I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 841: Tongtian Ancient Tree

Those with a high level of cultivation have hands and eyes open to the sky.

Hands to the sky are strong.

With eyes open to the sky, it is able to break through falsehood and gain insight into some secrets.

With the red clothing's cultivation base, he can naturally understand Jiang Chen's affairs.

In the same way, the half-step **** king who was in the Void God Realm before also understood Jiang Chen's identity, but he didn't fully understand it, he was just skeptical.

But Jiang Chen has a feeling that his identity will be exposed in a short time.

"Mr. Qi, can the Chedi Zong compete with the **** emperor clan?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

It's only because when he was in the Void God Realm before, the confidence of the red clothes was too strong, and he did not fear the **** emperor clan at all.

As a result, Jiang Chen thought that the Tedi Sect had a strong foundation, and even had a stronger presence in the clan than the red clothes!

"You don't need to know about this." Lady Qi said: "If one day there is a real disaster in the Chedi Sect, you will know the details of the Chedi Sect."

After all, Old Lady Qi asked Jiang Chen to practice hard, and then left.

Jiang Chen is quite relieved now. Although he did not get an accurate answer, after listening to the words of Mrs. Qi, the Tou Di Zong should be very strong.

In the next few days, Jiang Chen practiced the Soul Ascension Demon Skill in the early morning, and the other time he practiced the Tiger Soul Skill and the Heavenly Sacred Code.

Until half a month later...

On this day, Jiang Chen's heart was greatly moved, and there were waves of fluctuations in his soul!

He hurriedly looked inward, and his spiritual thought sank into the soul world. When he saw the picture in the soul world, the whole person was moved!

I saw that beside the soul, the emperor vine turned into wisps of Shenxi, as if it was broken, and it was turning into a path!

However, these Shen Xi did not dissipate, but changed, beating like stars!

At the same time, a ray of obscure aura envelops those Shen Xi, and under careful induction, it is the power derived from the cultivation of the Soul Ascending Demon Art!

Under the influence of these forces, the Shen Xi transformed into the Emperor Vine slowly gathered, until after a long time, Shen Xi dissipated, and a seed fell beside the soul.

The seed is very ordinary, there is nothing special, and even Jiang Chen can't control this seed!

"What's the situation? My imperial vine is gone? It has become a seed?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

He came to the seed and used some methods, but there was no movement at all.

Could it be that... after practicing the demon power of ascending soul, he accidentally destroyed the emperor vine! ?

"This is Nirvana!" The phoenix Taoist soul flapped its wings, and said: "Just like I did before, it turns into a cocoon and performs Nirvana."

"Oh? Then...what will the imperial vine turn into?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, the Soul of the Phoenix was also taken aback.

He was silent for a while, seeming to flip through his inherited memories in his mind.

Until a few breaths later, the phoenix spirit changed drastically, staring at the emperor vine, and said: "Do you know the ancient tree through the sky?"

"Tongtian ancient tree?" Jiang Chen whispered, then stared, and said: "You mean, the ancient Tongtian tree is as famous as the world tree!?"

"Yes! That's the one!" said the Phoenix Taoist Soul, and then explained to Jiang Chen the origin of the ancient Tongtian tree!

According to the information found in the memory of the phoenix Taoist soul after Nirvana several times, the ancestor form of the Emperor Vine is the ancient tree through the sky!

There are rumors in the world that the whole world is like branches and leaves, rooted on an invisible ancient tree.

This tree is the so-called tree of the world.

However, the tree of the world is emptiness and ethereal, and it may be possible to perceive the tree of the world, but no one has seen it.

Perhaps, the tree of the world really exists, in a certain mysterious time and space, in a certain special place.

And in this world, there is another tree that is as famous as the tree of the world, and that is the ancient tree of Tongtian!

According to legend, when the world first opened, the avenue divided many "powers."

Among them, the tree of the world is one, and the other is the ancient tree of Tongtian.

The tree of the world created the world, and the ancient tree through the sky created Taoism!

However, according to some unreliable rumors, the ancient Tongtian tree was cut off long ago, at the moment when the first batch of monks were born!

The ancient tree through the sky is known as the number one ancient scripture in the world, and it contains the supreme avenue, and you can gain the Tao through the ancient tree through the sky!

Just like this, many cultivators robbed it, but were cut off in the battle, and then dissipated.

Of course, those are all unreliable rumors.

However, according to the memory of the phoenix Taoist soul, the ancient tree through the sky has not disappeared.

That is the sacred tree transformed by Taoism between heaven and earth, how can it be destroyed?

It is said that after the ancient trees of Tongtian disappeared, they merged into the avenue, turned into the soul of the Tao, and passed on as the soul of the Tao.

However, since ancient times, no one has ever owned an ancient tree through the sky!

The only thing that can be verified is that the ancient Tongtian tree did exist.

It was also speculated that after the ancient Tongtian tree was cut off, it degraded and turned into something unknown.

"The emperor is the sky, the sky is the Tao, the Tao is the root, and the roots come from the sky..." The Phoenix Taoist soul whispered: "Among the many Taoist souls, it seems that only the emperor vine possesses the word emperor..."

"Furthermore... Before the emperor vine has been transformed, it is already like an ancient tree... You said... Will your emperor vine really evolve into an ancient tree through the sky?" The Phoenix Taoist soul muttered.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was already stunned.

The ancient tree through the sky, that is the embodiment of the Supreme Avenue and Taoism!

If the emperor vine can really advance to the ancient tree through the sky, then... isn't Jiang Chen tantamount to controlling the supreme Taoism! ?

"I have mastered the supreme Taoism, am I invincible?" Jiang Chen said subconsciously.

"You want to be beautiful." The Phoenix Taoist poured cold water and said: "Even if the emperor vine can really advance into an ancient tree through the sky, it is not that easy."

"Just like me, it took Nirvana a few times before it transformed into what it is now, but it's far from the true original form!" said Phoenix Taoist Soul.

If the original form of the emperor vine is really an ancient tree through the sky, then... I am afraid that there will be no Nirvana ten times or eight times, and it will not be able to transform into that level at all!

Furthermore, although the ancient tree of Tongtian is the foundation of Taoism, do you think that if you master the ancient tree of Tongtian, you can master all Taoism?

What a joke!

"At the beginning, the first batch of monks who were born between the heavens and the earth wanted to **** the ancient trees through the sky to make their way perfect!"

"As for controlling all Taoism, this is unrealistic."

The Phoenix Taoist explained: "Everyone is born different, and the Taoism that suits them is also different. Under normal circumstances, one person can only master one kind of Tao. Moreover, this kind of Tao, without special circumstances, will last a lifetime. Can't be consummated."

"That's not bad, too." Jiang Chen said excitedly: "I master a Tao. If I can achieve Consummation, I should be invincible in the world, right?"

"Theoretically." said the Phoenix Taoist soul: "The key is... whether your emperor vine is really an ancient tree through the sky, whether it can really be advanced into an ancient tree through the sky, this is still unknown."

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