I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1949: Turn back again

Although now shocked by Jiang Chen's strength, he took the initiative to admit his mistakes to himself.

But he knew that this was based on the premise that he wanted to keep the position of the young master.

In fact, he still hates Jiang Chen in his heart.

"I see, patriarch."

Bitter Winter gritted his teeth and retreated and left the hall.


On the other side, Jiang Chen didn't stay any longer, and he slid back into the valley of the mountains.

When he appeared in the valley.

All the cultivators were shocked.

what's the situation?

This kid stole the Immortal Magic of the Cold Lion Clan, but he could come back?

"Did he kill the cold winter halfway?"

"No, Bitter Winter is the young patriarch of the Cold Lion Clan, how dare he do it."

"I don't think it is possible. To be killed in Bitter Winter, Frosty Sky will definitely know that it is impossible to let him come back."

"Then I don't know what's going on..."

These cultivators had been staring at Jiang Chen with their eyes, and they started talking.

Hearing their chirping voices, Jiang Chen didn't respond, but swept towards the mountains. Everyone followed Jiang Chen's figure and kept wondering what happened.

"Big brother."

Seeing that white figure, Jiang Chen fell down.

"Hanshi Clan didn't embarrass you?" Bai Xiaoyun quickly got up, held Jiang Chen's shoulders with both hands, and looked up and down.

"No, it may be due to the relationship between the Huo Xuan patriarch and Ao Zhan, but I didn't expect the Frost King to be the younger brother of Frosty Sky." Jiang Chen shook his head and looked at the palace in the mountains.

"Oh? There is still such a relationship."

Bai Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows.

"But it's okay to think about it." After perceiving a moment, Jiang Chen changed the topic and asked, "Isn't the great virtue coming out yet?"

"No, it has been a whole day since I went in, and there is still no news."

Bai Xiaoyun shook his head and said, "But besides him, there are other cultivators who have also entered. The cultivation base of this group of people is around the gods or gods, not his opponent."

"I can rest assured that."

"Big brother, go with me to see other places."

Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Fire Phoenix Clan?" Bai Xiaoyun tidied his robe.

"No, it's the Cold Lion Clan." Jiang Chen told him honestly, "Frosty Sky gave me a key, saying that it can pass through the enchantment of their Cold Lion Clan ancestor."

"There will be no traps, right?" Bai Xiaoyun was a little disbelief.

If this really had the key, Huo Xuan would have given it to Jiang Chen a long time ago, and it would have to wait until now, and Jiang Chen had just had a conflict with Bitter Winter.

"If he dared to do something to me, wouldn't he be afraid of clan Chief Huo Xuan and Chief Ao Zhan making trouble for him?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile, "But let's go and see what the situation is, I hope I can get some good things from it, and I won't go to us in vain."

"It makes sense." Bai Xiaoyun pondered for a while, and he didn't worry so much.

Under the gaze of a group of cultivators, Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun rushed towards the depths of the barrier.

The place where the Hanshi Clan is located is almost the deepest part of the entire mountain valley. Even at the speed of Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun, it took several hours to feel the temperature drop between heaven and earth.

And at the end of the line of sight, a white hall can be vaguely seen.

Even more grandiose than today's Hanshi clan.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Bai Xiaoyun couldn't help but said, "Compared with the Hanshi Clan, the place where Qiu Tianji lives is simply unsightly."

"It's like comparing Tianji Pavilion with Yujianmen." Jiang Chen couldn't help but vomit.

When he didn't go to Yujianmen, Jiang Chen still felt that Tianji Pavilion was okay. Although the sect was a little poorer, it was harmless.

Just saw Yujianmen.

Tianji Pavilion is like a sect that has been in decline for tens of thousands of years.

"Ahem, don't say that, you are now the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion."

Bai Xiaoyun coughed twice.

With the effort of speaking, Jiang Chen and the two also approached the hall.

Under the blizzard, even if Jiang Chen had the immortal power of ice in his body, he still felt the cold, and even the immortal power and blood in his body were faintly frozen.

"It's really an ancestor, even the sect of the Valley of the Mountain is so powerful. If he is still alive, he must be a strong one." Bai Xiaoyun couldn't help but pull the white robe and said.

"It can make the race one of the six great spirit beasts, and stand out from hundreds of spirit beast races. They must be the strongest among the world. I am afraid that they are only weaker than the immortal emperor, and equal to the three great immortal kings today. ."

Jiang Chen also exclaimed.

"Let's go, go and see what good things are in this sect."

Standing at the gate of the sect, Bai Xiaoyun felt the enchantment that enveloped the entire hall.

"I hope I can get something good from it."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, took the stone out of the storage ring, and pressed it on the barrier.

Soon, the fluctuations spread, and the barrier gradually weakened.

"It turned out to be true."

Bai Xiaoyun's eyes became fiery.

The land of the ancestors of the Hanshi tribe has never been visited in so many years.

What does this show.

It means that all the treasures in it are in it, and none of them have been taken away by others.


Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyun slapped his forehead with a slap.

"Big brother?" Jiang Chen just got ready to go in.

"How many storage rings did you bring?" Bai Xiaoyun regretted it. If he had known this a long time ago, he brought out all the wealthy storage rings in the pavilion.


Jiang Chen also sighed secretly.

But soon it was relieved.

As long as you can bring out the treasure inside, what else can you get or not.

Besides, I came in with a key. In case the frosty day struck me, I would also like to look inside. If I saw that it was cleaned up by myself, I'm afraid I would have to use the power of the whole family to make trouble for myself.

Jiang Chen would not establish such a powerful enemy for himself.

The barrier was loosened, and Jiang Chen immediately entered it.

Just after passing through the barrier, the sharp snowflakes on the side of the blade blew over.

Unprepared, Jiang Chen's robe was cut several times.

Jiang Chen urged Xianli to protect himself.

"If the strength is poor, I am afraid that even if he can enter the enchantment, he will die here." Bai Xiaoyun has lingering fears. He has only the Immortal Venerable now, so he must always be careful.


Jiang Chen looked at the hall in front of him.

Under the protection of Xianli, although he wouldn't be injured, his speed was slowed down.

The two entered the hall with difficulty.


Just standing still, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, inside, he felt the existence of Xianli.

The Valley of the Mountains has existed for hundreds of thousands of years at least, and it is unlikely that someone has stayed in it since ancient times.

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