I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1930: get rid of

Cyan scales emerged from the skin.

His cultivation has also reached the fifth level of Xianjun.

"You count it, but you forgot about your Blue Python Sky Snake Clan." Seeing his changes, Jiang Chen didn't have any fluctuations. In Wancheng Immortal Gate, even Xuan Jun could not hurt him. To yourself.

"But the biggest problem you have is that the black plague you have is too weak, otherwise it would take a lot of effort to find you out."

"I will kill you and avenge the Sect Master!"

Qiu Li let out a low growl, and stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Chen hard.

"In front of me, do you still want to hurt people with your hands?" Bai Xiaoyun flashed in from the sect, and put one hand directly on him.

With just one move, Qiu Li was directly pressed to the ground.

"Brother, tell me, what's going on."

Jiang Chen squatted down and looked at him, and said, "Clan Huo Xuan and I have already let you go, but you dare to sneak into my Wancheng Immortal Gate secretly to murder my Immortal Sect disciple."

"Jiang Chen, kill me if you have the ability, otherwise we, the Blue Python and Sky Snake clan, will always hate you. If you find the right opportunity, you will completely disappear into the fairy world!"

Even if he was controlled by Bai Xiaoyun, Qiu Li said to Jiang Chen with his throat.

In his opinion, if it weren't for Jiang Chen, their clan would not have fallen to where they are now, and the sect master would not have fallen into the Fire Phoenix clan.

"That's right, but a loyal tribe."

"But your words reminded me that keeping your family is always a disaster."

Listening to his words, Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"you dare!"

"Our Blue Python Sky Snake is one of the six spirit beast races in the fairy world. It is protected by the law. If you act on us, you will touch the law, and it will definitely be a dead end!"

Qiu Li sneered.

"Then it has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Chen slowly got up and said, "Big brother, get rid of him."

"Dog stuff, I thought it was my own problem, it turned out to be with you."

Bai Xiaoyun was also very angry. With the palm of his hand, Xianli directly impacted Qiu Li's body, severely injuring his meridians and internal organs in an instant.

Qiu Li raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen, his ferocious eyes gradually lost its color.


"I didn't expect that someone from the Blue Python Sky Snake would sneak into the sect. If you didn't find him, I'm afraid he would stay hidden forever, and then the fairy sect would be in trouble."

After clapping his hands, Bai Xiaoyun spit on Qiu Li's body and said.

"I also noticed the black plague among the disciples, which is a little different from yours, so I thought of this aspect." Jiang Chen smiled.

Now that the biggest trouble in the fairy gate has been solved, his heart is naturally extremely relaxed.

"Do you want to kill the Blue Python Sky Snake Race?"

Carrying Qiu Li's strength, Bai Xiaoyun used celestial power to destroy his corpse, and immediately cleaned his hands thoroughly to avoid contamination of that stuff again.

"The law is limited, and the clan cannot be destroyed."

"But this family has been able to continuously use such insidious methods against the Huoxuan Patriarch and me. This is enough to prove that it is not a coincidence. It is very likely that the Blue Python Sky Snake Clan is the same as the Black Gate and the sects of the Western Regions, and they are not very clean. ."

Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Is the immortal world really going to change?"

Bai Xiaoyun rubbed his brows, he had mentioned it more than once when he heard Bai Xuanling drunk.

But every time it ends, I didn't even say a word about the most important situations.

"Look at the disciples. After they recover, I'm going to the Southern Region." Jiang Chen took a deep breath and swept behind the sect.

Back on the mountain.

At this time, many disciples have gathered here.

The dozen or so immortal kings of the Tianji Pavilion are all in the barrier, clearing the stale air for those disciples who have been infected with the black plague, and those who have not been hit, all stretch their necks and look into the barrier.

More than a dozen immortal kings shot together.

I'm afraid this kind of picture can only be seen in Wancheng Immortal Gate.

"Great Elder."

Jiang Chen swept to the back mountain and saw Su Qian standing here.

"I already know what happened." Su Qian nodded to Jiang Chen, and said, "The black plague in their bodies is indeed a little bit inadequate. I am so surprised that I didn't notice it, otherwise these disciples would have returned to normal long ago."

"What did the great elder say?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Great Elder, I would like to trouble you to sit in the sect for a while."

"Oh? Are you leaving again?" Su Qian glanced inside the barrier.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "That person is a member of the Blue Python Sky Snake family. I am worried that if this family is not dealt with, similar things will happen in the future."

"Six great spirit beast races..."

"That is protected by the laws of the fairy world."

Su Qian frowned slightly and said, "I advise you to think about it."

"I don't want to exterminate the clan." Jiang Chen shook his head and laughed, "I want to investigate why this family has the black plague. If it can be found, it will be solved directly from the root cause."

"As for the Blue Python Sky Snake Clan, it was originally the weakest of the six great spirit beast races. Now that the clan leader is trapped in the Fire Phoenix Clan, it is already difficult to become a climate, so don't worry at all."

"Go, I'll take care of you inside the fairy gate." Jiang Chen's words made Su Qian feel relieved.

With the effort of speaking, dozens of immortal kings of Tianji Pavilion stepped out of it one after another.

Those disciples who had been healed a lot also followed out, but they were all weak. Just after leaving the barrier, the other disciples rushed forward and supported them.

After feeling their aura returned to normal, Jiang Chen let go of his heart.

In the hall, Jiang Chen said that he was going to the Southern Territory.

"I will go with you!"

Huo Fu quickly raised his hands.

"You and Big Brother Jiang Yuan have to stay in the fairy gate. Now there are hundreds of disciples who need us to look after them, all of them are on Elder Su, and I feel a little sorry."

Jiang Chen shook his head with a firm attitude.

"Okay..." Huo Fu's interest dissipated.

"Big brother, you come with me." Jiang Chen looked at Bai Xiaoyun who was sitting next to him and said, "Now that the master has returned, there is no problem with him sitting in the Tianji Pavilion."

"Well, if you don't tell me, I will follow you too!"

Bai Xiaoyun agreed in one fell swoop.

He wanted to see what the composition of this blue python and sky snake clan was.

At the same time, he wanted to avenge his personal revenge. He still remembered the words that the disciples in the fairy gate blamed on him.

"It's not too late, let's leave now!"

"Where is the great virtue?"

Jiang Chen was about to greet Long Dade to go with him. After scanning his eyes, he found that he was not in the hall at all.

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