I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 846: Really Suppress

Qianqiu Gambling House does some unseen business, so the people who cooperate with them are basically “unseen”.

In the eyes of Qianqiu Gambling House, hypocritical and enthusiastic people are the best partners!

Of course, if it is hypocritical and enthusiastic, but also shameless and shameless enough, then this kind of person is definitely the best partner!

Obviously, Jiang Chen is definitely a good partner in the eyes of Qianqiu Gambling House!

"Let's talk about it, what a cooperative method." Jiang Chen said.

"In this battle, Aolai Tianmen Chen Zhulu really played. Do you think in the eyes of everyone, who has a better chance of winning between you and Chen Zhulu?" asked the bargain-hunting.

"Of course it is Chen Zhulu." Jiang Chen said bluntly: "Chen Zhulu has been famous for a long time, and he is also the little saint son who came to Tianmen proudly. And I just became famous, and I have a low cultivation base."

"Yes, you are right!" Every bet must be lost and nodded: "Now, all major gambling shops have opened gambling games. Do you know what your odds are? One pays nine!"

"Uh...I don't care about me so much?" Jiang Chen was stunned. When he just came down from the teleportation altar before, so many people welcomed him.

Looking at their enthusiasm, isn't it a manifestation of believing him?

"What's so...they welcomed me so warmly, they were welcoming me and I would lose..." Jiang Chen was relieved, this group of people is really realistic!

"So, Qianqiu Gambling House wants to cooperate with me. As long as I defeat Chen Zhulu, Qianqiu Gambling House will win big?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, no, not to let you defeat Chen Zhulu, but to let you lose to Chen Zhulu." Every gambling must lose, jokingly said: "Since my Qianqiu Gambling House can be No. 1 in the Nine Heavens God Realm, our operation method is naturally unique ."

"Oh? Let me lose to Chen Zhulu?" Jiang Chen wondered, what kind of operation is this?

You know, as long as he defeats Chen Zhulu, the odds are nine for one!

If you lose to Chen Zhuolu, can Qianqiu Bank still win?

"I've planned everything! As long as you nod your head, you can make sure that everyone will earn together!" Every bet must lose, as if seeing the doubt in Jiang Chen's heart, he smiled mysteriously, and said: "I will reverse the odds, and ...Will break through the commanding heights of one loss nine!"

"Even one loses ten, or even one loses twenty!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, his heart was immediately moved.

He stared at losing every bet, and said sternly: "How many points!?"

"Five to five points!" Every bet must be lost, "Although my Qianqiu Bank makes black-hearted money, the split between my partners and my partners has always been fair!"

"It's so good!" Jiang Chen whispered, and then asked: "Then...how to do it?"

"Easy!" Every gambling must lose with a confident face, and everything has been arranged.

Afterwards, his own plan was told to Jiang Chen in detail.

First of all, give Jiang Chen momentum first, let his reputation far surpass Chen Zhulu!

Then spend money to invite some people who are stronger than Chen Zhulu, let Jiang Chen fight with them, and win!

In this way, in the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Chen's strength is far superior to Chen Zhulu!

Naturally, everyone would put their bets on Jiang Chen.

At that time, Jiang Chen's odds dropped, and Chen Zhuolu's odds rose!

In accordance with the plan of losing every gambling, Jiang Chen's odds were lowered below one, and Chen Zhuolu's odds were raised to more than ten!

In this way, when the battle begins, a large group of people will win against Jiang Chen, and as long as Jiang Chen is defeated, Qianqiu Gambling House will win!

What Jiang Chen lost was nothing more than a battle.

"First build momentum, then find someone, then reverse the odds, I will fight the fake match again, and finally...divide the profit!" Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up and said: "Awesome!"

"How? How?" Every gambling must lose and asked with a smile: "Although losing the battle may lose face, limelight and reputation for you, but...in your hypocritical and shameless appearance...should be Don't care about this, do you?"

"Me? What do you think?" Jiang Chen looked straight, then couldn't help laughing, and said: "Fuck you! No one knows my true identity! What if I lose!?"

"Hahaha! I just like your serious and shameless look!" laughed at every bet!

After all, the two directly signed a contract, and it was so decided!

As for other things, Jiang Chen doesn't care about it, everything is arranged by every gamble!

Next, Jiang Chen randomly found an inn to settle in.

The next day, at the entrance of the inn, a terrifying breath erupted, and a roar like thunder sounded: "Han Han! This seat is the lower god! Invite you to fight today! Can you dare!?"

Jiang Chen was sitting in the room and practising with peace of mind. When he heard this sound, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he secretly said: "Okay, it's arranged so soon?"

Immediately, Jiang Chen got up, walked out of the inn, stared at the lower deity, and said in a deep voice: "My senior brothers and sisters said that people who surpass my two great realms should not do anything to me. You are not afraid. Did my senior brother and sister come to trouble you!?"

"Exactly, I am inviting you to fight this time, not forcibly against you!" The lower **** said: "Why? Don't you dare!?"

"The outside world spreads you like a god, and you are invincible. It looks like today...but so!"

"Huh! Why don't you dare!? Don't talk about the lower gods, even if the upper gods come, I'm not afraid! I can suppress it with a palm!" Jiang Chen was very proud, and even pointed outside the city, saying: "Now Just go!?"

"Courageous!" The lower **** had a gloomy face and flew directly outside the city.

Jiang Chen followed closely, glancing from the corner of his eye, and saw a corner on the side of the road, nodding towards him whenever he was betting.

"Hey... okay!" Jiang Chen thought to himself, he really knows how to do things every time a bet must be lost!

After more than ten breaths, when the two came outside Haotian City, they didn't have the first time to do it.

Because both of them know it well!

They are waiting until there are enough people "watching the show" before they can do it!

This is the so-called momentum building!

Jiang Chen will personally defeat this lower **** under the eyes of everyone, so as to let everyone know that Jiang Chen, the lower true god, is not weaker than the lower god!


After a half-pillar incense, the inside and outside of Vast Sky City can be said to be surrounded by people!

They all learned that Jiang Chen was going to fight the next god, and now they are all watching the show!

"You said... can you do it? No matter how strong the combat power is, it's just a lower true **** after all."

"Oh, no doubt he will lose. Who does he think he is? The next person to respect the gods can suppress him with one finger."

"The difference in realm, like a chasm, is difficult to bridge."


However, just when everyone was not optimistic about Jiang Chen, only Jiang Chen moved!

The phantom dragon and tiger on his body appeared, and a palm fell, as if the sky were falling, directly suppressing the lower **** on the ground, unable to get up for a long time!

Really Suppress!

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