I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 840: The water is deep

With the strength of the red clothes, the turbulent movement in the sect can't escape her eyes!

She might have expected Jiang Chen to run away, so she has been staring at Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen smiled and didn't dare to say more, and returned to the cave mansion dingy.

"This girl, really intend to put me here for the rest of my life!?" Jiang Chen muttered.

But when you think about it, this is not bad!

At least it's safe here, and the roots of the Tohoku Sect are profound, and there are almost all training resources!

"Actually, thinking about it carefully, except for being bullied by her, everything else is fine here." Jiang Chen whispered.

Not long after, Mrs. Qi came and brought a lot of "tonics", beautifully named, for Jiang Chen to practice.

But Jiang Chen looked at the supplements in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Are these replenishing yang energy again?" Jiang Chen asked with a dark face.

"Cultivating a tiger soul requires a lot of yang energy. You have only cultivated a tiger bone now. There is still a long way to go before Mahayana." Lady Qi said: "Your tiger bone is different from ours. "

"What's the difference?" Jiang Chen asked.

His tiger bones are now "activated", and a "rose" appears on one of the tiger bones, which is considered metamorphosis.

"Our tiger bones are one body, different from you. You are separated from the roots, and each root may have changes." Lady Qi explained: "Just like your current tiger bone, it has turned into a rose. ."

"Next, your other tiger bones may also be transformed into different things." Lady Qi said: "And our tiger bones are different, and only one kind can be transformed."

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen was stunned, with a little excitement in his heart, and even more expectation.

If his tiger bones are all turned into different "things", accompanied by different abilities, then his strength is not as simple as doubling!

However, Jiang Chen is still a little confused. One of his tiger bones has turned into a rose, but Jiang Chen really doesn't know what the rose can do.

I only know that whenever this rose manifests, his combat power will skyrocket!

The others seem to be nothing special.

"Cultivate with peace of mind." Mrs. Qi said: "Don't leave Chedi Sect for the time being, now the outside world is looking for you everywhere."

"Eh...cough cough..." Jiang Chen coughed awkwardly, knowing that he was really making trouble in the Void God Realm.

Entering the Void God Realm for the first time, Star River Palm Town wiped out a lot of people with a single stroke, and the fame was somewhat successful.

After entering for the second time, it was even more "excessive", not to mention the disciples who had succumbed to the three major sects, and moved away from Guangming Blessed Land!

As for this third time, he won the first prize in the Clear Sky Conference and obtained the Clear Sky Stone, which attracted the powerhouses of the Quartet, and even killed the descendants of the Divine Emperor.

Every time I enter the Void God Realm, there is more and more noise, and it is not difficult to not be noticed.

Most importantly, this time is different from before.

This time Jiang Chen killed the descendant of the **** emperor, this is a big deal!

It's like piercing the sky!

You know, in this world, there are not many sects and few people who dare to kill the people of the **** emperor clan, let alone the descendants of the **** emperor!

Now, it is estimated that the **** emperor clan already knows about this, maybe the decent people are looking for Jiang Chen.

Once found, with the power of the **** emperor clan, it is enough to destroy Jiang Chen!

Even the people around Jiang Chen will suffer!

"Now it means, I want to hide here all the time?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If it's really boring, you can go to the Void God Realm to stroll around." Possession Qi said: "The Void God Realm is connected to this Nine Heavens God Realm, and there are everyone in it."

"Moreover, there are many treasures in it, inheritance left by the ancestors, rare natural treasures, and even some ancient tombs, which may be buried with gods, or even gods."


Jiang Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, what does this old lady mean?

Should he go to the Void God Realm again?

However, if he enters the Void God Realm again, he really doesn't know if he can come out alive!

After all, he has too many enemies!

"Don't worry, Luo Shu and others have spoken. In the future, you will be in the Void God Realm. Under normal circumstances, people who surpass your two great realms will not do anything to you." Mrs. Qi seems to know that Jiang Chen is here. worry about what.

"Oh? I am the lower true god..." Jiang Chen looked strange and said: "Two realms higher than me...the gods...the mysterious gods..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laughed.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't encounter a top-level upper profound god, other monks can basically suppress it easily!

As long as the god-exalted level doesn't make a move, Jiang Chen can walk sideways!

As for the title gods above the gods, and even the main gods, Jiang Chen didn't need to think about it.

If those people really dared to do something with him, they would not sit back and watch if they wanted to come to Luoshu and others.

"I know you are very strong, but you have to remember one thing. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world." Possession Qi reminded: "I was in the Void God Realm before, and I met your friend. He is very strong and not weaker than you ."

"Which one?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The one with the Shadow Dao Soul." Lady Qi frowned: "That person hides very well, maybe even you didn't even notice. He is extremely powerful and is not under the emperor and Chen Zhulu."

When these words came out, Jiang Chen was shocked.

He has always known that Mu Xingyun is very strong, but in Jiang Chen's heart, Mu Xingyun, who has just ascended, should not be that strong yet!

However, she could tell the depth of Mu Xingyun at a glance, who else was Mrs. Qi, and she wouldn't remind Jiang Chen if she didn't.

"By the way, I'll tell you again, the emperor you met in the Void God Realm before, Chen Zhulu, and even Cassia, they are actually a clone." Said Lady Qi.

You know, the top disciples of those sects won't really use their real bodies to enter the Void God Realm.

After all, once you die, there is nothing left.

Under normal circumstances, those people will enter the Void God Realm with a clone, and use the clone to perform trials. In this way, even if the clone is dead, their body will still be there, at best, they will suffer some injuries.

"What!? They are all clones with essence, blood and consciousness!?" Jiang Chen was moved.

Just the clone is so strong, then the body of Chen Zhulu and the others, isn't it a mess of sturdy combat power! ?

But think about it carefully.

The emperor, Chen Zhulu, and Young Master Cascade, are among the peers of the Nine Heavens God Realm, but they are very famous!

If they only had the strength displayed in the Void God Realm, they would not have such a great reputation, let alone be valued by their respective sects.

"You were a **** king anyway, don't you know that the water in the Nine Heavens God Realm is very deep?" Lady Qi stared at Jiang Chen, as if wondering, was this person in front of him really a **** king before?

"Um...you know that too?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The Sect Master told me." Possession Qi said: "Don't worry, your identity will not be revealed. It is not good for you, and it is not good for me."

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