I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 851: Definitely a habitual offender

Everyone waited for a day, and no one thought it would be such a result!

For a while, many people scolded and even threatened that this gambling game was not counted!

"Everyone has surrendered, and since they have surrendered, then this bet is considered complete."

"Yes, I'll just look at the results, not the process."


The people of the major gambling houses have spoken, and they are determined not to refund the money!

Even some gambling houses directly sent strong players to guard the major gambling houses' sub-games!

"Han Han! You cheat!"

"It's too miserable! Bankruptcy!"


For a time, many people became unsteady and overwhelmed all their net worth. As a result, Jiang Chen didn't play in the battle, so he surrendered directly!

A terrible loss!

The blood is lost!

But at this moment, Jiang Chen lost without a fight and directly surrendered. For some people, it was undoubtedly the best and the happiest!

For example, every gambling must be lost. No matter what the process is, as long as Jiang Chen loses, then even if the matter is finished, Qianqiu's gambling will make a lot of money!

There is one more person, that is Chen Zhulu!

He has been worried, as if he would lose everything if he lost!

And now, if Jiang Chen admits defeat, he has won!

Although there is no fight, so many people are watching and listening!

He doesn't care about the process, he just needs to win!

"Congratulations to the little son." The old man beside Chen Zhulu also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Chen Zhulu wins, then Chen Zhulu will still be the little son of Aolai Tianmen, and Aolai Tianmen's face will be preserved.

Even after this time, Chen Zhulu's position in Aolai Tianmen will be even higher in the future, and will even be canonized as a holy son!

"He can even fight Ye Yun, why didn't he dare to fight Chen Zhulu!?"

"There must be something tricky!"


Many people are angry and feel that something is not right!

However, the people from the major gambling houses have also spoken. They don't care about this. If these people think there is a problem with the gambling this time, they can just ask the silly people. Don't ask these things to the gambling house!

For a time, many people started to take action and sent a large number of people to look for Jiang Chen!

They want to ask to understand, they want to find out!

"he came……"

Suddenly, every gambling must lose, his face went black, and he saw three high mountains moving across the sky in the distance!

And in front of these three high mountains, a young man stood volley in the sky, surrounded by glorious ups and downs, and even the formation of talisman in the fight!

"That is……"

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like a blessed land."

"That seems to be Bibo Fudi?"

"The one in the back... is... Damn! That's the blessed place of my house!"


At this moment, many people exploded, watching their own blessed land floating towards the Vast Sky City!

"That's silly!"

"This...what is he doing?"


Soon, everyone saw the boy's face clearly, isn't it Jiang Chen?

"He's moving the mountain again!"


Someone looked weird and gave a weird cry.

Until this moment, everyone reacted!

"A habitual offender! Definitely a habitual offender!"

"He... stole the blessing again!"


In an instant, the people of the great blessed places got up and rushed directly!

They don't want to lose their blessings like the Guangming clan!

Many main gods shot directly, and with a distance of tens of thousands of miles, their palm prints and fist light were like a big sun, and they struck out!

Some people also used secret techniques to startle thunder and directly bombard Jiang Chen!

However, this time Jiang Chen was fully prepared!

He not only laid out a shifting formation, but also a lot of defensive formations!

He not only saved the three blessed places, but also protected himself!

When those attacks fell on Bai Yumi beside him, they exploded one after another, and they were all blocked by the formation!

Even the attack of the main **** has no effect at this moment!

After ten breaths, Jiang Chen brought three blessed lands to the outside of Haotian City.

He saw Chen Zhulu, waved to Chen Zhulu, and said, "We met again, it's a coincidence."

"You... are you here to challenge?" Chen Zhulu's heart was tense, and the secret road is still going to be fought after all.

He didn't know what to do, he was really panicked!

"I have given up and I am not your opponent." Jiang Chen said straightly: "I am not here to fight with you now, I am going home."

"Give up? Go home?" Chen Zhulu blinked, then frowned, and asked the old man beside him: "Is the blessed land of Aolai Tianmen still in the Void God Realm?"

"Well...I'm still here, I can sense the existence of the imprint." The old man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hurriedly sensed it, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

But the emperor on the other side was angry!

"Han Han! Put down my blessed land in Kunlun Mountain!" The emperor roared and rose into the air.

This time, he entered the Void God with his true body!

However, for Jiang Chen, whether you are a clone or your real body, it has nothing to do with him.

Around him, there are layers of formations, even if the main **** makes a move, it can't hurt him!

"Emperor, I'll borrow it for a period of time, and you won't be able to pay it back then." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Why don't you come to the blessed land of Tianmen by arrogance!?" The emperor said subconsciously, angrily in his heart.

"Limited means, you can only move three at one time." Jiang Chen said, rubbing his chin, nodding: "But what you said is a bit reasonable, proud to come to the blessed land of Tianmen, it's not bad to come, next time. You can think about it."

"Emperor! How do you talk!? Your family's blessed land has been moved away, and you want to do harm to our family!?" Chen Zhulu stared.

"Stop arguing! Stop him!"

"Can't let him go like this!"


At this moment, many people have retreated, and only the people of the main **** level are left!

They surrounded Jiang Chen, all kinds of means showed, the secret technique attack was like a violent storm, drowning Jiang Chen down!

However... everything is useless!

"Don't bother you, unless it's the King of God, or else...you can't stop me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's too much! You moved a bright blessed place before, is it not enough?!"

"Are you going to move all the blessed lands in the Void God Realm!?"


Many people yelled.

"If there is a chance, I really want to move out of the Void God Realm." Jiang Chen said seriously: "There are too many good things in the Void God Realm, and I look greedy."




Everyone is speechless, secretly saying that your heart is really big!

I also want to move out of the Void God Realm! ?

Why don't you just move away the Void God Realm? !

"You are too much."

Suddenly, a voice sounded like Sanskrit.

Jiang Chen's expression changed abruptly, his body was tight, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

Just the four words "You are too much" almost didn't explode Jiang Chenzhen's body, and even his soul and spirit were shocked!

"God King!?" Jiang Chen was frightened, secretly said that someone has become a God King now? !

Otherwise, under the protection of multiple formations, the main **** would not hurt him at all, only the **** king has that strength!

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