang Chen, these disciples who had been moaning because of pain seemed to see hope, and they walked to the edge of the barrier and shouted at Jiang Chen.

"Don't worry, I am coming back this time just to restore you to the original."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and flicked lightly on the barrier.

A crack opened in the green barrier.

All the disciples stepped back.

"Young Master can't come in, the stale air in our body will pass to you!"

A disciple shook his hands vigorously.

They all understood that Jiang Chen was everyone's hope. If even Jiang Chen was recruited, then they would have no hope at all.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen smiled and walked into the barrier.

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