I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1948: Send out

Jiang Chen didn't expect that he was still thinking about accepting himself as a disciple.

"Clan Chief Cold, I can't be your disciple of the Cold Lion Clan." In desperation, Jiang Chen had no choice but to resolutely said, "Moreover, I didn't get the inheritance of the Ice King."

"Oh? How did you get the fairy magic of my cold lion clan?" Han Shuangtian asked.

"It's Sect Master Wang Min of the Valley of Endless Love. She got the inheritance of the Frost King. Now the sect has joined my Wancheng Immortal Sect. These immortal spells and magic are naturally handed over to me. I looked at it curiously, but I didn't expect it. I realized it directly."

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly and said.

"It turned out to be so."

"Then I won't force you to stay."

There was obviously some disappointment on the frosty day.

He has heard a lot about Jiang Chen.

Even the Yuhuo Phoenix and Faxu Gulong clan have to befriend Jiang Chen, he naturally wants to get together to see what kind of talent and strength Jiang Chen has that can make Huo Xuan and Ao Zhan like it so much.

"Patriarch Han, if there is nothing wrong, I will return to the valley of the mountain first."

Jiang Chen got up and arched his hands to leave.

There are still seven days.

Although there is nothing in the Valley of the Mountains that can attract you, you may still find the treasure if you look inside.

"and many more."

"Little friend Jiang Chen, I heard that you have established Wancheng Immortal Gate now."

Seeing Jiang Chen was about to leave, Frosty Sky hurriedly spoke.


Jiang Chen nodded in response.

"When your father was still there, there was no intersection between our two forces. Now you have made the immortal gate reappear in the immortal world. I think our relationship can be closer in the future, so that if we encounter any danger before, we can interact with each other. help."

Han Shuangtian rubbed his hands, completely not like Immortal King Sixth Layer.

"Clan Chief Han is joking. With the strength of your Immortal King's Sixth Layer, I am afraid that no one in the entire Immortal Realm would dare to provoke him. Why would I need the help of our Wancheng Immortal Gate."

"But since I have practiced your family's immortal arts, I will naturally not be an enemy of you. If I can help in the future, I will try my best to help."

Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Then little friend Jiang Chen walk slowly, I hope you can get your favorite treasure from the valley of the mountains." Han Shuangtian took out a nail-sized stone from the storage ring and handed it to Jiang Chen, "This is our cold The key to the Lion Clan, if you have him, you can successfully enter the area of ​​the Cold Lion Clan."

"Have a key?!"

Jiang Chen was a little shocked.

If it is really like what Frostsky said, when the valley of the mountain is open, the people of the six spirit beasts can directly enter their respective areas.

"As long as our cold lion clan has it."

"As for more details, I can't tell you."

Han Shuangtian shook his head and said.

"Thanks to Patriarch Han, I will owe you a favor from Wancheng Immortal Gate in the future."

Jiang Chen didn't refuse. In the Valley of the Mountains, those were the things left by the ancestors of the six great spirit beasts. There must be a lot of treasures hidden in them, and it would be best if they could be obtained.

As for the favor.

Speaking of heavy, it is the heaviest thing in the fairy world.

But to speak lightly, as long as the skin is thick, it has no effect at all.

At that time, you can completely fall back on the bill!

"I'll let the tribe send you out." Han Shuangtian winked at the tribe who was standing at the door.

all of these.

Bitter Winter was all in his eyes, he didn't understand why the patriarch would treat Jiang Chen like this.


The cold winter couldn't help it anymore, and entered the hall for the second time.

But this time Jiang Chen had already left, and Frosty Day did not stop him.

"Aren't you going back to the valley of the mountains?" Han Shuangtian asked, looking up at him.

"Jiang Chen has already gone back, I am worried that he will do something to me inside." Han Dong gritted his teeth and said, "Patriarch, why do you treat him like this? I entered the valley of the mountains ten times, and you never gave it to me. "

"I can give it to you next time."

Frosty Day said casually.

"When the next time, all the good things have been searched by Jiang Chen, what will happen even if I go in?"

Bitter Winter gritted his teeth, his fists in his sleeves clenched tightly.

"What you say is also a young patriarch. Don't be arrogant or reckless. You should consider the interests of the entire family." Han Shuangtian sighed.

He pointed to the seat next to him, motioned Han Dong to sit down, and continued, "You are so reckless, I have to consider whether I want to hand over the family to other people."


The pupils shrink slightly in the cold winter.

"You know that Jiang Chen is the young master of Wancheng Immortal Gate, right?"

Han Shuangtian asked.

"I know, but Wancheng Xianjun has been suppressed in the Kunlun fairy mountain, and the immortal gate no longer exists. Even if Jiang Chen is re-established, it will still be the lower sect in the fairy world."

Han Dong nodded, he still knew the news.



"According to the news I learned, Wancheng Immortal Gate has absorbed a large number of families and influences in the Immortal Realm, and has a good relationship with Tianji Pavilion, Overseas Immortal Mountain, Ganges Bank and Tiandi Pharmacy. The new elder of the Fire Phoenix clan, even the Faxu Gulong clan respect him very much."

"Do you only think that he is a newcomer who has just ascended to the immortal world?"

Han Shuangtian shook his head and smiled, and said everything he knew about Jiang Chen.


Listening to the cold winter, the more sluggish.

He had only heard of Jiang Chen as the number one, and he also learned some things.

But it is far less detailed than the patriarch.

"So Jiang Chen can't offend him, and even have to befriend him, otherwise once he stands on the opposite side of him, even I will not necessarily be his opponent."

Han Shuangtian took a deep breath and said.

"Then I..."

The cold winter recalled what the patriarch said, and cold sweat flowed down his back.

But because of fear, I still want to kill Jiang Chen in my heart.

For nothing else.

Just because he has always wanted the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain in the Southern Territory, everyone looked at the cold lion clan and the cold frost sky to give him face, and now Jiang Chen, who appeared suddenly, slapped him firmly in the face. , Even in front of so many people, made him faceless.

"You have an affair with him, you have done something wrong in history, there is no one!"

The frosty day looked at the cold winter's eyes, very disappointed.

I couldn't feel it before, but now after a major incident, I found something wrong.

"Patriarch, I know I was wrong, I will definitely not provoke Jiang Chen again!" Seeing that Frosty Heaven meant to abolish his status as a young patriarch, Bitter Winter quickly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"You go down and rest first. You can go to the Valley of the Mountains if you want to, or you can go if you don't want to. As for Jiang Chen, if you want revenge, just don't bring the family with you."

Frosty Day waved his hand at him.

He understands the must-received character of Bitter Winter.

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