I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1955: Remote tavern

Even at the speed of Jiang Chen, after nearly half a month, he still didn't see the boundary of the southern region, nor did he perceive the fluctuations in the unknown domain.

However, what can be seen by the naked eye below is that the lush vegetation has long since disappeared, replaced by endless desolation, and even within a hundred miles, only less than ten practitioners can be perceived.

Realizing that Xianli was exhausted because of the rush, Jiang Chen stopped when he saw a village.

On the head of the village, there is a pub that looks very simple.

Jiang Chen pushed the door in.

In the pub, only a few people were sitting in it.

Their cultivation is only about true immortals, and after seeing strangers come in, they all look over together.

"Is it a pub?"

Seeing them all staring at him, Jiang Chen smiled and asked.

"Of course it's a pub."

One of them, wearing linen clothes, walked over quickly, wiped the table in front of Jiang Chen, and said, "Guest officer, please sit down. Here we have wine made from fruits from nearby mountains, as well as our own captive and raised wine. Low-level spirit beast meat, look what you want."

"Just a little bit."

Jiang Chen said after sitting down and taking a break.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to prepare now." Xiao Er Pitian Pitian walked inward.

He can tell at a glance who is rich and who is not rich. When he meets Jiang Chen, he knows that this is definitely a rich owner. As long as he serves well, he is happy. , May give thousands of celestial jade.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Chen saw Xiao Er walking over with a pot of meat.

Not only Jiang Chen, but also several other people in the tavern looked at it.

They looked at the mountain of meat piled up in front of Jiang Chen, and then looked at the pitiful pieces in the plate in front of them, and immediately felt emotional.

"Guest, I noticed that the immortal power in your body is a bit vain. This low-level spirit beast meat can restore the immortal power, you can taste it."

Xiao Er looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Where is the wine?"

Jiang Chen didn't say anything.

Although there is a lot of meat in this pot, it doesn't cost much.

"Get it now!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't refuse, Xiao Er quickly sent the jug over.

This time, he didn't make any more opportunistic tricks, knowing that it would be fine once, and if he did it again, I'm afraid the guest officer in front of him would be dissatisfied.

Jiang Chen took a sip, picked up a few pieces of meat, and filled it towards the innermost.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was so bold, several cultivators couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Spirit beast meat.

But they can only eat three or four slices of meat per meal!

"If you want to eat, come and eat together." Seeing their eyes, Jiang Chen beckoned at them. When he first arrived here, Jiang Chen didn't know anything about the situation here, and he didn't even know the Wild Forest. For the specific location, I also hope to inquire a little bit of news from their mouths.


Several people hurriedly walked around Jiang Chen.

"Little Er, two more pots!"

Jiang Chen beckoned at the shop Xiaoer.

"Little brother is so generous!"

"Yeah, it's really the kindest person I have ever met!"

When they heard that there was unfinished spirit beast meat, all of them hurriedly thanked Jiang Chen. They had never eaten meat so refreshingly.

The three large basins of spirit beast meat were swept away in just a few minutes.

These cultivators sat contentedly on the chairs and touched their belly, their eyes were full of gratitude to Jiang Chen, and there was even an urge to shed blood for Jiang Chen.

"This brother, did you also go to Mercenary Town?"

After eating and drinking, they looked at Jiang Chen together and asked.

"Mercenary Town? What is this place?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"It turned out not to be."

"The Mercenary Town is about ten thousand miles away from here. It is a town near the wild forest. There are dozens of large and small mercenary groups in it."

One of them explained.

"Oh? It's not unusually dangerous in the wild forest, how can there be mercenary groups in it?"

Jiang Chen was a little curious.

"It is precisely because of the danger that these mercenary groups were born."

"They received quests from all over the fairy world. Some went to pick herbs in the wild forests and hunted spirit beasts to obtain inner alchemy. The greater the risk, the more immortal jade will be given. I heard that the largest mercenary group In the game, each mercenary is sent out once, and at least one hundred thousand immortal jade can be obtained!"

While speaking, Jiang Chen saw the heat in their eyes.

"You all went to the mercenary group?"

Jiang Chen showed some interest, but the news about the Suzaku clan and the old lady must be kept conservative, otherwise, Jiang Chen would also go to the mercenary group inside for help.

"Yes, like our casual cultivator who has no family, no sect and no cultivation base, it is better to try your luck in the mercenary town, get the fairy jade, and even find the treasure in the wild forest, He Le Don't do it!"

"That's right."

"Hey, brother, since you didn't go to the mercenary town, how could you pass by here? As far as we know, there is no sect family around here."

While speaking, their eyes focused on Jiang Chen again.

"I have nothing to do with me, but I heard you say that Mercenary Town is so interesting, so let's take a look with you."

Jiang Chen smiled and said casually.

"Okay! Let's go together on the road!"

Several people suddenly burst out laughing.

They knew that with Jiang Chen as company, they would definitely have no worries about eating and drinking before arriving in Mercenary Town.

"Little Er, how much is it?"

Jiang Chen beckoned to the person behind him.

"This lord, there are six thousand immortal jade in total." Xiao Er hurried over.

"Ten thousand, no need to look for it."

Jiang Chen rummaged through the storage ring and found that the smallest promissory note was ten thousand.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

Xiao Er held the promissory note and kept bowing to Jiang Chen.

Leaving the tavern, Jiang Chen followed them to Mercenary Town.

It’s better for someone to walk with each other than to go by yourself, and you don’t know anything about the mercenary town. If you can learn about the situation in the wild forest from these mercenaries, you will have a better chance to find the whereabouts of the Suzaku clan. .

While following them, Jiang Chen also took the opportunity to get acquainted with that swordsmanship.

Mercenary Town.

This is the most fringe place in the entire Southern Territory.

Of course it is only said that, after all, going forward is a stretch of wild forest.

No one knows how deep and how long this forest is. No one has ever measured it, and no one can go to the deepest part of the forest.

It’s just a legend that this is the southernmost end of the fairy world.

But there is a mixture of fish and dragons in Mercenary Town, and some people have brought news that the other end of the wild forest is another continent in the fairy world.

No one knows what it is like.

When approaching the wild forest, the number of cultivators gradually increased, some came in from outside like Jiang Chen, and some left from inside the town.

"This is Mercenary Town."

Pointing to the huge town in front, one of them said to Jiang Chen.

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