I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1945: I'll be seriously injured

In the mountains ten miles away, he clearly perceives a few people in the cold winter.

Long Dade stepped in, and Jiang Chen and the other two disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they were already in front of them.

Bitter Winter and others are searching for treasures in the mountains with other ordinary cultivators.

Because they had offended Jiang Chen in the territory of the Blue Python Sky Snake Clan, they did not dare to go to the territory of the six great spirit beasts for fear that they would encounter this plague **** again.

So you can create the illusion that you have left the valley of the mountain, and after severely wounding the Dragon Dade, the hidden breath is in the valley of the mountain.

In this way, even if Jiang Chen could guess that it was his hands, he would definitely not be able to find where they were.

When he left the Valley of the Mountains, even if Jiang Chen took the initiative to seek revenge, he already had his family as protection at that time, and the grievances in the Valley of the Mountains could not be taken out, Jiang Chen could only swallow this dumb loss.

Bitter Winter thinks that the plan is very Zhouxiang.

But he didn't expect Jiang Chen to find himself.

"Jiang Chen?!"

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him, Han Dong was shocked.

"How many have not left the valley of the mountains?" Perceiving the slight fluctuations in their breath, Jiang Chen could be sure that Long Dade was injured, and it was the good thing that these people in front of him did.

"What a joke, when will we leave the valley of the mountains? It seems that it has nothing to do with you two?" The mark on Bitter Winter's brow gradually became clear, and he was ready to fight Jiang Chen desperately at any time.

"It does not matter."

"But you hurt my friend, how should this matter be handled?"

Jiang Chen looked at many cultivators around and asked directly.

"What is this? We have always been here, and never left. How could it hurt your friend's house? Don't spit people!"

"You said, the young patriarch, have you ever left?"

Bitter Winter asked loudly with his throat.

The cultivators around did not dare to resist him, so they nodded in agreement.

"Did you see, Jiang Chen?"

Hearing what they said, Han Dong smiled and said to Jiang Chen, “Don’t think that you have the Phoenix and Gulong clan behind you. I can’t do anything to you. Hurry up and leave in front of the young patriarch, otherwise my Hanshi clan will definitely not I will let you go."

"The grievances in the valley of the mountains cannot be brought outside."

Bai Xiaoyun frowned slightly and said.

"That is for ordinary cultivators, and I am the young patriarch of the Hanshi clan. You dare to hurt one of my hairs. Do you think the patriarch will let you go?"

Thinking of the patriarch, Bitter Winter once again felt confident in his heart.

He guessed that even if Jiang Chen had a good relationship with the Fire Phoenix Clan and the Faxu Ancient Dragon Clan, these two clans would not be able to completely break with their Hanshi Clan just because of a single Jiang Chen.

"I see."

Jiang Chen understood what he meant.

"The young patriarch asks you to leave, you should get out of here quickly, otherwise, after leaving the valley of the mountains, you will definitely want to look good!"

The two clansmen behind Bitter Winter also yelled at the same time.

"These two people are so arrogant." Bai Xiaoyun frowned slightly. This was the first time that a cultivator below the Immortal King had pretended to be forceful in front of him. If it wasn't for Jiang Chen here, or because the valley of the mountain had suppressed most of him He had already rushed forward to beat the three of them into grandchildren.

"Big Brother, you said that if I kill him, will the Fire Phoenix and Faxu Ancient Dragon Clan protect me?" Jiang Chen stared at Bitter Winter and asked faintly.

"It should be."

"They can fight against Immortal King Xuan Jun for you. For a frosty sky of the Cold Lion Clan, Immortal King's sixth-layer cultivation base is indeed not enough."

Bai Xiaoyun rubbed his chin, pretended to think for a while, and said.


Bitter Winter's heart trembled.

What kind of person is Xuanjun Immortal King.

One of the three immortal kings, the Jade Sword Sect under him, is one of the strongest immortal gates in the entire fairy world.

And it is said that he has the cultivation base of a half-step immortal emperor.

Although Huo Xuan and Ao Zhan's cultivation bases are not low, they are not at the same level in front of Immortal King Xuan Jun.

How could these two spirit beast races risked annihilation and went to Xuanjun Immortal King to fight against Jiang Chen.

Thinking of Hyun Jun's visit to the family dozens of days ago.

Feeling the terrifying aura and coercion from him and the manners of the superiors in his gestures, Bitter Winter couldn't help but want to bow his head.

"Really want to kill him?"

Bai Xiaoyun is ready to do it.

"Seriously injured, the patriarch of the Hanshi clan is not bad at all. There is no need to offend such a master because of this person, let alone..."

"do not have much left."

Jiang Chen waved his hand in the middle of speaking.

What he worried about was whether the Hanshi clan had something to do with his old lady.

The three major spirit beast races I know now, the Blue Python Sky Snake Race are under my old mother, and the entire swallowing Golden Dragon family has fallen into a genocide for the sake of my old mother.

The cold lion clan in front of him.

Maybe it was my old lady's subordinates...

Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling his own insignificance. From the current point of view, one-third of the Southern Territory belonged to the old mother...

"Jiang Chen, if you dare not hurt me, leave here immediately!"

Seeing Jiang Chen standing still on the spot, Bitter Winter gained a bit of certainty in his heart, so he shouted at Jiang Chen, "I won't provoke you for the remaining eight days, and you can't hurt me. how?"

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Jiang Chen suddenly sneered and asked.

"if not?"

The cold winter puts his hands around his chest.

"For the face of the Clan Shuangtian Patriarch, I can keep you alive, but..."

Before Jiang Chen's voice fell, a chill spread from his body.

The chill swept.

Many cultivators with weaker strengths around were aware of the smooth flow of immortal power in the body, and it instantly became blocked.

"With this momentum, did the cold winter break through to Xianjun?"

"This young patriarch is really tolerant, I am afraid it is the youngest generation of the strongest cultivation base among the hundred spirit beast races in the entire Southern Territory!"

Feeling the chill, those cultivators thought it was an immortal technique performed by the cold winter.

But soon, they discovered something was wrong.

Although it was the immortal power of ice attribute, it did not spread from the cold winter side.

They looked up at Jiang Chen, who was standing in front of Bitter Winter, with shocked expressions in their eyes.

"He is Xianjun's cultivation base?!"

"Impossible, he only has the five-fold cultivation base of immortals!"

"But this wave of immortal power is obviously only available above the immortal monarch!"

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

Even the cultivators who were outside the mountain range gathered towards this side.

Want to see what happened.

However, compared to their shock, the cold winter at this time was indeed completely irritated.

Due to the power of the Hanshi clan's special bloodline, he was not affected by the Extreme Ice Realm, but from this fairy art, he felt a familiar taste.

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