From the moment the monk cultivated, he determined a person's Dao Fruit level.

However, this is not certain.

Someone can change their Dao Fruit and advance!

There are also people who re-cultivation, pursuing the most perfect Supreme Taoist fruit!

And all of this, to use four words to describe it, is "changing fate against the sky."

At this moment, the dean told this young man that he wanted to change his Dao Fruit. In addition to a few special circumstances, there was another situation, that is, a person with the Supreme Dao Fruit would help him advance!

But, under normal circumstances, no one wants to do this!

A person with the supreme Tao fruit can differentiate part of his own Tao fruit and plant it into others like a seed.

Until it sprouts and grows, it will eventually change another person's Taoism.

But if you do that, a person with the Supreme Dao Fruit is tantamount to the lack of Dao Fruit, which will have a great impact, and even the foundation will be broken!

This is a taboo!

Therefore, no one wants to do this!

"He is a disciple of the adjacent academy. If the dean speaks, he has no reason to refuse, right?" the boy said.

"That is the result of forcibly depriving others of the Tao. This is a big taboo." The dean sternly said: "Don't think about these crooked ideas."

"But... I'm not reconciled," the boy said.

He is the Son of the Adjacent Academy, and even the Son of the title of God!

His future achievements are limitless, and he is even expected to inherit the position of dean!

Of course, the premise is that the smiling **** abandons the position of dean.

And this young man had also heard some rumors that the smiling **** might not come to inherit the position of the dean!

In this way, in this adjacent academy, in the end, it is possible that the person most hopeful of inheriting the position of dean is him!

But now, when a person with supreme Tao fruit appeared, he felt pressure, even threat!

He is not reconciled!

"Dean, is there any other way?" the boy asked.

"Saito, practice hard. With your talents, coupled with Hunyuan Dao Guo, the future is extraordinary." The dean said.

However, after hearing this, Saito's heart sank to the bottom.

Before, when discussing these topics, the dean would tell him clearly not only that he has an extraordinary future, but he will also be able to inherit the position of the dean in the future.

But now, I just said that the future is extraordinary, and I didn't mention the position of dean!

"I'm not reconciled!" Saito yelled in his heart. After so many years of cultivating in the adjacent academy, he could be in the position as soon as he could. He didn't want to lose everything like this!

"Dean, I will work hard." Saito whispered, and then left the place.

At this moment, Jiang Chen has returned to the cave, looking inside his soul.

In the soul world, the Wanhua Celestial Lamp has not changed, but beside it, the phantom is more and more solid, just like a real person!

However, his facial features are still very vague, and his appearance cannot be seen clearly.

"Is this an advanced level?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Aroused the wrath of the sky, it should be regarded as an advanced level." Phoenix said.

"But this... the price is too high!" Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

In order to advance the Wanhua Tianzhan, Jiang Chen practiced the soul-lifting magic skill every day, and spent a lot of means, converging the source of Taoism everywhere, and constantly filling it with Taoist fluid.

With so many essences, changing to other Dao souls, you have already advanced several times!

But when he got to Wanhua Tianzhan, he only advanced once.

"I feel like I can't afford it." Jiang Chen sighed.

"After all, it is the first soul in the world, and it is normal to not be able to raise it." Phoenix said: "However, looking at it, it seems that it can be advanced."

"Do you think I'm blind? How about you say it?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

The appearance of the lantern-bearer has not yet manifested. Although the phantom is solid, it hasn't really taken shape yet!

It's still far from the true form of Wanhua Tianzhan!

"How many sources does it take to advance it to its final form?" Jiang Chen whispered.

"Perhaps there is no hope in this life." Phoenix said: "Since ancient times, no one has advanced the Wanhua Tianzhu. You have advanced it once. It is already very good, so you just accept snacks. , Be satisfied."

"Satisfied? Maybe." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, very helpless.

After all, he has three Dao souls, and it is impossible to use all the resources on the Wanhua Celestial Lamp.

Furthermore, no one knows how many Yuan Dao liquids will be needed for Wanhua Tianzhan's next advancement!

Jiang Chen felt that in this life, I am afraid that he would be mad!

"It's nothing more, put it aside for the time being, let's fix the dragon veins and tiger souls first, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing to stay in the lower true god." Jiang Chen muttered.

Although Jiang Chen's current combat power is very terrifying, enough to suppress the upper Profound God.

However, this realm is a matter on the bright side, just like a face.

Jiang Chen has always been in the lower realm of true gods, and his old face will be red too!

"Would you like to go to the Void God Realm again?" Phoenix Taoist Soul said tentatively, "There are so many good things in there!"

"Don't go for now." Jiang Chen shrank his neck, afraid after a while.

I have caused such a big wind wave in the Void God Realm, and if I go in now, it is estimated to be very dangerous!

Even those at the main **** level are very likely to disregard the warnings of Luo Shu and others and directly act on him!

"Cultivate first, anyway, the adjacent college is safe." Jiang Chen whispered.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of Jiang Liu and others.

Before meeting Jiang Liu and others in the Void God Realm, Jiang Chen actually forgot to ask where they are now!

It's better now, it's not easy to talk to Jiang Liu and others.

However, those people who want to come can take good care of themselves, otherwise they will not have the life to enter the Void God Realm.

"Han Han Taoist friend, can you be here?"

At this moment, Saito's voice came from outside the cave.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen got up and walked out of the cave. When he saw Saito, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I am the Saint Son of the God-level Adjacent to the Academy. I have long admired the name of Hanhan Junior Brother, and I am here to see you today." Saito said with a smile on his face, very kind.

"Oh." Jiang Chen whispered: "I've seen it now."

After all, Jiang Chen turned around and wanted to return to the cave.

"Senior brother, wait a minute!" Saito hurriedly spoke, reached out and took out a jade clean bottle, and said: "Senior brother, I heard that you need Daoyuan, brother, there are just a few drops here, you can use it first."

"Oh?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, but did not take Daoyuan from Saito's hand.

It's just because Jiang Chen was aware of Saito's first sight, this person is not easy!

In particular, although Saito is well hidden, there is a hint of coldness deep in his eyes!

"Let's talk, what's the matter." Jiang Chen whispered: "Nothing does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, nothing does not give money."

"Han Han Junior Brother, what can I do, that is, I will all be seniors and seniors in the future, all in the same college, take care of each other." Saito smiled.

"Really?" Jiang Chen's eyes drooped slightly and his face was expressionless, but he was wondering what he and the guy wanted to do.

Like I have nine female apprentices, please collect them: ( I have nine female apprentices whose literature is updated the fastest.

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