I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 868: Supreme Dao Fruit

As we all know, all "catastrophes" are related to the cultivation of the robbers themselves.

A monk in the realm of true gods, the "catastrophe" that comes down cannot exceed the realm of true gods.

However, there are many kinds of calamity, some are strong, some are weak, but in the final analysis, they will not exceed the critical point of this realm.

However, there are many people in the world who will fall when crossing the catastrophe.

The main reason is that their cultivation is flawed, not complete enough, and the foundation is not stable.

Therefore, in many cases, many people will borrow some things, such as formations, enchantments, talisman, and weapons.

In this way, there is hope to survive the catastrophe.

But sometimes, even if all means are used, some people will still die in catastrophe.

In the final analysis, it is still not deep enough.

If the foundation is solid and the realm is perfect, then no matter how powerful the calamity is, it can be easily overcome.

"All the catastrophes in the world are nothing more than a test and tempering of the cultivator by God." Jiang Chen whispered.

Just like now, Skywrath looks terrifying, but in fact it does not surpass the level of the real god!

However, this day's anger is simply too much for ordinary people to survive!

Just because everyone's cultivation is more or less flawed!

"I have cultivated to this day, and I think there is no flaw in my realm!" Jiang Chen stared at him, stopped shaking his fists, and stood proudly in the air.

He raised his head to look at the **** palm that was close at hand, and said coldly: "Why don't you use the sky's fury to verify your own Tao fruit!?"



As soon as the voice fell, I saw the **** palms fall, pressing them on Jiang Chen's Heavenly Spirit Cover!

For a moment, everyone only saw the blood-colored brilliance drown everything, like a sea of ​​blood, overturning everything!

"Jiang..." Bei Mingxue exclaimed, subconsciously calling out Jiang Chen's real name, but still held back.

But her heart picked up!

After more than three thousand years of waiting, is it just that we have just met, and we are going to die again?


"What's the matter!? Am I dazzled?!"


Suddenly, many strong men stared, and saw an unknown flower bud manifesting in the sea of ​​blood that thunder turned into!

The flower buds are crystal clear, just like the most perfect thing in the world!

Under the thunder of blood, the flower buds gradually bloomed!

Time passed slowly, and after ten breaths, the buds completely bloomed, a beautiful flower that made people demented, and amazed the eternal blooming of rose flowers!

Among the flowers, there is a figure standing proudly.

Behind him, the dragon and tiger phantom hovered, and there was a vague blue light rising and falling.

After the green light, the emperor vine and phoenix stood quietly, seemingly silent forever, never moving.

And the most shocking thing is that behind all that, there is a vague phantom!

Where does it stand, it seems to be integrated into the void, and it seems to flow in time and space!

The phantom stood straight, with one hand on the belly and the other holding a blue lamp.

And Jiang Chen, with an expression on his face at the moment, stood there quietly.

After more than ten breaths, the robbery cloud dissipated, the **** thunder disappeared, and all the visions on Jiang Chen disappeared.

Only himself, with a smile on his face, stood proudly there like a vigorous old tree.

"My way is perfect!"

"My cultivation base is not flawed!"

"My foundation is indestructible!"


Jiang Chen whispered, his previous guesses were correct!

He tried his own Dao Fruit with Heaven's Fury, and passed it safely!

"He... survived Skywrath!?"

"This... could it be said that... he..."


At this moment, many people thought of a legend!

According to legend, when a creature survives the wrath of the sky, it can calm the wrath of the sky!

From now on, his path will be unimpeded!

That is when the wrath of the sky has subsided, and a door will be opened for this person, and a road will be opened to the top of the pinnacle!

"Supreme Achievement!"



Several elders whispered out, they know what this means!

Jiang Chen, at a young age, his cultivation, the so-called Tao fruit, has reached the supreme level!

This is the supreme Tao fruit!

"Each cultivator is different. According to his own cultivation situation, his strength will be divided into different levels."

"The Tao fruit of ordinary people belongs to the Tao fruit of the human character, which is the most common Tao fruit."

"Further up is the earth word Tao fruit, the sky word Tao fruit, and the Hunyuan Tao fruit."

"When you arrive at Hunyuan Daoguo, it means that this person is extraordinary and is expected to become a **** king!"


At this moment, in the corner adjacent to the academy, a white-haired old man explained to a young man beside him: "There are tens of millions of monks in the world, but there are only a handful of people who can cultivate their Dao Fruit to the level of Hunyuan!"

"Such as those top main gods, their Dao Fruits are at the Hunyuan level! They are expected to hit the position of the King of Gods!"


Hearing this, the young man beside the old man couldn't help asking: "What about the Supreme Dao Fruit?"

"The Supreme Dao Fruit... is almost invisible, at least in today's environment, few people can do this."

"However, as long as he cultivates his Dao Fruit to the supreme level, then his future prospects and achievements are limitless and beyond estimation!"


"Then...Master, what kind of fruit do I belong to now?" the boy asked.

This young man was very handsome and handsome, standing tall and straight like a crane.

People like him, no matter where they go, are the most shining ones.

And this person is the Great Son of the Adjacent Academy, that is, the Son of the God-level title!

The old man beside him is the dean of the adjacent college!

"Your Dao Guo... is infinitely close to the Supreme, but after all, it is still Hunyuan Dao Guo." The dean laughed: "Hun Yuan Dao Guo is enough."

"Do I have any hope of hitting the Supreme Dao Guo?" the boy asked.

"Impossible." The dean shook his head.

"Dao Guo, it has been doomed from the moment you practice." The dean said: "The reason why monks want to practice a higher level of exercises is that their own Dao fruits are more advanced."

"If you want the Supreme Dao Fruit, then... you need to practice again! Start from the beginning."


For many people, especially for monks of high realm, it is impossible to abandon everything and re-cultivation from the lowest realm!

No one wants to give up everything!

What's more, Infinite Jieyin Supreme Dao Fruit is already rare in the world!

"Is there no way?" the boy asked.

"There is a way." The old man whispered, "If you are someone who has the Supreme Dao Fruit, I will help you. Maybe you can wash the marrow and cut the bones and recast Dao Fruit."

Speaking of this, the dean couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said: "No one with the Supreme Dao Fruit would be willing to do this, after all, doing so would damage them too much."

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