I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1972: Old hunter

"I don't know the others."

Sun Tianlang shook his head and said, "Later, I never dared to go to the depths of the wild forest again. No one dared to mention it."

"What you know is of no use to me."

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"Master Jiang Chen!"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Sun Tianlang was shocked in a cold sweat.

This is a strong man with the strength of Xianjun in front of him. I am afraid that all the heads of the entire mercenary town are screwed together, and they are not his opponents.

If this is not satisfied with the news provided by him and kills his heart, then his own life will really come to an end.

"Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Seeing him looking like a big enemy, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and asked.

"Of course…"

Sun Tianlang shivered.

"Recover your injuries, don't tell me anything."

Jiang Chen got up and walked outside.

After asking the two mercenaries in a row, they didn't know the news of the Suzaku clan, which inevitably made him feel a little disappointed.

Watching Jiang Chen leave, Sun Tianlang just breathed a sigh of relief, but a figure of a person immediately appeared in his mind, so he hurriedly said, "Master Jiang Chen, why don't you go to the east of the town to take a look? There may be There is an answer you want to know."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Jiang Chen stopped, raised his eyebrows, and asked.

"There is an old hunter living there. It is said that he has lived here before the establishment of the Mercenary Town. We visit him every year and he will tell us the situation in the wild forest."

"If Master Jiang Chen really wants to know about the Suzaku clan, you should ask, the old hunter might know something."

Sun Tianlang coughed heavily and said.


Jiang Chen suddenly became interested.

"It's true!"

"I dare not deceive Master Jiang Chen!"

Sun Tianlang stood up bracedly, and said to Jiang Chen.

"If I can get the news, your benefits are indispensable." Jiang Chen smiled and opened the door and walked out.

Seeing Jiang Chen's back, Sun Tianlang softened and fell under the bed.

He didn't ask for any benefits at all, but only asked Jiang Chen to accept mercy and let them live a way. Facing the strong immortal monarch, he really didn't have the slightest confidence to be an enemy.


Jiang Chen left with his front feet, and Sun Yuan and Sun Bao rushed into the room with their back feet.

They helped Sun Tianlang who fell to the ground.

"Head, Jiang Chen didn't embarrass you, right?" Sun Yuan gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Chen's figure and asked.

"There is no embarrassment, just ask me something." Sun Tianlang waved his hand and said, "You will remember it to me, and don't offend this person again in the future."


Sun Yuan and Sun Bao didn't understand.

They believed that even if Jiang Chen had some strength, he would not surpass Xianzun at the highest.

And their Sirius mercenary group has existed in the mercenary town for hundreds of years, and they have also met some masters above the Immortal Venerable realm. If they really ask them to help, they will definitely make Jiang Chen die without a burial place.

"There is no reason, just keep my words in your heart!"

"If anyone offends Jiang Chen, then take the initiative to leave the Sirius Mercenary Corps, don't cause trouble to us, understand?!"

Why didn't Sun Tianlang understand what they were thinking.

So he whispered angrily immediately.

"Understood, Commander." Sun Yuan and Sun Bao didn't dare to disobey, so they had to bury their doubts in their hearts.

"Go out, I want to take a good rest, the mercenary group will be handled by you for the time being, and I will remind you one more time, don't offend Jiang Chen!"

Sun Tianlang lay on the bed, as if all his strength had been exhausted, waved his hands to them and said.


The two nodded again.

Leaving the Sirius Mercenary Group, Jiang Chen walked towards the east.

This town was already the easternmost town. Jiang Chen left the city gate and looked at it from a distance. As expected, at the end of his sight, next to the wild forest, he saw a thatched house.

"Old Hunter?"

Jiang Chen shrugged, thinking that Sun Tianlang didn't have the guts to deceive himself, so Jiang Chen swept over there.

About half a time, Jiang Chen walked to the front of the thatched cottage.

This is a very dilapidated thatched house with some simple hunting tools outside the door.

There is also a big dog tied to the door.

It's just that when the dog saw Jiang Chen, instead of barking, even after looking up at Jiang Chen, he lowered his head and continued to sleep.

"I'm despised by dogs?"

Jiang Chen's eyes were dark, and he almost backed away with anger.

"Senior, are you at home?"

But it was just a dog. Jiang Chen didn't care about it. Instead, he walked to the front of the thatched house, stretched out his hand and buckled the wooden door a few times, and asked in a deep voice.

"Who is it?"

Inside the house, there was an older voice.

"Jiang Chen, a younger generation, not long after he arrived in Mercenary Town, and now he is a member of the Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps. Come visit his senior, and want to consult a little bit by the way."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said.

"This is not the time for me to accept your visit. If you have any questions, I will ask you again in half a year."

The old man answered quickly.

"Half a year?"

Jiang Chen frowned.

He doesn't have time to wait here for so long.

"Senior, I do have important things to ask you. As long as you can tell me, I'm willing to pay some price." Jiang Chen looked inside through the cracks in the wooden planks on the door and continued.

"Your kid is very sincere."

Who knows, the old man who was still refusing righteously before, is now shaken.

"Sure enough, the crows in the world are as dark." Jiang Chen mumbled a few words to himself, opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

In the yard, in addition to a large area of ​​cultivated farmland, there is a stone table and a few stone benches next to it, which looks very simple.

And the farmland has long been full of weeds as tall as a person.

Had it not been for the sound coming from inside, Jiang Chen would have thought that no one had lived here for decades.

"Boy, by my age, I no longer have any interest in Xianyu. If you really have any questions you want to ask, please clean up my land."

Just as Jiang Chen looked at the situation inside, the voice came from the thatched cottage.

Xiaoye Tangtang Wancheng Young Master of the Immortal Gate!

There are nearly twenty immortal kings under him, and immortal monarchs are countless.

Now you want to do farm work here? !

But thinking of asking about the situation of the Suzaku clan, Jiang Chen could only agree.

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