I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1929: Get rid of turbidity

Lin Xiao hesitated behind him, but seeing Jiang Chen so confident, he gritted his teeth and followed.

"Young Master, have you found a way to clear the turbid qi in our body?"

The disciples all gathered in front of Jiang Chen and asked in a rush.

"Come here and sit in front of me."

Jiang Chen didn't explain, but pointed at the disciple who told him not to come in, hooked him and said.

The disciple walked up to Jiang Chen honestly and sat down cross-legged.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes, and the power of the Phoenix and the Golden Dragon in his body swiftly moved. Nine kinds of celestial powers with different attributes gathered together and patted his younger generation vigorously.

Xianli instilled into his body.

All the disciples stared motionlessly.


After a while, the disciple spewed out blood.

There was also a cloud of jet-black turbid gas that spurted out with the blood.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen affirmed the thoughts in his heart even more, and the flames in his palms ignited blazingly, directly burning them out.

"Hiss..." This scene made Lin Xiao stunned. He remembered that he wanted to force the black plague out. At the very least, it could only be done by a strong person with a cultivation base in the fifth level of the Immortal King, but the young master could do it so easily. Isn't that...

"Young Master, are you a master of the Five Layers of the Immortal King?"

Unable to suppress the confusion in his heart, Lin Xiao asked directly.

"I am not the immortal king's five-fold cultivation base." Jiang Chen shook his head, feeling smooth in his heart, and said to them, "You go out with me, and the other disciples stay inside for another night. I will invite you tomorrow. When the master arrives at the sect, he will help you to force out all the turbid qi in your body!"

"Thank you young master!"

Hundreds of people knelt down on one knee to Jiang Chen.

The disciple was so excited that he followed Jiang Chen out of the barrier and punched out a set of boxing techniques.

"Remember, don't tell anyone about your situation, let Lin Xiao arrange a room for you to live in, understand?" Jiang Chen grabbed him and said in a low voice.

"Why young master?"

The disciple didn't understand it very much, and asked, "This should be a good thing, let the whole sect know it, so as to eliminate the panic and depression in everyone's hearts."

"You can do whatever the young master says. If you dare to leak it out, be careful and I will take care of you."

Lin Xiao grabbed his ear.

"Remember, remember!"

After the pain, the disciple quickly agreed.

After Lin Xiao took the disciple away, Jiang Chen immediately found Long Dade and asked him to take advantage of the night to go to the Tianji Pavilion, and let all the fairy kings in the pavilion arrive at the fairy gate early tomorrow morning.

Without the knowledge of all the disciples, Jiang Chen shrouded the immortal gate with a huge formation.


The next day.

Bai Xiaoyun rushed over with a group of seniors.

"Why did you summon us in such a hurry?" Bai Xiaoyun led them into the hall and asked Jiang Chen when he saw Jiang Chen sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs tilted up.

"Thank you brothers, help our disciples of Wancheng Immortal Clan, and help them get rid of the stale air in their bodies." Jiang Chen got up and said, arching his hands to them.

"No hard work, no hard work!"

"Junior Brother, what are you talking about!"

"It's too hard to see!"

Everyone waved their hands, it was obvious that they couldn't accept Jiang Chen's enthusiastic side.

"What's the situation?" Bai Xiaoyun took Jiang Chen to the side and said, "Elder Su Qian said that only the powerhouses of the Immortal King's level 5 and above can get rid of the black plague in their bodies, and their cultivation is far from enough. what."

"Need not."

Jiang Chen shook his head, "After I came back from the Western Regions last night, I helped one of the disciples to get rid of the turbid qi in the body. Every senior has a higher cultivation base than me. More than a dozen people helped 200 people, it’s nothing. The problem, it just takes a while."


"Does Elder Su Qianda have a wrong memory?"

Seeing Jiang Chen's expression, Bai Xiaoyun didn't think he was joking.

"Elder Su Qianda remembers it right, but it's not the same black plague."

Jiang Chen suddenly shook his head and laughed, "And I concluded that the problem lies in these disciples."

"At the beginning, we recruited together. If there is a problem, it should be discovered as soon as possible." Bai Xiaoyun didn't understand it even more.

"The first group of disciples is really fine."

"But don't forget one thing, big brother, that is when we went to the Eastern Region to fight against Sect Master Black Gate and were injured, some disciples were recruited in the Sect again, and this group of disciples was brought in by Long Dade."

Jiang Chen scratched his head suddenly.

"You mean, there is a problem with the Dade brothers receiving disciples?"

Bai Xiaoyun understood Jiang Chen's meaning.

"All come in!"

Jiang Chen suddenly turned around and yelled to the outside of the hall.

Dozens of disciples entered the main hall, and the people from Tianji Pavilion sat on the wooden stools on both sides, and said.

"Young Master, did we do something wrong?"

Dozens of disciples looked at each other, not knowing why Jiang Chen called them in.

"Just find someone."

Jiang Chen glanced at them and said lightly.

Among this group of people, Jiang Chen saw one person.

This person made Jiang Chen feel familiar, but not so familiar, as if he had met him somewhere before.

"You come out."

When the other disciples didn't give him this feeling, Jiang Chen waved to him.

"Is it me, young master?"

The man asked.


Jiang Chen nodded, "Come out and let me see how your cultivation is."

The person stood there for a while, and suddenly burst out a very strong cultivation base, dispelling all the cultivators surrounding him, and rushing towards the outside of the hall.


In the hall, everyone suddenly stood up.

"what happened?"

Bai Xiaoyun asked.

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Brothers, the disciples in the sect will be handed over to you!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, don't worry!"

Although everyone didn't know what happened, they still agreed.

Jiang Chen snatched out from the hall.

Qiu Li erased the Xianshu on his face, revealing his original appearance. He originally planned to find a chance to do something with Jiang Chen, but he didn't expect to be directly seen through.

There are more than a dozen immortal kings in the hall, and he must run away immediately, otherwise he will only die.

"Where are you going in such a hurry? Why don't you stay in our Wancheng Immortal Gate for the dignified immortal monarch? I'll give you an elder, how about?"

Jiang Chen slid in front of him.

"Get out of the way, or I will kill you." Qiu Li looked at Jiang Chen sinisterly.

"It turned out to be you." Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and said, "I said, how do I feel a little familiar, it turns out to be a person from the blue python sky snake."

"Jiang Chen, you caused my patriarch to be arrested by Huo Xuan. It is still unknown whether I am alive or dead. I hate that my cultivation level is not strong enough to kill you!"

Qiu Li stared at Jiang Chen fiercely.

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