I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1946: Steal Academic Law

"Okay Jiang Chen, you dare to learn the top secret magic of our cold lion clan!"

Bitter Winter's heart was instantly emboldened, and he pointed directly at Jiang Chen and yelled.


"I said, how do I feel that this fairy technique is so familiar? It turns out that I learned from the cold lion clan secretly."

"Tsk tsk, it's a taboo to steal the immortal arts. Even if Jiang Chen is backed by the Fire Phoenix Clan and the Faxu Ancient Dragon Clan, it is too unreasonable. If the two patriarchs of Huoxuan and Ao Zhan insist, I am afraid it is. It will arouse anger in the Southern Territory."

"I thought it was so talented, it turned out to be stealing other people's fairy skills."

"Brother, it's one thing to have high talents, and it's another to steal knowledge. Even if you send the Hanshi clan's top celestial skills to you, you may not be qualified to learn it because of your stupidity."

For a time.

The whole mountain was boiling.

Some are accusing Jiang Chen, and some are justifying Jiang Chen.

Of course more, I want to watch the excitement.

The farce between the six spirit beast races is their favorite.

If one of the races is unfortunately destroyed during the conflict, then their race is eligible to be among the six spirit beasts.

"Is that Jiang Chen?"

Among this group of people, there are several sturdy cultivators staring at Jiang Chen.

They are the best of the immortal apes.

"It is said that the little ape is following his hand. Are we going to help?" One of them was slightly weak, and his cultivation was only at the second level of the gods.

"Stealing fairy skills is a taboo. Let's not intervene in this matter. Let them solve it by themselves. If Jiang Chen has a character problem, he will call the little ape back to the family and no longer follow this person." The one in front of them whispered.

After he finished speaking, the others closed their mouths and said nothing.

"You said, this immortal technique belongs to your cold lion clan?"

Jiang Chen retracted Xianli and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, this celestial technique is one of the unsecret celestial techniques of my cold lion clan. Only the patriarchs and elders of the clan are qualified to practice. Even I have no chance to touch it. Now you can display it. , Said it was not stealing school?!"

Bitter Winter saw Jiang Chen with a sneer.

He was originally worried that Jiang Chen would do something to himself, and was thinking about what way to escape from here, but now he is not worried.

If Jiang Chen really dared to do something to himself, it would be a guilty conscience.

Will be hostile from the entire Southern Territory, and even the Fire Phoenix tribe and Faxu Ancient Dragon tribe will also be affected to a certain extent.

"Have you secretly learned?"

Bai Xiaoyun was also a little worried.

"I learned it stealthily, but not from the cold lion clan."

Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Jiang Chen, follow me to leave the valley of the mountains, go to the clan leader in front of the family, and make it clear in person, otherwise I will send a message back to the clan now and let the clan leader come in to see you in person, how about?!"

Bitter Winter pointed to Jiang Chen and said loudly.

"Look, this person is Jiang Chen, the young master of the Wancheng Immortal Sect, and he actually learned the top celestial skills of our Cold Lion Clan!"

Han Zheng and Han Yi also understood Han Dong's thoughts, turned and said to the cultivators who came up.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and did not refute.

He knew that Bitter Winter was unlikely to deliberately insult himself in front of so many cultivators.

Then there is only one possibility left, there may be some relationship between the Ice King and the Cold Lion Clan.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Jiang Chen was not a person who was afraid of things, nor did he want Wancheng Immortal Gate to be overshadowed by him. As for what was going on, he would know after he went.

"Beware of their fraud."

Jiang Chen was a little worried.

"It's okay, big brother, look after Long Dade in the valley of the mountain, don't let him have any more accidents, I just go with them."

Jiang Chen smiled and said.


"You have already formed a grievance with Bitter Winter. If they do something against you in the Cold Lion Clan, can you handle it? That is the patriarch of the Sixth Layer of the Immortal King."

Bai Xiaoyun was a little worried. Now Master is retreating in the pavilion. Who knows if Jiang Chen can be there when he is in danger, and although Gu Hou is also one of the three immortal kings, he is also Jiang Chen's master.

But Bai Xiaoyun didn't know him very much and couldn't fully trust him.

"It's okay, even if it is for the face of the two patriarchs Huo Xuan and Ao Zhan, he dare not do anything to me easily." Looking at the triumphant look of Bitter Winter, Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

With Jiang Chen's firm attitude, Bai Xiaoyun couldn't say anything.

After thinking that Jiang Chen could escape from any danger before, he agreed.

"Jiang Chen, do you want the patriarch to invite you in person?" Seeing Jiang Chen stopped talking, Han Dong asked loudly again.

"Then go."

Jiang Chen shrugged and replied in a relaxed tone.

Under everyone's gaze, Jiang Chen followed Han Dong and left the valley of the mountain.

The place where the Hanshi clan is located is in a remote area of ​​the Southern Territory. Like the snowy area where the Valley of Love is located, it is frozen all year round and swept by blizzards.

Except for the cold lion tribe and a few ice repair spirit beast races, almost no one approached here.

Several hours later, Jiang Chen followed them to the Hanshi Clan.

This is a sect completely built on floating ice. The entire sect is almost covered by blizzard. If you don't look closely, you will definitely think that this is a snow-capped mountain.

Standing in the snow, the cold winter at this time no longer looked at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I advise you to think carefully about how to explain your immortality when you meet the patriarch. Our Hanshi clan takes the stealing technique very seriously, even if there are two patriarchs, Huoxuan and Ao Zhan. Protect you, and you will not escape being punished!"

Hearing his endless chatter, Jiang Chen almost had a cocoon in his ears.

From the very beginning when I used the Extreme Ice Domain, I now stand at the door of the cold lion clan, this sentence has at least been repeated dozens of times by the cold winter.

Jiang Chen sighed, ignored him, and walked into the sect.

For this strange cultivator, the members of the Hanshi tribe seemed very curious. After living in the family for so many years, they rarely saw strangers come in.

"Go and report to the patriarch, this person sneaked up on the top celestial arts in my cold lion clan, and now I found it in the valley of the mountains and caught him back!"

Bitter Winter pointed to a tribe beside him and said.

"Young patriarch, it's impossible..."

The tribe didn't go right away, but asked straightforwardly.

"We Cold Lion Clan originally had no one to come, and the top celestial arts were stored in the enchantment of Shufa Pavilion. Before, even the young patriarch could not crack it. How could he be an outsider... "

"Yes, young patriarch, if he really steals the lesson, would he dare to show it in front of you?"

Several people from the clans looked at Jiang Chen, and then came forward to express their thoughts.

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