I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1973: Scabbard of Rune Sword

It seems that there is only a small piece of farmland, but Jiang Chen has cleared it all, more than three hours have passed.

"Senior, it's finished."

Jiang Chen exhaled two breaths, looked at the dirt on his hands, and said.

"Then come in."

The sound rang.

Jiang Chen washed his hands and opened the door of the thatched cottage.

In the living room, there was an old man in a linen robe, who said he was an old man, but his hair was only half gray, his face was not wrinkled, and even his eyes were full of vigor.

"Senior, I have something very important to ask about this time."

After walking in, Jiang Chen arched his hand at him and said.

"Let's talk about it, and see if I know."

The old man poured a cup of tea for Jiang Chen and pushed it in front of him.

"I don't know if seniors have heard of the Suzaku clan." Jiang Chen sat in front of him, holding warm tea in both hands.

"I heard that it was the spirit beast race that was wiped out in the wild forest hundreds of thousands of years ago. I think when they still existed, the old man used to..."

The old man blurted out.

But halfway through the conversation, he stopped.

"Senior, have you ever met them?"

Jiang Chen stared at the old man in front of him.

"This has nothing to do with you." The old man looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Your cultivation base should be around the fifth level of the fairyland. Why would you be interested in the news of the Vermilion clan? Is there any connection between you and them? Nothing?"

"There is no comment."

Jiang Chen hesitated for a while, but said with his hands.

Let alone the old man in front of the swordsmanship in the Suzaku Talisman Wooden Sword, he didn't even elaborate on Bai Xiaoyun.

But now it was just asking about the situation, and he was completely unfamiliar with the person in front of him, so Jiang Chen would naturally not tell it all.

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you, you should go out."

The old man waved his hand.

"Senior, I really want to ask. As long as you can tell me all the news about the Suzaku clan, I can satisfy any of your wishes. As for the fairy jade or other things, as long as you say, I can do it."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said.

"No, no, I told you that by my age, I no longer have any interest in things outside of my body." The old man waved his hand at Jiang Chen with a very firm attitude, "I want to know the situation from my mouth, unless you really Tell me his intentions, otherwise, I won’t tell you the slightest."

"This is my rule. If you don't believe it, you can go to Mercenary Town and ask someone casually."

"Senior, after I tell you, don't tell anyone."

Jiang Chen frowned.

"That's natural." The old man shook his head.

"Some time ago, I accidentally obtained the Suzaku clan's rune sword and the swordsmanship in the sword, but only after getting the special mark of the Suzaku clan, can I thoroughly master the swordsmanship and exert the maximum power of the rune sword."

Jiang Chen looked at him for a while, but in desperation, he still spoke out.

"Suzaku Talisman Wooden Sword?"

The old man looked up and saw the wooden sword hilt exposed from behind Jiang Chen.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and agreed.

"Take the sword out and show it to me." The old man looked at Jiang Chen's eyes with a touch of complexity.

Jiang Chen drew out the wooden sword and placed it in front of him.

"You kid didn't lie, it really belongs to the Suzaku clan."

The old man picked up the wooden sword, looked at it carefully, and continued to stroke the sword with both hands, and said.

"Senior and the Suzaku clan are familiar?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen suddenly became interested and asked quickly.

"It's not that familiar. Even if they are declining, they are still a resounding spirit beast race, and I'm just an old hunter who lives by hunting beasts." The old man shook his head and sent the wooden sword to Jiang Chen.

"Then senior did know some news about the Suzaku clan?"

"I have asked many people in the past few days when I was living in the mercenary town, but they either didn't know, or they didn't know much, and the news that came out was almost useless."

Jiang Chen hooked his finger, and the wooden sword returned to his back.

"This is normal. It is impossible for ordinary mercenaries here to know the news of the Suzaku clan. Even me, I don't know much about them."

The old man smiled and said.

"Then senior, can you tell me the news?"

Jiang Chen looked at him and asked in a deep voice.

"The Suzaku clan, I don’t know what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. They suddenly fell from the top spirit beast between the world and the earth. In the end they could only hide in the wild forest, but as far as I know, they didn’t support much. For a long time, it seems that 300,000 years ago, this race can be said to have completely disappeared."

"Although there may be surviving Suzaku people in the fairy world, they are only a few, and they dare not show up, so they have to live with their heads shrunk."

The old man stretched out his hand and closed the door of the wooden house, then said.

"Could it be that……"

I heard the old man mention the situation again.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but fell into thinking.

Could it be said that the Suzaku clan is also a race under my elder mother?

After all, there are the Blue Python Sky Snake Clan and the Sky Swallowing Golden Dragon Clan as precedents, and Jiang Chen is now a little grassy.

"What's the matter?"

The old man asked.

"It's nothing, seniors, please keep talking."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

"If you want to get the mark of the Suzaku clan, the best way is to hit the depths of the wild forest. It seems that there is a residence left by them. Maybe there will be a way, but with your current cultivation base, It seems that there is no such ability yet."

The old man continued.

"Then seniors have a way?"

Hearing that the old man had reached the point, Jiang Chen sat up straight and asked.

"No, if I can forcibly improve your cultivation, I don't need to sit here as a hunter. In the fairy world, just go to a top sect, and they all have to enshrine me as an ancestor." The old man shakes. Head.

"Then seniors have been there?" Jiang Chen was a little unwilling.

"I have indeed been there, but it was a matter of thousands of years ago. Now my cultivation level is not as good as before, and I haven't been hunting in the mountains for a long time. I am afraid I am not qualified to approach the depths of the wild forest anymore."

"But I may have something here that is useful to you."

The old man touched the very short beard on his chin.


Jiang Chen was taken aback and asked quickly.

"Come out with me."

The old man finished drinking the tea in front of him, got up and walked outside.

Jiang Chen also quickly followed behind him.

As he walked to the edge of the courtyard, the old man slowly squatted down. After digging a few times in the soil, he pulled out a stick-like thing wrapped in soil.

"Here, this is it."

The old man handed the stick to Jiang Chen.

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