I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 850: Wait slowly

Chen Zhulu has always had confidence in himself, and Aolai Tianmen has high hopes for him.

If not, he would not be regarded as the little saint son of Aolai Tianmen.

But today, he began to doubt himself.

In order to be able to step into a higher realm in the future, his condensed cultivation base and realm, today's cultivation base is condensed to Xuanzun.

However, without condensing his cultivation base, his strength is indeed weaker than Ye Yun.

Now, when he heard that Jiang Chen could defeat Ye Yun, his heart tightened.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Zhulu is still so calm, even full of confidence.

But no one knows better than him, his back is already covered with cold sweat!

"You are not weaker than Ye Yun. In the same realm, you will only be stronger than Ye Yun." An old man who accompanied him comforted: "It's just that there are some problems with your cultivation method, so in the eyes of outsiders, you are no better than Ye Yun."

"It's nothing more than nothing," Chen Zhulu said frankly.

As the old man said, he Chen Zhulu is very strong, but unfortunately, the problem with the method is too big!

In order to pursue supreme strength, he chose the taboo technique of Aolai Tianmen!

This exercise was too difficult to cultivate and the requirements were too strict, which also caused Chen Zhulu's strength to be unable to truly display.

However, in general, this strength is enough!

But now...

"If I lose, I will lose the identity of the little saint son of Aolai Tianmen." Chen Zhulu whispered: "Aolai Tianmen will lose face because of this, until I abandon me."

"This... there is no way, Aolai Tianmen is the top sect of the Nine Heavens God Realm. Sometimes it is necessary to do some things." The old man sighed.

"But I... don't want to lose." Chen Zhulu said solemnly.

He has gone from an ordinary disciple all the way to the present, and he is expected to become the true saint of Aolai Tianmen.

But who would have thought that after his clone was lost to Jiang Chen because of a Haotian meeting, he would have caused such a big trouble!

Now, he had no choice but to come and fight Jiang Chen.

Before, he was very confident, but now... there is no confidence!

"At this point, there is only one battle." The old man said: "Don't worry, even if you lose, you can stay in Aolai Tianmen, but..."

"It's just that I am no longer a little son, and I have no chance to become a true son." Chen Zhulu smiled bitterly.

This is the cruel competition within the top sects!

"Everyone, I am a silly friend. He has something to do now, and he may come here later."

At this moment, every bet must be lost, and he bowed his hands to Chen Zhulu and the old man, saying: "It's better to go outside the city first, wait a moment, and he will come over."

"Since it's here, this battle cannot be avoided." Chen Zhulu sighed: "Go and wait for him outside the city."

"It's going to war!"

"Finally waited!"

"Get rich this time! Han and Han will win!"

"It's a pity, after Chen Zhulu's battle, I'm afraid he won't be able to turn over again."


All around, the noise shook the sky, ignoring the thoughts in Chen Zhulu's heart.

On the other side, the emperor also came.

As a friend of Chen Zhulu, he also entered the Void God Realm with his true body this time.

However, he did not go to say hello to Chen Zhulu.

He knew that now Chen Zhulu was more nervous than anyone else.

"What about people?"


After a stick of incense, everyone was outside the city, waiting for Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen has never appeared until now.

Chen Zhulu frowned and asked, "What the **** is going on with him? Why doesn't he come?"

"This...maybe he is a little angry, a little bit emotional." Every bet must lose and explained: "He has entered the Void God Realm a long time ago. After waiting for you for several days, he does not appear now. Maybe he wants you Wait for him some time."

"Something makes sense." Chen Zhulu nodded without any doubt.

As for the others, no one will doubt it.

Just because Jiang Chen can beat Ye Yun, so why not be afraid of Chen Zhulu.

Since it is a sure victory, they all firmly believe that Jiang Chen must be delayed, but he will definitely come!

In this way, a group of people waited quietly, until after the three sticks of incense, Chen Zhulu asked again: "Isn't there yet?"

"On the road." Every gambling must lose and laughed, his expression was natural and calm, and said: "It's coming soon."

"Then wait." Chen Zhulu whispered softly.

And at this moment, near Qingyun Blessed Land, a dark shadow quietly approached here.

After observing the surroundings for a while, he found that there was no one in Qingyun Fortune Land, and he wanted to watch Chen Zhulu's battle whenever he wanted.

"Hey, wait slowly!" The shadow jokingly smiled, and the face in the darkness was Jiang Chen!

Afterwards, he began to deploy an array, consuming a lot of materials, and set up a large "shift" array here, and also set the coordinates!

But this time, Jiang Chen had experience and erased the mark in the blessed land!

Next, Jiang Chen went to the two blessed places of Bibo and Yaoguang, and found that there was no one inside.

This made him very excited, and it seemed that those people had gone to see Chen Zhulu fighting with him.

Moreover, the masters of these blessed lands are all top sects, and they would never have thought that someone would be so bold and come to move the mountain!

"Half a day has passed, is he coming or not?"

After half a day, Chen Zhulu was still waiting outside Haotian City, but he did not see Jiang Chen for a long time.

Every gambling must lose, his face was calm, and he said: "I am communicating with him, he is on the road, but the journey is a bit far away, but I think there will be a stick of incense, it will be time."

"No matter what, after waiting so long anyway, I care about this moment." Chen Zhulu said, but his heart became more and more nervous.

At the same time, a few people looked a little weird.

It was because they sensed that there seemed to be an accident in the blessed land where they were, and the power of the imprint seemed to disappear.

"It may be that the power in the blessed land fluctuates too much, it temporarily conceals the imprint."

"Who dares to make trouble in my blessed land of Kunlun Mountain?"


These people were very calm, and never expected that their blessed land at this moment would have been blacked out by Jiang Chen!

Time passed slowly, until sunset, until the sky turned dark, and Jiang Chen didn't see it.

In the end, when the moon rose, his face suddenly looked ugly.

He walked up to Chen Zhulu's side, first hesitantly "acted", and then said: "He said...he is not your opponent, he has given up."


"Give up?"

"Lost without a fight!?"


The sound of losing every bet is not loud, but not too small!

After his voice fell, all around was fried!

Especially those who were betting on Jiang Chen, all of them were unsteady, their eyes were black, and they almost fainted!

And Chen Zhulu was also dumbfounded, staring blankly at every bet he would lose, and asked: "Are you sure? He lost without a fight and gave up?"

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