I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 888: Ancient **** king

Jiang Chen has been guarding against Saito. This person has come to show his hospitality several times. There is definitely a ghost!

However, Jiang Chen never expected that Saito was so courageous that he wanted to borrow the Yin and Yang two qi springs to get rid of him!

We must know that Jiang Chen is now a saint son of the three realms adjacent to the college, and is also a direct disciple of Bei Mingxue!

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen is still close to the end of the world!

This means that Jiang Chen has the hope of becoming the dean of the adjacent college in the future and is one of the candidates for the dean!

With these few levels of identity, Saito dares to make such a blatant move, this is not a shame!

However, perhaps even Saito himself did not expect that this time it was not Jiang Chen who went to the Yin and Yang Erqi Spring, but Jiu Tianxia!

"I'll be the master for you!" Jiang Chen's face was cold, and a hint of guilt flashed in his eyes.

After all, Jiu Tianxia was completely implicated this time, and had nothing to do with her!

And now, the nine worlds are seriously injured, and their lives are hard to protect!

"I... want to go home..." Jiutianxia's voice was very weak. Although the injury has temporarily stabilized, the Huadao fluid in the body is still there!

It is too difficult to eradicate this venom!

If it can't be eradicated, the cultivation base of the Nine Worlds, don't think about diligence in this life!

Even her life will die at any time!

"Okay, go home!" Jiang Chen whispered, hugging Nine Worlds, and walked towards the teleportation formation adjacent to the college.

The journey was unimpeded, and Saito didn't show up either, which made Jiang Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, Saito is indeed too strong for Jiang Chen now, and he is already a titled god.

No matter how powerful Jiang Chen is, he is not Saito's opponent.

And now, as long as you return to the Nine Heavens Sect, everything will be easy!

"Sleep, you will be fine after you wake up." Jiang Chen whispered, holding Jiu Tianxia and stepped onto the teleportation formation.

With the glory flying, the two stepped into the space channel, but after only a dozen breaths, the space channel collapsed!

Jiang Chen staggered and fell from the void, and the terrifying void storms were turning like sharp blades!



Accompanied by muffled noises, Jiang Chen's body was cut, and even cracks appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and the soul almost exploded!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's physical body was strong enough, and he and Jiu Tianxia were protected by Wanhua Tianzhan and three wisps of chaos at the first time, which saved his life!

"What a big hand! Even the space channel can be cut off!" Jiang Chen was startled, glanced around and didn't know where he was now.

At the same time, Jiang Chen's heart is also a little cold!

Just because the **** king can't cut the void channel for half a step, then what level of power is cutting the void channel this time! ?

In other words, the collapse of the space channel was just an accident! ?

"It can't be an accident! How could there be such a coincidence!" Jiang Chen secretly said, quickly concealing his own breath, and at the same time clearing the surrounding traces and blood stains.

Afterwards, he picked up Jiutianxia, ​​planning to find a place to ask for directions, and then borrowed the teleportation array to send Jiutianxia back!

However, before he could go far, a terrifying coercion suddenly covered this area!

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying divine mind erupted, like a violent wind, sweeping every inch of this thousand miles!

"Heh... it's really not a coincidence." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. From the intensity of this divine mind, Jiang Chen knew that this person's cultivation had reached the realm of the divine king!

"Is it Saito's invitation? I'm here, there is no one around, you can show up." Jiang Chen put Jiu Tianxia aside, then straightened his waist and stood in place.

After a few breaths, Saito and an old man stepped out from the other side of the void.

"Your life is really big!" Saito saw Jiang Chen's first glance, and said coldly: "Yin and Yang two Qi Springs did not kill you, and Void Storm could not tear you apart!"

"Why? Want to kill me so?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Why?"

"Because you took away what originally belonged to me!" Saito looked grimly, and said: "The end of the world adjacent to the end of the world was originally mine! The position of the dean should have been mine!"

"And you, it's only been a few days since you entered the adjacent academy. That old immortal thing will teach you Tianya adjacent to you because you have the supreme Tao fruit!"

"Damn old guy!"


Jiang Chen stared at Saito and slowly said, "I never planned to inherit the position of the dean of the adjacent college."

"But they all made a decision! If not, why teach you the neighboring world!?" Saito roared: "A bunch of old things, all **** it!"

"Yes, even if there is only one person today, I can't escape death." Jiang Chen whispered, then his eyes fell on the old man, frowning, and said: "God King?"

"Entrusted, little brother, sorry." The old man said, there was no emotion in the words, like a walking dead.

"As a **** king, with dry blood and energy, how many times have you lived?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

You know, in this era, no **** king is born yet!

The **** kings that appear now have survived a few times ago.

"Forget it, it's too long." The old man shook his head, suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Tianchen, it's a pity that you have been admiring your name for a long time...You are no longer the peak now."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen was very calm. After all, he already knew that in front of the **** king, all secrets would be understood!

However, Qi Teng's eyes widened, his face was full of unbelief!

"He is... Tianchen!?" Saito whispered.

"Yes, he fell three thousand years ago, but not long ago, the entire Nine Heavens God Realm knew that he did not die, but was reincarnated to the Godless Continent." The old man smiled.

With that, the old man's eyes flashed with emotion, and he said with emotion: "If you are at the peak at the same time, I really want to pass you."

"Yes, I have never encountered a duel between gods and kings in my life." Jiang Chen sighed.

"What **** king! You are going to die today!" Saito said coldly. Now, he will not manage Jiang Chen's identity.

Now that it has been shot, it is like the arrow that leaves the string, there is no turning back!

Moreover, Saito's identity is not ordinary. Since he can invite the ancient **** king, he is not afraid of those high-level people who are adjacent to the academy.

"You can kill me, can you let her go? This matter has nothing to do with her." Jiang Chen pointed to Jiu Tianxia and sighed.

"Do you think that one of you two can leave alive today?" Saito sneered: "Cut the grass to get rid of the roots, but you can't save it for future trouble."

"You kill me, it's okay. But if you really kill him, I don't care how strong the power behind you is, but it will definitely be destroyed!" Jiang Chen stared.

However, as soon as the voice fell, a very domineering but tender voice rang out in the void: "Is it really all right to kill you? Can you ask my opinion?"

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