I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 860: Adjacent to the End of the World

Jiuyuan, Jiang Chen did not have deep contact with him, but in his heart he assumed that he was a good person.

At least, in the great turmoil of the Godless Continent, Jiu Yuan came out of the blood path and delayed for the world's creatures for a long time!

But now listening to what Bei Mingxue said, Jiang Chen couldn't be sure again.

A big boss who can kill the Nine Heavens God Realm to the point of a river of blood and bones, can he be a good character?

"Perhaps because of something, sometimes killing is not evil." Jiang Chen said.

"Perhaps." Bei Mingxue nodded, he had only seen some deeds about Jiuyuan in ancient books.

As for the specifics, no one can tell.

Perhaps, only the oldest living creatures in the Nine Heavens God Realm knew the secret.

"There are rumors that the big slaughter in Jiuyuan back then was related to the Great Thousand World outside the South Wall." Bei Mingxue frowned, "Do you know the South Wall? There are many other worlds outside, collectively called the Great Thousand World."

"I've heard of it." Jiang Chen nodded calmly.

He would not tell Bei Mingxue that there were fragments of the southern wall in his hands, even more than one piece!

"Okay, let's not talk about this, what are your plans in the future?" Bei Mingxue asked.

"Stay here now, while cultivating, while contacting those former friends." Jiang Chen said.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen's eyes were shining, he looked towards Bei Mingxue with a smile, and said softly: "Xiaoxiaoxue, I am now a disciple of the adjacent academy."

"So?" Bei Mingxue tilted her head, pretending not to know, but she knew it well!

Before Jiang Chen had fallen, he had been to the adjacent college several times.

At that time, Jiang Chen was planning to practice the supreme Taoist skills of the adjacent academy, and the end of the world was adjacent!

That is the world's top Taoist skill, and it is still complete, it is said that it involves the power of space!

It's just a pity that the adjacent college has rules, and Tianya is adjacent to the outside world. Only disciples from the adjacent college can practice.

Moreover, it is the person who will inherit the dean of the adjacent college in the future to be qualified to practice!

Therefore, even if Jiang Chen was the King of God, the adjacent college did not hand over Tianya Neighbor to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen had been here several times at that time, and they all returned home in anguish.

"Tianya Adjacent to let me read it?" Jiang Chen licked his face and said, in front of his own people, he has never been shameless or pretended to be anything.

"If I could get adjacent to Tianya, I would have cultivated a long time ago!" Bei Mingxue said grimly: "You know the rules, unless you are qualified to inherit the position of the dean of the adjacent academy, otherwise... you are not qualified to practice. "

"Xiao Xiaoxue, you must have a solution." Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "You are the Ninth Elder next to the Academy, a high-ranking authority, and now you live in the Ninth Peak in the Academy!"

"The ninth peak, this is the place where you can live next to the highest level of the college! On the eight peaks next door, the elders also live? On the middle peak, is the dean who lives here?"

"Why...you go to discuss with them?"


Jiang Chen said loudly, his saliva flew wildly, his eyes shining brighter and brighter!

Bei Mingxue frowned when she heard this, seemingly embarrassed.

She was silent for a while, as if thinking.

After more than ten breaths, Bei Mingxue said, "If the dean knows your identity, he might agree to let you practice close to the end of the world."

"This...isn't it appropriate?" Jiang Chen's face turned dark and said: "If my identity is leaked, I will be dead!"

"At that time, the adjacent college won't be able to protect me, right?"

You know, once Jiang Chen's identity is leaked, let's not say that the adjacent colleges, I am afraid that the other colleges together will not be able to shelter him!

The identity was revealed, the enemy Jiang Chen had to face, but the thirty-six most powerful gods in the Nine Heavens God Realm!

Moreover, those thirty-six main gods, now I am afraid that many of them are half-step **** kings!

These people add up, who can stop them! ?

"Then there is no way." Bei Mingxue smiled bitterly: "Unless you become the saint son of the adjacent college, there may be hope in this way."

"Shengzi? Maybe you can try it." Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

Once you become the son of the adjacent college, it means that you have the hope of inheriting the position of the dean of the adjacent college in the future!

In this way, it is indeed qualified to practice the End of the World.

"As long as I defeat the current Saint Son, I can be a Saint Son?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Theoretically." Bei Mingxue nodded and said: "But you have to know that there is more than one Saint Child."

"For each realm, a saint child will be selected and compared with each other." Bei Mingxue said: "True God Realm, Heaven God Realm, Profound God Realm, Exalted God Realm, and even the title deity, the main **** level, all have Saint Son. "

"Then I can challenge them one by one?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "It's very simple."

"Um... you can try it." Bei Mingxue looked weird, glanced at Jiang Chen, and couldn't help it, and asked: "Your ascent time is not short, right? Why are you still the lower true god?"

"Don't use ordinary people's eyes to judge, my current strength can be suppressed by Profound God!" Jiang Chen said with a serious face.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen got up, patted Bei Mingxue's fragrant shoulders, and said: "Then I am in the adjacent college, and I will be your personal disciple of Bei Mingxue, so I have an identity."

"It's up to you, don't cause me big trouble." Bei Mingxue said indifferently: "I can handle general things for you."

"Xinglai!" Jiang Chen smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen directly rose into the air and flew out from the ninth peak.

Bei Mingxue looked at Jiang Chen's leaving back, how could she not know what he was going to do.

"Someone is going to suffer." Bei Mingxue secretly said, praying silently for those saints.

Before long, it was adjacent to the College Square.

Jiang Chen landed here with a smile on his face and asked a young man beside him: "This big brother, do you know who the saint child of the true **** realm is? Where is the person?"

"What are you looking for him for?" The young man was stunned, looked up and down Jiang Chen, then he realized, "Are you going to challenge him?"

"Smart!" Jiang Chen smiled: "Quickly tell me where he is."

"Just you? The lower true god?" The young man looked contemptuous, and said: "People are upper true gods, and they are also named as saint sons. One can imagine how strong his talents are and how strong his combat power is.

"Since he was named the Saint Son of the True God Realm, all those who challenged him were suppressed by him, and no one succeeded in the challenge."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen waved his hand, a little impatient, and said, "You can tell where he is."

"Hey, isn't that right?" The young man made a stubborn mouth, only thinking about a young man in the middle of the square who was practicing magical skills.

Jiang Chen turned around and looked. When he saw the boy, his expression instantly became weird, and his expression became more colorful after a few breaths!

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