I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1971: Visit in person

Seeing that they suddenly wanted to betray Zhou Wu, Jiang Chen was not much surprised, but he was really not interested in the status of the head of the mercenary group.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't hesitate anymore. We must not have the leader of the Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps. Or you will take over as the leader temporarily. After he wakes up, you can consider whether you want to take the leader. Give him back the position."

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't speak, they thought they were thinking about this, so they continued to speak.

"Stop it."

"Don't say anything like this in the future."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

Seeing Jiang Chen refused, they stopped saying anything.

It's just that I still plan how to make Jiang Chen accept the position of group leader.

After blasting them away, Jiang Chen went back to the room and continued to retreat.


Two days later, Jiang Chen arrived in the mercenary town next door.

"Jiang Chen is here!"

Seeing Jiang Chen, the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group suddenly screamed.

They knew how the regiment leader was injured.

"What is he doing?!"

Sun Yuan and Sun Bao sat in the hall, holding the wound on their chests and said.

That sword, although it didn't hurt their lives, but it also caused them to suffer severe injuries, and it would take at least half a year to relieve them.

And if Jiang Chen came to make trouble now, no one in their Sirius mercenary group could stop him.

"Brother Yuan, there is a situation that I forgot to tell you. When we left the Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps, Jiang Chen said that we would come." A mercenary stood beside Sun Yuan and said.

"Is it here to make trouble?"

Sun Yuan shook his fist, his whole body trembling.

"Based on our current situation, if we are really looking for trouble and can't stop him, it's better to relax and see what he wants to do." Sun Bao is much calmer than him.


Hearing what he said, Sun Yuan relaxed.

Under the leadership of the two mercenaries, Jiang Chen walked into the hall.

Although they just relaxed, after seeing Jiang Chen, Sun Yuan and Sun Bao still felt nervous.

Jiang Chen's strength made them impossible to figure out.

"Jiang Chen, we don't do anything to your beast-slashing mercenary group anymore, why are you still looking for it?" Suppressing the fear in his heart, Sun Yuan made himself seem as normal as possible on the surface.

"Oh? Didn't they tell you?"

Jiang Chen put his hands behind his back, and said lightly, "Since you have lost, you have to be willing to bet. I'm here to ask questions. You have to tell me the truth. Otherwise, you Sirius mercenary group, I'm afraid it is. There is no need to exist in Mercenary Town."

"What are you talking about!"

Many people trembled in their bodies.

They had no doubt, knowing that Jiang Chen indeed had such strength.

"Jiang Chen, what do you want to do?" In the hall, everyone was staring at Jiang Chen.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just here to ask questions, as long as you answer honestly, I won't do anything to you." Seeing them look like a big enemy, Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"What do you want to know?"

After Jiang Chen said that they would not do it, Sun Yuan and Sun Bao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where is Sun Tianlang?"

"Is he awake?"

Jiang Chen glanced around and asked.

"Leader Sun is recuperating inside." Sun Yuan looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, what do you want to know, just ask us. As long as you don't hurt our Sirius mercenary group, we will know. Tell you everything."

"You don't know."

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Come with me."

Sun Yuan didn't dare to disobey Jiang Chen's words, so he had to take him to the mercenary group.

After stopping outside a room strictly guarded by mercenaries, Sun Yuan pointed inside and said, "The regimental commander is inside. I warn you, don't do anything excessive, even though we are all injured. The strength of the entire mercenary group is not something you can underestimate!"

"Okay, okay, I know, don't talk about it anymore."

Jiang Chen was a little bored by what he said, waved his hand and said, then opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Jiang Chen coming in, Sun Tianlang was taken aback and hurriedly shrank to the side of the bed twice.

He didn't know how Jiang Chen got in, but he knew that with his current situation, he couldn't be Jiang Chen's opponent at all, and he would be killed instantly if he didn't even have a chance to resist.

"Don't be afraid of Commander Sun, I'm just here to ask a few things, as long as you tell me honestly, I won't embarrass you."

Jiang Chen sat on the side of the bed, smiled, and said.

"What do you want to ask?" Sun Tianlang swallowed.

"The Suzaku clan."

Jiang Chen closed the door of the room and said lightly, "Tell me all the news you know about the Suzaku clan, otherwise, your Sirius mercenary group will no longer need to exist in the immortal world."

When the voice fell, Jiang Chen explored his palm.

An extremely vigorous celestial force rose up, lasted only a moment, and then completely dissipated.

Even the fluctuation of Xianli didn't spread.


Feeling the fluctuation of Jiang Chen's celestial power, Sun Tianlang suddenly became sluggish.

Although he is a fairyland, he has seen the immortal monarchs in the mercenary town for so many years, and the strength that Jiang Chen has just shown is comparable to those immortal monarchs.

"Do you know what to do in the future?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Master Jiang Chen, please rest assured, I will never say your strength!"

Sun Tianlang was very sensible, and immediately endured the pain in his body and got up, and hurriedly bowed his hand to Jiang Chen.


"Leader Sun, please tell me what you know."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Master Jiang Chen, in fact, I don’t know much about the Vermillion Bird clan. I just know that this race seems to have lived in the wild forest for a while, and I have lived in Mercenary Town for hundreds of years, and I have never heard of them. ."

Sun Tianlang's eyes were shocked, and when he learned that Jiang Chen's real cultivation base, he didn't dare to deceive anymore.

"Continue." Jiang Chen said.

"But it seems to be more than a hundred years ago. When I took people to hunt the beasts in the wild forest, I accidentally broke into the depths and seemed to see a very huge palace."

Sun Tianlang thought for a while and said.

"The residence of the Suzaku clan?" Jiang Chen became interested.

"I don't know. The hall was very dilapidated. I didn't pay attention at the time. I just glanced at it quickly, and I was eager to flee for my life."

Sun Tianlang shook his head and continued, "At that time, we encountered an eight-fold fierce beast in the fairyland. It was not its opponent at all. I lost hundreds of men. Even I was wounded, so I escaped by luck. from."

"I am not interested in how you came out."

"Continue to talk about what you know."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and interrupted him.

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