I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 845: Hypocritical enough! I like!

"A weapon is an external force after all. Unless it is a tool for proving the Tao, under normal circumstances, it is best to rely on your own strength." Hong Yi explained.

With that said, Hong Yi suddenly turned his head, looked at Jiang Chen with a weird look, and said, "You...do you want to pit my weapon? Then take it out to sell it for a different source?"

"..." Jiang Chen's face blushed, he was so careful that he was suddenly seen through by the red shirt!

"Don't even think about it. Although the Chedi Sect is rich, you can't put all the resources on you alone." Hongyi said grimly, "Give you two drops of Daoyuan, it's already pretty good."

"Okay." Jiang Chen sighed.

Jiang Chen also understood that the Chedi Sect was good enough for him, and he should be content too.

"This time I go to the Void God Realm, if someone who surpasses my two great realms makes a move, will you stand up?" Jiang Chen asked.

You know, Jiang Chen today is a man in the Void God Realm!

Not to mention offending the Guangming clan, and now even bringing Kunlun Mountain, proudly came to Tianmen, Jueyingmen was offended.

Even those ten thousand barrels of money houses are looking for Jiang Chen!

Moreover, there is also a Nine Heaven Sect!

"I have waited before. I don't think no one is that stupid, and no one has the courage." The red clothes whispered: "Go with peace of mind."

"What does it mean to go with peace of mind... Is this to see me off, or to bid me farewell." Jiang Chen slandered, always feeling weird.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen came to the teleportation altar, followed by a burst of profound light, and once again came to the Void God Realm!

And this time, Jiang Chen came to Haotian City with familiarity.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation altar, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Looking around, there are portraits of him everywhere, and some people hold banners and warmly welcome him.

These people seemed to have known that he was back, and didn't know how long they had been waiting here.

"The strongest true **** in history, silly!"

"A warm welcome! Welcome to the only true god!"


Listening to these words, Jiang Chen couldn't mention how comfortable he was.

Although he doesn't care about fame, it's better to have something than nothing.

"Everyone, thank you very much."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, but he was a little worried.

After all, no one can guarantee that there will be strong people who will do anything to him, especially those main gods, you must beware!

After standing on the teleportation altar for a long time, Jiang Chen stepped off the altar when it was determined that no one around would do anything to him.

"Friendly fellow Taoist, how do you feel when I heard that Chen Zhulu invited you to fight this time?"

"Han Han, are you sure of this battle?"


In an instant, many people gathered around, staring at Jiang Chen one by one, as if they were interviewing.

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm not sure..."

"The only true **** is modesty!"

"I have watched your previous battles, very strong! Not weaker than Chen Zhulu!"

"Brother Hanhan, I heard that there was a bet between you and Chen Zhulu this time, but Daoyuan was actually used! Are you currently lacking Daoyuan?"


It was another round of interviews. Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word, but when Dao Yuan was mentioned, Jiang Chen looked upright and said: "I need a lot of Dao Yuan. If you have Dao Yuan in your hands, I can use equivalent ones. Things to exchange!"

Jiang Chen said it very seriously, but when the people present heard Jiang Chen's words, they stepped back one by one.

Equivalent exchange? Who will believe it if you are so serious about it! ?

Just about the incident of moving away from Guangming Fortune Land, your credit has long gone!

Still thinking of equivalent exchange? It is estimated that Dao Yuan was robbed by you as soon as he showed up!

"Hey...what do you mean? I am honest and honest, what do you think of me!?" Jiang Chen said brazenly.

"Ahem... that... silly fellow Daoist, everyone is sensible, and you know everything you do..." someone bit the scalp and said.

"Fart! I borrowed Guangming Blessed Land, and I will return it when it runs out one day!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

However, no one believed this when I said it!

"And this time, I will not only fight against Chen Zhulu, but also move a few more cave houses back!" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, and said, "You can announce this matter and let those top sects pay attention. , Maybe one day they will suddenly disappear in the Void God Realm."

When these words came out, many people laughed.

Are you kidding me?

I really thought it was a good place to grab it! ?

At the beginning, if Song Tingtao hadn't taken the initiative and killed the two guards of Guangming Blessed Land one after another, how could Jiang Chen move away from Guangming Blessed Land so easily.

Furthermore, since that incident happened, all major sects have deployed additional manpower, and they are all on guard against Jiang Chen!

"Friends...can you take a step to speak?"

At this moment, a big fat man in a brocade robe squeezed into the crowd.

He winked at Jiang Chen, and secretly stuffed a bottle of stuff to the car.

This... naked bribe!

"Oh, fellow Daoist, what do you mean? Just tell me if you have something to say, why bother to be so polite." Jiang Chen put away the spelling without red heart, then rushed out of the crowd and came to a corner.

It didn't take long for the big fat man to come with a smile.

"Friends of Taoism, you will lose every bet in the next game. It's Qianqiu's gambling house." The big fat man arched his hand at Jiang Chen and said: "Ming people don't talk secretly, Qianqiu gambling house wants to cooperate with you!"

"Qianqiu gambling? Every gambling must lose!?" Jiang Chen was shocked, this is the top power of the Nine Heavens God Realm!

It is said that the property of Qianqiu Gambling House is comparable to that of a million barrels of money!

However, the ten thousand barrels of money houses are doing business on the surface, while the Qianqiu gambling houses are doing some dark business activities.

"Cooperate with me? It depends on whether you are sincere." Jiang Chen said.

"Can you open the bottle that you gave to fellow Taoist just now?" asked every bet.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and he really hadn't seen what was in the bottle.

Afterwards, when Jiang Chen opened the bottle, his expression instantly solidified!

Just because there is a drop of Daoyuan in this bottle!

"This is a little bit of heart, and it represents the sincerity of my Qianqiu Bank." Every gambling must lose and laughed: "What? Can a simple fellow Taoist be willing to cooperate with my Qianqiu Bank?"

"I will lose my brother, look at what you said, even if I don't give me this source, I am very willing to cooperate with Qianqiu Bank!" Jiang Chen said sternly, "Qianqiu Bank Mingding Qianqiu, I am just a small monk. It is a great honor to cooperate with Qianqiu Bank!"

"It's hypocritical! I like it!" He gave a thumbs up every bet, and exclaimed: "Not only hypocrisy, but also shameless. It's great to cooperate with someone like you!

"Ahem... each other." Jiang Chen arched his hands and touched his face, secretly asking is his cheek really so thick now?

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