I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1956: Beast Killer Mercenary Group

"I have been with you for so long, I still don't know your names."

Jiang Chen looked up at the several towns in front and asked.

It is said to be a town, but in fact it is bigger than the two towns combined, and it can sense that there are thousands of auras in it, from immortal kings to immortals, everything.

"The previous name has nothing to mention."

"We happened to meet together, we bowed to our brothers and gave ourselves a new name."

"Just call me the old one."

The humane who spoke earlier.

"You won't send from the first one to the seventh, do you?" Jiang Chen twitched and said while looking at the other six people around him.

"Yes, this is our current name."

"It's just brother, don't think you have money, and your cultivation base is higher than ours, but if you want to join us, you can only be ranked eighth."

Lao Yi showed an embarrassed expression and said to Jiang Chen.

"The name Lao Ba is a bit awkward." Jiang Chen shook his head and continued, "I won't join you anymore. I'm just here to get some insight. Maybe I'll leave anytime."

Seeing that Jiang Chen had no interest, these people didn't insist anymore.

Walking into the town, the noisy noise inside made Jiang Chen frown slightly.

With a powerhouse like Jiang Chen in the fairyland, the old one and the others just wanted to find an ordinary mercenary group, but now they have some ideas about the strongest beast-slashing mercenary group.

They knew that as a mercenary here, it was already very strong to have a cultivation base of immortals, and that in the fairyland, it was the peak combat power in the various mercenary groups.

As for Xianzun.

No matter what sect or clan, this kind of power will be valued. He has countless cultivation resources and use of immortal jade, so he can't take the risk of being a mercenary here.

Following them, Jiang Chen reached the corner of this town.

There is a huge manor here, guarded by two practitioners from the real fairyland at the door.

It looks like an ordinary family, it is difficult to integrate with the mercenary group.

"You guys, what are you here for?"

The guard looked at Jiang Chen and the others, and when he saw that the clothes were not very good, and the cultivation base was not high, he knew that he was not here to send them off.

"We want to enter the beast-slashing mercenary group and become one of you."

Lao Yi walked in front of Jiang Chen and said to them.

"Just you?"

Looking at the people in front of them who were only true immortals, the guard laughed directly.

"You are a true immortal, and we are also true immortals. Can we not enter if you can enter?" This laughter directly annoyed the old one. If it weren't for offending the beast beast mercenary group, he would definitely have shot directly.

"I didn't look down on it. It's just that our cultivation level can only watch the door, and is not qualified to enter the wild and deep forest. You should go back. There are enough people to watch the door." The guard waved his hand and said.


After eating closed doors, Laoyi quickly cast a look at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen understood what he meant, and walked in front of the guard with his hands on his back, "If they are not qualified, am I enough?"

"what do you……"

The guard was a little impatient, but when he sensed that Jiang Chen was a five-tier powerhouse in the fairyland, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This kind of strength, let alone ordinary mercenaries, is enough to be the deputy commander of their mercenary group.

"Don't let us in yet!"

"If the ink goes on, we will join another mercenary group!" Seeing that man was so surprised, the old man said quickly.

"Please come in, I'm going to notify the team leader!"

The guard dared not stop it anymore.

If these people really went to another mercenary group, once the group leader knew the news, he would definitely be punished severely.

The old class people followed in with an air, completely forgetting that they were treated like this because Jiang Chen was here.

Entering the manor, Jiang Chen sat in the living room.

In the first place, Jiang Chen saw a huge animal skin.

"That is the fierce beast equivalent to the cultivation base of the fairy monarch. After being killed by our head, he took the skin off and used it as a cushion. It was the first in the entire mercenary town!"

Seeing Jiang Chen looking over there, the guard said quite proudly.

It was precisely because of this animal skin that those who came here recognized the strength of their beast-slashing mercenary group, and gradually became the largest mercenary group in the entire mercenary town.


Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and asked, "Is your head of the Xianjun cultivation base?"

"Xianzun." The guard replied.

Jiang Chen laughed.

Xianzun can slay the beasts of Xianjun cultivation base. With this kind of strength, he will be a mercenary, I am afraid that any sect in the fairy world will treat it well, even Xuan Jun's Jade Sword Sect can easily enter.

Jiang Chen guessed that it was mostly luck that he encountered a severely wounded fairy beast before he could kill it.

"A few wait a minute, our head personally led the team to hunt the beasts in the wild forest. It is estimated that there will be a few hours before they can come back." The guard said to Jiang Chen looking at the sky outside.

"That's not delicious and delicious to entertain us, but we didn't rush over far away!"

Old Yi carried his hands on his back, looking at everything.

After hearing what he said, Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

This kind of pretending to be a tiger made him very upset.

But after all, it was just a stranger, and he didn't say much.

"No problem, I will prepare it for you!"

The guard went out quickly.

After a while, the meat of the spirit beast, the good wine and the food were all brought up.

The old class didn’t care about Jiang Chen at all, and ate directly, but the one named Lao Qi was pretty good, and while eating, he said to Jiang Chen, “Brother, thanks to you, we can get such treatment. You are the luckiest thing for us."

"Yeah yeah!"

Old Yi said vaguely while stuffing meat inside.

Jiang Chen didn't care about them, but sat in a chair with his eyes closed and rested.

By the way, spread the power of perception and see if you can find news of the Suzaku clan in the wild forest.

Several hours passed, and the head of the mercenary group finally returned.

He walked in front of everyone. Although there were some injuries on his body and his aura was floating, he was very handsome. When he walked into the manor, many people in the town stared at him.

Behind him, a dozen mercenaries were pushing a wooden cart.

On the wooden cart, there was the corpse of a fierce beast, as well as the corpses of nearly twenty cultivators.

"The fierce beast of the fairyland!"

"I'm afraid this kind of beast with cultivation base can already evolve sage, right?"

"Do you understand? The fierce beasts are not the spirit beast race. They can only evolve their wits when they enter the realm of Immortal Venerable. They have the qualifications to be transformed into cultivators, but the strength of this beast beast mercenary group is really strong. ."

"I remember that the last fierce beast in the fairyland was also beheaded by them!"

Along the way, from time to time there were voices of admiration.

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