I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 867: Skywrath

The stench rushed to the sky, permeating the entire adjoining college, and even the spiritual grass and spiritual trees planted in the college were affected and slowly withered!

Bei Mingxue's face was livid, and she looked at the cave where Jiang Chen was located. The things like gutter water flowed out of Jiang Chen's cave!

"What are you doing!?" Beiming's snow exploded, and it didn't take long for him to come to the adjacent college, and he did this kind of thing! ?

I really thought that with me covered, you can do whatever you want in the adjacent college! ?



However, just as Bei Mingxue was about to enter the cave mansion where Jiang Chen was located, a thunderbolt crashed down above his cave mansion!

A thunderbolt in the sky, like a broken Milky Way falling down, if it were not for the formation of the adjacent college, this thunder would be enough to destroy the entire Ninth Peak!

"what's the situation!?"

"That... seems to be a catastrophe?"


A group of people are puzzled, is it possible that someone wants to overcome the catastrophe?

"Ninth Elder, are you going to cross the calamity?" The Eighth Elder asked.

"It's not me!" Bei Mingxue looked solemn, and looked up at the condensing robbery cloud in the sky, uncertain.

Just because this tribulation cloud is a bit special, it is not a tribulation!

The ordinary heavenly robbery cloud will carry the aura of the great avenue, but the now condensed robbery cloud is full of an aura of destruction!

There is even an inexplicable taboo power surging in the robbery cloud!

Just like the thunder that destroys the world, it makes people throbbing!

"It's God's punishment!? God's punishment!?"

"I can't see..."

"This is... Heavenly Fury!"


Finally, someone saw the difference in this "Heavenly Tribulation", and with an exclamation, all the powerhouses on the back mountain retreated one after another.

Bei Mingxue didn't dare to be careless, Sky Wrath was far more terrifying than Heaven Scourge Heaven Punishment!

From ancient times to the present, Skywrath has rarely appeared, and only when it angers God and touches taboo things can it arouse skywrath!

At this moment, the major elders shot, and the formation enchantment came out, isolating the Ninth Peak.

Just because this day's anger is aimed at the Ninth Peak!

If you don't isolate the Ninth Peak, when the sky's fury falls, the entire adjacent college will be bombed!

"Stop me!"

At this moment, a curse came from the Ninth Peak.

Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone, Jiang Chen rushed out of the cave.

He also sensed the "Heaven Tribulation". At this moment, his body was stained with stinky water, and he slowly walked out of the cave, preparing to cross the Tribulation.

But when he looked up and saw the anger that day, his face collapsed!

"This... Heavenly Fury!?" Jiang Chen's eyes widened and his whole body trembled.

"Boy! What did you do!?" The Eighth Elder said solemnly, "Do you want to destroy the adjacent college?"

"Smelly boy! What did you do that angers people!? This kind of anger can be attracted!?"


A group of elders shouted angrily, pinching their noses, they couldn't bear the smell!

"I... didn't do anything." Jiang Chen said weakly, but he was still very excited.

Just because, just now, after swallowing a whole pot of Taoist fluid, the lantern bearer behind Wanhua Tianzhan finally appeared!

Although it is still a bit vague, the phantom of the lantern bearer will not dissipate anymore!

This should be the advanced stage of Wanhua Tianzhan.

But what Jiang Chen didn't expect was that Wanhua Tianzhan's advancement would actually attract such a big movement, and it would even provoke the wrath of the sky!

"This thing... With my current strength, can I get through it?" Jiang Chen asked himself, feeling really bottomless.

Because the catastrophe of Heaven's Fury is rare in eternity, and no one can ever survive it!

This is the catastrophe of destruction, once it falls, everything will be destroyed!

But now, Jiang Chen can only bite the bullet!

"I hope I can get through it!"

Jiang Chen thought in his heart, rising in the air, standing in the air, while constantly adjusting his state.

The phantom of the dragon and the tiger manifested behind it, two Dao souls were up and down on both sides, and there were three ray of chaos hidden in the unquenchable fire.

Jiang Chen used all means, and the formation enchantment was already arranged!

After ten breaths, Jie Yun suddenly exploded, and then a bright red palm fell!

It was condensed from the thunder of destruction, as if it was soaked in blood, with an aura of destruction, as if to destroy the entire world!

Although Bei Mingxue and others didn't feel deeply in it, they could still feel the horror of the thunder!

"This kid, what a disaster!"

"What are you doing in a daze!? Quickly strengthen the formation, if the power of anger leaks out this day, the adjacent college will be smashed!"


At this moment, in the adjacent college, the major mentors, elders, and even the dean were impatient.

The adjacent college was destroyed, but it could be rebuilt.

However, with so many disciples in the entire adjacent college, there is absolutely no way to survive the wrath of the sky!

"Let you enter the adjacent college, I don't know if it is right or wrong..." Bei Mingxue smiled bitterly, and together with many elders, began to strengthen the formation barrier.



At the same time, a burst of noise came out, and the **** palm that thunder turned into a fall fell, and in an instant it shattered all the formations and barriers that Jiang Chen had arranged!

The trend of this **** palm did not abate, and it slowly fell, and under a slight shock, it directly shook the Emperor Vine back into Jiang Chen's body!

"Little bird! Hold it for me!" Jiang Chen shouted, pinching his fist marks with both hands, and the ghost of Dragon and Tiger roared!

"Look at this seat!" The undead Taoist soul looked Ling Ran, flapping its wings, and the immortal fire rushed into the sky, like an ancient divine bird in the evening!

However, as soon as the unquenchable fire touched the **** palm, it was shaken away.

Immediately afterwards, under a weird cry, the Phoenix Soul was also shocked back into Jiang Chen's body!

"Let me take it?! So scary!?" Jiang Chen was full of sweat, and he secretly said that this time I am afraid that he will suffer!

The two Dao souls were directly shocked back into the body, and now there are three wisps of Chaos Qi and himself left!

And the power contained in this blood-colored palm hasn't diminished in the slightest!

"I don't believe it anymore, a sky anger can really kill me!" Jiang Chen stared, Ling Dan stared!

The next moment, I saw his hands dancing, fist prints shaking out one after another!

It is as if one after another shining sun is thrusting upwards, when it collides with that **** palm print, it blooms, like the brightest firework in the world!

It's just a pity that no matter how strong Jiang Chen's fist mark is, he can't stop this **** palm!

In just a few breaths, the blood-colored palm fell on the top of Jiang Chen's head, only a few feet away from his Tianling Gai!

At this moment, Jiang Chen was trembling all over, and a devastating pressure enveloped his whole body!

The bones are trembling, the blood is boiling, and the spirits and souls are trembling!

It seems that everything has been suppressed, and Half-Life has stepped into the Jedi!

"I used to open the sky before, so I can still be afraid of your anger on this day!" Jiang Chen roared in his heart. Although his heart was guilty, he also knew that whether it was Heaven's Tribulation, Heaven's Punishment, Heaven's Wrath, etc., its powers are all the same as those who cross the Tribulation His own cultivation is related!

Therefore, this seemingly deadly wrath may still have a glimmer of life!

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