I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 861: Long Song Son

Jiang Chen never dreamed that he would meet him here!

The appearance of the boy was exactly the same as that of the long song, there was no difference at all!

But Jiang Chen knew that that person was not chanting long songs!

"The body of the long song!" Jiang Chen's expression was very rich, pointing to the other person, and asking the people around him: "Are you sure it is him?"

"Yes, it's him, Chang'an Changge, a very strange name, but very strong!" The boy said, "But it's very strange. He has cultivated for a long time, but he has been stuck in the realm of true gods, and he doesn't know how. What's going on."

"Maybe you want to dominate the position of the Saint Child of the True God Realm. After all, to become a Saint Child, the cultivation resources are too rich."


"Oh." Jiang Chen whispered, then jokingly smiled, and said: "From today on, he is no longer the saint son of the true god."

"What?" The young man was dumbfounded, but saw that Jiang Chen had already walked towards Chang'an Changge.

Chang'an Changge seemed to have noticed it. He looked up, and when he saw Jiang Chen, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

To him, Jiang Chen is very familiar, giving him a very familiar feeling.

However, he is a physical psychic, without the subject's memory, so he doesn't know who Jiang Chen is.

He didn't even know that he was a physical psychic, and he always thought he was a complete creature.

"The subject's memory is not there, but I still remember my real name." Jiang Chen walked closer and jokingly said: "It's been a long time."

"I woke up with this name." Chang'an Changge said, frowning and wondering: "There is a feeling of deja vu."

"It's more than a deja vu..." Jiang Chen muttered: "You thought of your own ascension at the beginning, but the long song was miserable!"

When the body of the long song is soaring, it happens to be when the Godless Continent is moving!

As a result, this physical body was indifferent, and Gu himself soared.

At that time, Jiang Chen and Nian Changge were blown up!

If, at that time, Changge could merge with the physical body, he had already recovered to the peak, that great turmoil could be suppressed by raising his hand!

"Stop talking nonsense with you, have a fight? If you win, you continue to be the son of the saint, and if you lose, the saint son will let me." Jiang Chen said straight, having no good feelings about the body of the long song.

"You are not my opponent." Chang'an Changge whispered, shook his head and said: "I am invincible with the real god."

"Invincible, you leg!" Jiang Chen spit out directly, he himself didn't call the True God Realm invincible, a guy with a physical body and psychic would dare to be so arrogant! ?

"What I said is true." Chang'an Changge said seriously: "Under the gods, I am invincible!"

"Oh? Under the gods?" Jiang Chen jokingly smiled, pointing to the ring not far away, and said: "Well, let me see what you are invincible under the gods."

Having said that, Jiang Chen stepped out in one step, as if a swan passing by, and instantly stood on the ring.

As the Son of God, Chang'an Changge naturally can't be shy.

He was also a flash, and he came to the ring in an instant.

"Huh!? Someone challenged the Son of Long Song again!?"

"I'm afraid this person doesn't know, Changge Son is extremely strong, even the gods are not his opponents!"

"I remember, isn't this guy just the disciple that Elder Bei Ming has just accepted! It's the silly and silly fellow of the Void God Realm!"


Suddenly, more and more people in the square crowded around the ring.

Someone narrated Jiang Chen's strength and his "brilliant and glorious" deeds in the Void God Realm.

However, some people were dissatisfied, thinking that if Changge entered the Void God Realm, there would be no part of Jiang Chen!

All of a sudden, the disciples of the adjacent academy divided into two factions. Some supported Jiang Chen and some supported Changge.

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked very relaxed, standing on the ring, squinting his eyes, and whispering: "You go first."

"You go first, as a holy son, I should know how to be modest." Chang Ge said.

"Oh? Really?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "Then...you have to be ready."

"Pick you up with your bare hands." Chang Ge is very confident, after all, his combat power is already extraordinary.

However, Jiang Chen deliberately wanted to teach Long Song today, how can he start lightly? It would be good if he didn't beat the opponent to death!

At this moment, I saw Jiang Chen's body shine, dragons and tigers phantom appeared, and more vines stretched out from behind him!

Clusters of immortal fires burned, and the Taoist Soul of the Phoenix manifested in a long cry and stopped on the vines.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen squeezed his fist, and the dragon and tiger's momentum was like a mountain and a river pressing in, giving people a feeling of suffocation!

The back spine turns into a dragon, the ribs on the chest are like tigers, a rose blooms, and a fist strikes out at this moment!



Like a shooting star in the dark night, it illuminates everything in a flash and cuts through the darkness!

With one punch, it seems to sweep everything, and even suppress everything!

"Remember what you said, pick me up with your bare hands." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and after hitting this punch, there was no follow-up action.

At this moment, Chang Ge stared at him, his body exploded, extremely powerful!

Jiang Chen made a rough estimate, and based on the aura of the long song, he could indeed compete with the upper gods!

However, compared with him, it is far worse.

"Compared with the main body, you are really weak." Jiang Chen said contemptuously.



At this moment, an explosion sounded, and the long singer's palm pushed out horizontally, and two radiances of black and white appeared in his palm!

The brilliance is like two carps, and under the current reversal, Jiang Chen's fist marks are broken!

"Oh damn?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Even though he didn't use his full strength with that punch, the ordinary cultivator of the Celestial God level could not catch it at all!

Even the lower Profound God could not hold back this punch!

But now, the long song is really bare-handed!

"I said, I am invincible under the gods." Chang Ge raised his eyebrows, slightly arrogant, and said: "Next, it's my turn to take action."

"Does your family fight one by one? Turn-based!?" Jiang Chen said angrily. When the voice fell, the people were like phantoms, and they rushed out!

This time, Changge didn't hesitate, the black and white brilliance appeared on his body, and there seemed to be two black and white koi swimming behind him, vaguely turning into a yin and yang Tai Chi picture!

"The Son of Long Song is so fierce! He has realized the power of yin and yang!"

"This is one of the top powers in the world! It's not unreasonable that he can be a holy son!"


However, just as everyone admired, they saw Chang Ge's body flying upside down like a broken kite, and finally fell under the ring.

Someone witnessed all this, and saw Jiang Chen suddenly burst into the glow of light, and then he slapped him down, abruptly shaking Long Song into the air!

"Simple and rude! Worthy of being naive!"

"Cut, what's this? You haven't seen him fight in the Void God Realm, that's sturdy! Especially when hitting the **** of Jiu Tianxia, ​​it's really...cough...awe-inspiring!"


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